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Alan Pardew


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Odd how people have started posting in this thread now that we are safe. Who'd have thunk it.


My favourite bit is where fans tell other fans how to behave/feel/act. Cracking stuff.



Sorry, did I infringe on your sarcasm patent? Didn't realise it was an across the board situation :undecided:


I think we should just let our club slide further into the mire with a manager that is nowhere near capable of managing this team and has proved that unequivocally this season.  That's the better idea. We must not entertain the possibility of change as every fan on here who wants Pardew gone wants Ashley to spend 100000 billion pounds on Messi and all the bestest players in the world.

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Want Pardew out because you think it'll improve the team? Stop caring about the team then.


Whew, where's this come from? Wullie, Spider, Sandra? As Inochi pointed out, that was in relation to Morrissey's post at the top of the page about how he was on the verge of self-harm due to Pardew being our manager.



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I don't think anybody is arguing that Pardew has done a good enough job this season, just that the chances of him being canned are slim at best due to the commitment the club very publicly gave him, so how can anybody be massively surprised that he will be given another crack at the whip when this is exactly what they said they would do at times of adversity. Also, the sheer denial of mitigating circumstances by some and the personal hatred for Pardew comes across as very childish to me, but hey ho..

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An entirely non-contributory argument about who is contributing more.  Irony.


The irony of your post. Lol


Sorry I couldn't help it.


:lol:  I know, never mind, we haven't had enough iron knees since Demba.

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The problem with the club's blueprint now is that they believe stability will bring rewards yet don't seem to give the manager sufficient freedom to build his own team. I don't think that works long term. There's no point sticking with the same man over a long period while giving him little control over transfers.


I think Ashley got his fingers burnt with Allardyce, who it seems had greater freedom to bring in his own type of players and left us with a load of dross on sizeable wages that had to be cleared out. Since then, Keegan was messed around and Pardew seems to have little say over who comes in. The way the club is run we could probably do with a manager who is more adaptable than Pardew and can work with what he's given because that's how it's going to be under Ashley. I'm still doubtful good managers will come to work under those circumstances but hopefully the size of the club might tempt an up and coming manager.


It's a totally confused approach from the top.  It's like they want to try all methods at once.


They clearly stated that they must put an end to big pay-outs for managers being sacked...but moreso for the massive restructuring job required on the squad every time a manager goes.


It makes good business sense to have a coach independent of recruitment.  Have a club policy on transfers and an interchangeable manager that can be jettisoned and replaced with out too much distruption.  Kepp him on his toes.


But then, they've got the notion that a manager needs stability and support, irrespective of his performance he should get a long term contract and be entrusted to build...despite not having any say on transfers.


Totally shambolic and contradictory policies.  The second one only works for an empowered Manager, able to build his vision of a squad.  The former only works if you actually replace underperforming managers.

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The problem with the club's blueprint now is that they believe stability will bring rewards yet don't seem to give the manager sufficient freedom to build his own team. I don't think that works long term. There's no point sticking with the same man over a long period while giving him little control over transfers.


I think Ashley got his fingers burnt with Allardyce, who it seems had greater freedom to bring in his own type of players and left us with a load of dross on sizeable wages that had to be cleared out. Since then, Keegan was messed around and Pardew seems to have little say over who comes in. The way the club is run we could probably do with a manager who is more adaptable than Pardew and can work with what he's given because that's how it's going to be under Ashley. I'm still doubtful good managers will come to work under those circumstances but hopefully the size of the club might tempt an up and coming manager.



Llambias (or possibly even Mort) was very clear about this point in the aftermath of Allardyce leaving. They were astonished at the cost of player turnover associated with every managerial change - of course, every manager insists on having enough time (and cash) to bring in and bed 'his own' players before being judged on results.


It was said at the time that the club would be moving away from this 'traditional' method in order to separate player acquisitions and the manager's role. Whoever was in charge would be given a squad and expected to concentrate on getting results from that.


Worked a treat last season,. not so much this season.


EDIT: what HF said

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He's not saying that, though, is he? Isn't more of retort to the whole 'woe is me, my life can't possibly go on' comments that we're subjected to an a daily basis?


I'd put it down to people being a bit more emotional towards the club than others.  At least they're not just some part-time posters who have just come back again after everything has turned out OK to try and wind people up.


I've not agreed with much that you've said in the various threads but at least you have been present battling in your corner and at least arguing your case, not just turning up to belittle people.






These people aren't genuine - if they are, then they need to seek urgent professional advice. You'd have thought we'd been relegated with the way they're posting. It's not been pretty, it's not been as straightforward as it should have been, but it's done now.


If you're genuinely angry or wanting to do something about the situation, then go and help out KI and his "fruitless protest" at the weekend. If you're not able to do that, then chip in with the other sensible idea in that thread of putting the failings that you've seen all season into words and figures that can be distributed to the media/club/fans.


Do something proactive about the club you love, or do something else. All this negativity must be ruining your mood.


And there you go again.  Guess I struck a nerve then.


I'm not feeling particularly negative.  Ambivalent, disappointed at another wasted season, but not screaming and preparing to jump off a tall building at the news that Pardew is probably going to be here next year.

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I don't think anybody is arguing that Pardew has done a good enough job this season, just that the chances of him being canned are slim at best due to the commitment the club very publicly gave him, so how can anybody be massively surprised that he will be given another crack at the whip when this is exactly what they said they would do at times of adversity. Also, the sheer denial of mitigating circumstances by some and the personal hatred for Pardew comes across as very childish to me, but hey ho..


My feelings exactly.

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He's not saying that, though, is he? Isn't more of retort to the whole 'woe is me, my life can't possibly go on' comments that we're subjected to an a daily basis?


I'd put it down to people being a bit more emotional towards the club than others.  At least they're not just some part-time posters who have just come back again after everything has turned out OK to try and wind people up.


I've not agreed with much that you've said in the various threads but at least you have been present battling in your corner and at least arguing your case, not just turning up to belittle people.




And there you go again.  Guess I struck a nerve then.


You're pointing out that you're a great poster?

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The problem with the club's blueprint now is that they believe stability will bring rewards yet don't seem to give the manager sufficient freedom to build his own team. I don't think that works long term. There's no point sticking with the same man over a long period while giving him little control over transfers.


I think Ashley got his fingers burnt with Allardyce, who it seems had greater freedom to bring in his own type of players and left us with a load of dross on sizeable wages that had to be cleared out. Since then, Keegan was messed around and Pardew seems to have little say over who comes in. The way the club is run we could probably do with a manager who is more adaptable than Pardew and can work with what he's given because that's how it's going to be under Ashley. I'm still doubtful good managers will come to work under those circumstances but hopefully the size of the club might tempt an up and coming manager.


It's a totally confused approach from the top.  It's like they want to try all methods at once.


They clearly stated that they must put an end to big pay-outs for managers being sacked...but moreso for the massive restructuring job required on the squad every time a manager goes.


It makes good business sense to have a coach independent of recruitment.  Have a club policy on transfers and an interchangeable manager that can be jettisoned and replaced with out too much distruption.  Kepp him on his toes.


But then, they've got the notion that a manager needs stability and support, irrespective of his performance he should get a long term contract and be entrusted to build...despite not having any say on transfers.


Totally shambolic and contradictory policies.  The second one only works for an empowered Manager, able to build his vision of a squad.  The former only works if you actually replace underperforming managers.

We are at an interesting time with respect to the expectations of managers and their roles within clubs. Its entirely possible we are seeing more young managers coming through with an expectation of being more a 'coach' than a broader decision-maker. You cant underestimate the impact of the Keegan episode on Ashley's view of what he needs in a manager. This is why we ended up with Pardew who is no better than Hughton or Allardyce. Its just, from an HR perspective, Pardew is a better employee and a better cultural 'fit'. Its therefore entirely sensible that Ashley found someone he could work with. I'd like to think that the younger managers coming through nowadays, who may have different expectations of what the role means, can also fit into Ashley's model. I dont know if thats true as the younger talent is either raw and risky or proven and ambitious. I suspect Pardew will go if, as everyone expects, the results dont improve next season. In this case i'm not sure i share the pessimism about the next appointment as there may be a bigger pool of candidates with the right 'fit'. Its not clear to me that is true or that Ashley's learning curve is taking him towards being able to identify an astute footballing coach/manager.


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I'd put it down to people being a bit more emotional towards the club than others.  At least they're not just some part-time posters who have just come back again after everything has turned out OK to try and wind people up.


I've not agreed with much that you've said in the various threads but at least you have been present battling in your corner and at least arguing your case, not just turning up to belittle people.


Is that aimed at me like?  I've got twice as many posts on here as you :D


Part timer indeed.


Not sure who else has come back.

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You're pointing out that you're a great poster?


Where did you get that from?  I'm pointing out that at least unlike some people on this board who have disapeared from the football forum on a couple of occaisons, strangely enough when it was all going down the toilet, to suddenly reappear when it was all OK that at least people like Inochi and Ian were at least still 'fighting thier cause' in the face of a lot of opposition.

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I fucking wish I'd only just come back once we were safe. :lol:


This thread is like a bad batch of smack. You know it's not going to be enjoyable but because you're an addict you have to get involved & do it anyway even though the end results are pain.


Sounds like a reasonable description of the club.

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Guest alijmitchell

Jesus, this thread. Telling people to get a grip and not reduce the amount of importance they place in Newcastle United is really petty. We all have differing opinions on the way things are going, and may well have more or less investment in the club emotionally because we all have different things in our lives that we might give to, such as kids, spouses, work, hobbies etc. Can someone not accept that it is entirely possible that some people will be more upset than others without telling people to get a grip?


You know, for some people the club might be the only thing that they have right now, so it might just hurt a little bit more, since we are all human, can we not just accept that as being okay? For what it is worth, if someone actually was thinking of self harm because of the situation, then a barrage of abuse about people being hysterical fannies is probably not going to help the situation.


For those of you who seem to have adopted this tone with people and are happy to accept the managerial situation as it looks like it is going to be, you are welcome to feel like that, but please, leave it at that.

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Guest Gemmill

You know, for some people the club might be the only thing that they have right now, so it might just hurt a little bit more, since we are all human, can we not just accept that as being okay?


:lol: Dawson's Club.

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You're pointing out that you're a great poster?


Where did you get that from?  I'm pointing out that at least unlike some people on this board who have disapeared from the football forum on a couple of occaisons, strangely enough when it was all going down the toilet, to suddenly reappear when it was all OK that at least people like Inochi and Ian were at least still 'fighting thier cause' in the face of a lot of opposition.


I don't know if you deliberately missed the part where I wrote "if football isn't providing your escapism, go and find something else to occupy your thoughts" - I learnt during the Souness, Allardyce and Keegan fiascos that there's little to be gained from constantly arguing on the forum with people who are blinded by their anger and despondency.


As much as I admire Ian W and Inochi for sticking up for their guns, all it has served them (to date) is to be painted by some of the forum clique as WUMs and figures of ridicule.


That this then gets jumped on by the sycophantic newcomers, desperate to be part of this mythical forum 'cool crowd' (right, Wullie?), only adds to the suffering.


Anyways, we're digressing from the thread title...although little has been added in the past few weeks. Has the "don't mind if we lose 0-4" comments been recognised as (misplaced) frippery?

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You're pointing out that you're a great poster?


Where did you get that from?  I'm pointing out that at least unlike some people on this board who have disapeared from the football forum on a couple of occaisons, strangely enough when it was all going down the toilet, to suddenly reappear when it was all OK that at least people like Inochi and Ian were at least still 'fighting thier cause' in the face of a lot of opposition.


Excellent post from a fine poster.

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Guest alijmitchell

You know, for some people the club might be the only thing that they have right now, so it might just hurt a little bit more, since we are all human, can we not just accept that as being okay?


:lol: Dawson's Club.


Dawson's Club? Am I missing something here?


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Is that aimed at me like?  I've got twice as many posts on here as you :D


Part timer indeed.


Not sure who else has come back.


SOOPAFAN!!!  :cheesy: :lol: :shifty:


I've been here longer so I'm using the seniority card so there.  You are just collateral damage, but obviously have a guilty conscience.  I can understand why people have avoided this part of the board like a plague due to the very toxic atmosphere, but at least you've added to the debate.  I've just got an aversion to the reappearance of a few with nothing more to do than say 'HURR HURR look at this dick'.

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