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The thread about how we should play


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A 4-4-2 with three players on their wrong foot is absolutely ridiculous btw, especially when the fourth player is Simpson who can't cross.


That formation is all about the delivery and we simply don't have it.

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Just to add to what Yorkie said, alternating Cissé and Ba at the front would also make us deeper in attack since we'd only be playing 1 centre-forward at a time. We have several players who can play wide in a front 3: Marveaux, Amalfitano, Obertan, Jonas.

I think Pardew knows all this, he just needs to grow the pair needed to drop either Cissé or Ba from game to game.

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I don't think it's anything to do with Ba, I just think that's how Pardew wants to play, that's how he played nearly all last season. As tight as possible, get it into the front men as early as possible, hope that the quality we've got will win us the game.


Whatever the fuck it is it needs to stop

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For me, Pardew changing to 4-3-1-2 over 4-3-3 demonstrates his primary objective is to keep Ba/Cisse happy by playing them in a front 2. How long will he continue to hinder the team before he recognizes  that we really should be playing 4-3-3?

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I think Wullie is spot on, I can't believe Pardew would go for a formation he didn't like just to accomodate one player.


Up until today we have clearly been trying to play a shorter passing game from defence, so I don't think "get it forward early as possible" is necessarily one of Pardew's philosophies.

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Ah right, that much seems obvious.


Not to all the people who have argued that keeping Ba happy is the reason.


Keeping Ba happy is a very plausible reason. Otherwise:


Why else play 4-4-2 when it is obvious to everyone that 4-3-3 suits our players better?


Why change to 4-3-1-2 (a system our team has not played much in) instead of 4-3-3 unless to keep Ba happy playing as a central striker?



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Interesting to see we went 4-3-1-2 for the majority of today, don't think it was really the right game to try it though as it suited a narrow Villa who were OK to sit back after they went up. It was a decent idea and it was nice to see something different but we should simply have 4-3-3 as plan A and use others to pull us out of the shit. Hopefully AP's starting to realise that it just doesn't suit the players.


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For me, Pardew changing to 4-3-1-2 over 4-3-3 demonstrates his primary objective is to keep Ba/Cisse happy by playing them in a front 2. How long will he continue to hinder the team before he recognizes  that we really should be playing 4-3-3?


Missed this, I agree.

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We only played 442 today until Simpson went off injured.


Yep, once again we switched to 4-3-3 for the second half and once again it paid off.


I thought Pardew had learned from the Spurs game where he also switched at half time and it paid off then too.


We've got a limited squad and very little option to change it. Go with 4-3-3 and pray we don't get injuries.

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We only played 442 today until Simpson went off injured.


Yep, once again we switched to 4-3-3 for the second half and once again it paid off.


I thought Pardew had learned from the Spurs game where he also switched at half time and it paid off then too.


We've got a limited squad and very little option to change it. Go with 4-3-3 and pray we don't get injuries.


Was more of a 4 1 2 1 2 for long periods today, with Bigi sitting deeper and then Jonas left central and Cabaye right central midfield with Ben Arfa playing more central off Cisse and Ba.

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We only played 442 today until Simpson went off injured.


Yep, once again we switched to 4-3-3 for the second half and once again it paid off.


I thought Pardew had learned from the Spurs game where he also switched at half time and it paid off then too.


We've got a limited squad and very little option to change it. Go with 4-3-3 and pray we don't get injuries.


Was more of a 4 1 2 1 2 for long periods today, with Bigi sitting deeper and then Jonas left central and Cabaye right central midfield with Ben Arfa playing more central off Cisse and Ba.


Agree you can call it that I suppose. Second half Ben Arfa was more central than he was second half against Spurs and had more freedom to roam, so yeah the front three had a different shape. There does seem to be a desire from Pardew to accommodate the two forwards in the role they want. Problem is they both want to be a number 9, neither will do the support role of a number 10. They don't work for each other, neither can hold the ball up particularly well, win headers, work the flank etc.


When we started today's game Ben Arfa was around the halfway line right side, with Gutierrez on the other side, in what looked like a flat 4-4-2 and it was awful, just as it was against Spurs first half.

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