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Alan Pardew


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Guest icemanblue

It's a combination of Ashley making the stadium look like a bring and buy sale for one of his shops, Pardew and his brand of shit football, and apathy at the whole god damn mess.


The atmosphere really is a mash of bad things rolled into one big shit sandwich.


How do you know that, bimpy?

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It is still very good when it gets going, Ben Arfa's goal against Fulham onwards the atmosphere was excellent. I just feel it shouldn't really take somethign special to wake the crowd up, from the moment the first whistle is blown, the crowd should be fully behind the players on show, given them full support but we aren't. I think Ashley is largely to blame for this as well mind you for splitting up the singing section in level 7 in favour for the family enclosure, the away fans used to pick the home crowd up at times but now you just forget that they are actually there.

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I wonder why happy face spends so much time defending Pardew?


For someone that claims he doesn't like him and think he should had been sacked.  Very odd.


Because i don't cut off my nose to spite my face.  You need to think decisions like that through to their logical conclusion.


Would his replacement be an improvement?  Would he get money to spend?  Would he handle Ben Arfa as well? Would he handle the Kinnear situation as well?




I don't see why it's too difficult to answer yes to all of those questions if you hire an intelligent manager who hasn't got a huge reputation yet.


Like who, man?! I've seen you post this a few times now. Who is Mike Ashley going to employ?


I would get Poyet in, I don't know how many times I have to keep saying it. Would Mike Ashley? How the fuck would I know?


Poyet hasn't got an ounce of the self restraint Pardew has shown to keep the club on an even keel. Poyet would be shitting on desks and slating the chairman in no time.



Is that a fact? I would have thought the chance to manage a top premier league club and top players would bring some perspective with it as well. I would prefer a manager who had some ambition tbh, rather than a PR merchant like Pardew who will pick up his wages and read from the script.

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I wonder why happy face spends so much time defending Pardew?


For someone that claims he doesn't like him and think he should had been sacked.  Very odd.


Because i don't cut off my nose to spite my face.  You need to think decisions like that through to their logical conclusion.


Would his replacement be an improvement?  Would he get money to spend?  Would he handle Ben Arfa as well? Would he handle the Kinnear situation as well?




I don't see why it's too difficult to answer yes to all of those questions if you hire an intelligent manager who hasn't got a huge reputation yet.


Like who, man?! I've seen you post this a few times now. Who is Mike Ashley going to employ?


I would get Poyet in, I don't know how many times I have to keep saying it. Would Mike Ashley? How the fuck would I know?


Poyet hasn't got an ounce of the self restraint Pardew has shown to keep the club on an even keel. Poyet would be shitting on desks and slating the chairman in no time.



Is that a fact? I would have thought the chance to manage a top premier league club and top players would bring some perspective with it as well. I would prefer a manager who had some ambition tbh, rather than a PR merchant like Pardew who will pick up his wages and read from the script.


Course its not a fact. You don't know how he'd do any more than I do. I just see him in the di canio mould of cock end.


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Guest firetotheworks

It is still very good when it gets going, Ben Arfa's goal against Fulham onwards the atmosphere was excellent. I just feel it shouldn't really take somethign special to wake the crowd up, from the moment the first whistle is blown, the crowd should be fully behind the players on show, given them full support but we aren't. I think Ashley is largely to blame for this as well mind you for splitting up the singing section in level 7 in favour for the family enclosure, the away fans used to pick the home crowd up at times but now you just forget that they are actually there.


See, now you're back on to saying what the crowd should be doing again. I take it back, you're talking shite mate. :lol:

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Guest bimpy474

It's a combination of Ashley making the stadium look like a bring and buy sale for one of his shops, Pardew and his brand of shit football, and apathy at the whole god damn mess.


The atmosphere really is a mash of bad things rolled into one big shit sandwich.


How do you know that, bimpy?


From the comments on here and other sites/forums of the people who go. If you look at most comments as a whole, and there are quite a few to build up a picture of the feeling about this. There's a definitely anti Ashley (obviously) feeling, the stadium adorned with Sports Direct everywhere, and the football, especially from the comments on here leans to the apathy comment. There's still no Pardew out movement, which i've noted from many comments of posters on here along the lines of "i cant believe the people around me still back him" "chanting give us wave Pardew " etc. That shows that a fair few fans are just accepting things as they are.


I couldn't believe some of the posters on here saying even after the Liverpool and Sunderland defeats, that people were still not blaming Pardew. All told it doesn't give for a great atmsophere. I dont think it'll come back until Ashley rather than Pardew is gone to be honest. He really is the head of the snake.


Also i knew why you were asking, admittedly this is a bit of guess work, since the last time i went was nearly two years ago. Actually i've put a nearly £300 quid away to make sure i can come up for a few games this season. Now i have a new car i'm ok with driving up. 600 mile round trip but still. But anyway, you can build a pretty good picture up from the comments of people there, watching on the TV and internet doesn't give you an insight at all really. Obviously the best thing is to be there like.

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Canny rich to expect the crowd to get fully behind a club that basically admits to having no ambition. What exactly are they supposed to be cheering them on to?


It has to be give and take and all NUFC want to do is, at best take from the fans, at worst just completely take the piss out of them.

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I knew Laudrup would get that reaction.  See how he copes with this season in the Europa after having a dig at Pardew, then I'll eat my words.


You reckon he'll change his footballing philosophy because of a few extra games?

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It is still very good when it gets going, Ben Arfa's goal against Fulham onwards the atmosphere was excellent. I just feel it shouldn't really take somethign special to wake the crowd up, from the moment the first whistle is blown, the crowd should be fully behind the players on show, given them full support but we aren't. I think Ashley is largely to blame for this as well mind you for splitting up the singing section in level 7 in favour for the family enclosure, the away fans used to pick the home crowd up at times but now you just forget that they are actually there.


See, now you're back on to saying what the crowd should be doing again. I take it back, you're talking s**** mate. :lol:


Ehhhhhh  :lol:


I've said we don't impact results and we aren't to blame but that's not an excuse just to turn up and create a negative atmosphere which is a disgrace? You agreed to that. Away days don't blame Pards' dross, we still create an excellent atmosphere on that front, so why the SJP has turned into a dark cloud i don't know, but we need to get rid of it.

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It is still very good when it gets going, Ben Arfa's goal against Fulham onwards the atmosphere was excellent. I just feel it shouldn't really take somethign special to wake the crowd up, from the moment the first whistle is blown, the crowd should be fully behind the players on show, given them full support but we aren't. I think Ashley is largely to blame for this as well mind you for splitting up the singing section in level 7 in favour for the family enclosure, the away fans used to pick the home crowd up at times but now you just forget that they are actually there.




The club even stopped people relocating to L4 as it was needed for something else? Despite it having the least season ticket holders in the ground.


More noise and we'd have been closer to the pitch.


Such a cock up.


Home games now for a whole host of reasons are beyond shit

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Guest firetotheworks

It is still very good when it gets going, Ben Arfa's goal against Fulham onwards the atmosphere was excellent. I just feel it shouldn't really take somethign special to wake the crowd up, from the moment the first whistle is blown, the crowd should be fully behind the players on show, given them full support but we aren't. I think Ashley is largely to blame for this as well mind you for splitting up the singing section in level 7 in favour for the family enclosure, the away fans used to pick the home crowd up at times but now you just forget that they are actually there.


See, now you're back on to saying what the crowd should be doing again. I take it back, you're talking s**** mate. :lol:


Ehhhhhh  :lol:


I've said we don't impact results and we aren't to blame but that's not an excuse just to turn up and create a negative atmosphere which is a disgrace? You agreed to that. Away days don't blame Pards' dross, we still create an excellent atmosphere on that front, so why the SJP has turned into a dark cloud i don't know, but we need to get rid of it.


You don't know why SJP has turned into a dark cloud? In terms of the away fans vs home fans you're talking about a difference in tens of thousands of people.

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It is still very good when it gets going, Ben Arfa's goal against Fulham onwards the atmosphere was excellent. I just feel it shouldn't really take somethign special to wake the crowd up, from the moment the first whistle is blown, the crowd should be fully behind the players on show, given them full support but we aren't. I think Ashley is largely to blame for this as well mind you for splitting up the singing section in level 7 in favour for the family enclosure, the away fans used to pick the home crowd up at times but now you just forget that they are actually there.


See, now you're back on to saying what the crowd should be doing again. I take it back, you're talking s**** mate. :lol:


Ehhhhhh  :lol:


I've said we don't impact results and we aren't to blame but that's not an excuse just to turn up and create a negative atmosphere which is a disgrace? You agreed to that. Away days don't blame Pards' dross, we still create an excellent atmosphere on that front, so why the SJP has turned into a dark cloud i don't know, but we need to get rid of it.


You don't know why SJP has turned into a dark cloud? In terms of the away fans vs home fans you're talking about a difference in tens of thousands of people.


Only thing i can point to is Ashley splitting the main singing section up, strawberry corner now tries to get other parts of the ground going but even they are falling on deaf ears. Think being beside the East stand massively affects that bunch though, might be a fancy view in the East Stant but they've been s*** year in year out, no excuse for them lot, they've rarely joined in regular chanting at any period. The whole stadium now is worse than it's ever been including the season we went down, the only thing we have actually got better at is the fact there hasn't been any negative Pardew chanting, we've actually improved in that aspect of things...strangely.


Agree about the difference between home and away, was just making it clear Pardew’s dross football isn’t to blame why SJP has got worse, there’s been worse football on offer and had better atmosphere’s than now.


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I would dispute that there's been football much worse than this in my twenty years following NUFC and there's certainly never been less ambition. If you can't see why that lack of ambition carries over to the support then I fear for your sanity.

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I knew Laudrup would get that reaction.  See how he copes with this season in the Europa after having a dig at Pardew, then I'll eat my words.


You reckon he'll change his footballing philosophy because of a few extra games?


It's not a question of his philosophy changing. I don't think it will.


More having the players to keep playing it for an extra dozen games and whether the opposition get the measure of them.


I don't like the bloke. Slagging off Pardew when he's not done 2 seasons anywhere since Brondby seemed twatish.  Maybe he can keep it going at Swansea. He's not shown that capacity anywhere else yet though.

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I would dispute that there's been football much worse than this in my twenty years following NUFC and there's certainly never been less ambition. If you can't see why that lack of ambition carries over to the support then I fear for your sanity.


Come 3 oclock Saturday i'm not thinking 'I wish Ashley would show ambition' though. I'm thinking about getting behind the players who are currently fighting to get 3 points for our team. Outside of the ground is more an area for questioning ambition, not inside.

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It's a combination of Ashley making the stadium look like a bring and buy sale for one of his shops, Pardew and his brand of shit football, and apathy at the whole god damn mess.


The atmosphere really is a mash of bad things rolled into one big shit sandwich.


How do you know that, bimpy?


Got to say as someone who goes to every home game that's not really true, SJP is probably no better or worse than any other top sports venue.

I don't notice the SD stuff being any more visible than any other club's major sponsor, maybe someone with an axe to grind would see it differently.

For sure a top Premiership stadium is an excellent fit with Ashley's core business interest so he's going to milk it. Be daft of him not to.


Regarding the atmosphere, it's held up pretty well considering. Nowt like the old days but quite good compared to other modern all seater grounds.

Ironically it was better versus West Ham and Fulham than against Hull, despite a bigger crowd and away following. It's difficult to explain, look at Man U, they're champions, play superb football and have the biggest crowds in Britain yet the atmosphere is often crap and they're looking to try and artificially create one.

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I knew Laudrup would get that reaction.  See how he copes with this season in the Europa after having a dig at Pardew, then I'll eat my words.


You reckon he'll change his footballing philosophy because of a few extra games?


It's not a question of his philosophy changing. I don't think it will.


More having the players to keep playing it for an extra dozen games and whether the opposition get the measure of them.


I don't like the bloke. Slagging off Pardew when he's not done 2 seasons anywhere since Brondby seemed twatish.  Maybe he can keep it going at Swansea. He's not shown that capacity anywhere else yet though.


When did he "slag off" Pardew?


Genuinely can't remember it.

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Guest bimpy474

It's a combination of Ashley making the stadium look like a bring and buy sale for one of his shops, Pardew and his brand of shit football, and apathy at the whole god damn mess.


The atmosphere really is a mash of bad things rolled into one big shit sandwich.


How do you know that, bimpy?


From the comments on here and other sites/forums of the people who go. If you look at most comments as a whole, and there are quite a few to build up a picture of the feeling about this. There's a definitely anti Ashley (obviously) feeling, the stadium adorned with Sports Direct everywhere, and the football, especially from the comments on here leans to the apathy comment. There's still no Pardew out movement, which i've noted from many comments of posters on here along the lines of "i cant believe the people around me still back him" "chanting give us wave Pardew " etc. That shows that a fair few fans are just accepting things as they are.


I couldn't believe some of the posters on here saying even after the Liverpool and Sunderland defeats, that people were still not blaming Pardew. All told it doesn't give for a great atmsophere. I dont think it'll come back until Ashley rather than Pardew is gone to be honest. He really is the head of the snake.


Also i knew why you were asking, admittedly this is a bit of guess work, since the last time i went was nearly two years ago. Actually i've put a nearly £300 quid away to make sure i can come up for a few games this season. Now i have a new car i'm ok with driving up. 600 mile round trip but still. But anyway, you can build a pretty good picture up from the comments of people there, watching on the TV and internet doesn't give you an insight at all really. Obviously the best thing is to be there like.

It's a combination of Ashley making the stadium look like a bring and buy sale for one of his shops, Pardew and his brand of shit football, and apathy at the whole god damn mess.


The atmosphere really is a mash of bad things rolled into one big shit sandwich.


How do you know that, bimpy?


Got to say as someone who goes to every home game that's not really true, SJP is probably no better or worse than any other top sports venue.

I don't notice the SD stuff being any more visible than any other club's major sponsor, maybe someone with an axe to grind would see it differently.

For sure a top Premiership stadium is an excellent fit with Ashley's core business interest so he's going to milk it. Be daft of him not to.


Regarding the atmosphere, it's held up pretty well considering. Nowt like the old days but quite good compared to other modern all seater grounds.

Ironically it was better versus West Ham and Fulham than against Hull, despite a bigger crowd and away following. It's difficult to explain, look at Man U, they're champions, play superb football and have the biggest crowds in Britain yet the atmosphere is often crap and they're looking to try and artificially create one.


You've said something there that my best friend (Man Utd supporter who goes to a dozen home games or so), has said on many occasions, that the atmosphere is very flat at Man Utd. When he watches on the TV it seems lively but when he's there he says it a complete contrast.


As for us, i was generalising from what many of said and described. I stand on the point that once Ashley is gone, it'll be a weight lifted.  For all the Pardew arguments, Ashely is the one who needs to be gone. Even Pardew would do better imo if he had a Chairman backing him properly.

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I knew Laudrup would get that reaction.  See how he copes with this season in the Europa after having a dig at Pardew, then I'll eat my words.


You reckon he'll change his footballing philosophy because of a few extra games?


It's not a question of his philosophy changing. I don't think it will.


More having the players to keep playing it for an extra dozen games and whether the opposition get the measure of them.


I don't like the bloke. Slagging off Pardew when he's not done 2 seasons anywhere since Brondby seemed twatish.  Maybe he can keep it going at Swansea. He's not shown that capacity anywhere else yet though.


Pardew's CV hardly pisses all over his. What did he say about Pardew? I must have missed that.

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I would dispute that there's been football much worse than this in my twenty years following NUFC and there's certainly never been less ambition. If you can't see why that lack of ambition carries over to the support then I fear for your sanity.


Come 3 oclock Saturday i'm not thinking 'I wish Ashley would show ambition' though. I'm thinking about getting behind the players who are currently fighting to get 3 points for our team. Outside of the ground is more an area for questioning ambition, not inside.


Come 3 o'clock on Saturday I'm usually thinking "Christ this is going to be fucking boring" and it inevitably is. You can feign excitement as much as you like but you can't expect everyone to buy into it. The team shows next to nothing on the pitch to be interested in and the club doesn't want to achieve anything.


I certainly don't see the players fighting to get three points either, you're not seeing what I am if that's what you see when you watch them.

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Canny rich to expect the crowd to get fully behind a club that basically admits to having no ambition. What exactly are they supposed to be cheering them on to?


It has to be give and take and all NUFC want to do is, at best take from the fans, at worst just completely take the piss out of them.


Spot on. Ultimately, the club will get out what it puts in. It's seriously no wonder that people are disheartened. All we ever get told is that we can't compete, sovereign state, overdraft, over the line, trying, trying, tried, failed, JFK etc etc etc.

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It's a combination of Ashley making the stadium look like a bring and buy sale for one of his shops, Pardew and his brand of shit football, and apathy at the whole god damn mess.


The atmosphere really is a mash of bad things rolled into one big shit sandwich.


How do you know that, bimpy?


Got to say as someone who goes to every home game that's not really true, SJP is probably no better or worse than any other top sports venue.

I don't notice the SD stuff being any more visible than any other club's major sponsor, maybe someone with an axe to grind would see it differently.

For sure a top Premiership stadium is an excellent fit with Ashley's core business interest so he's going to milk it. Be daft of him not to.


He can advertise what he likes as long as he's prepared to pay the going rate for it.

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