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Who fancies having a thoroughly fruitless protest against Pardew?

Guest firetotheworks

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Guest firetotheworks

I think the point is that no one even knows that we're pissed off. Everyone think's we're fine with this, and tbh we are, because we're doing fuck all about it.

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Of course a protest isn't going to make Mike quiver in his boots and sack Pardew, after assuring him his job is safe.


But what it will do is gain a bit of press coverage in the papers, make journalists see how the fans feel.  And they'll want to write more about the pressure on that manager because there's a popular movement and interest in it.  If a protest even adds a few percentage points to the Pardew sack-o-meter, it's worth all of it.

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Guest icemanblue

Inochi, nee offence mate, but if you think there's 'no need for protests' then I don't even know what to say. Pardew must go, if it takes any kind of minute nudge for that to happen, then I'm more than happy to be the one doing it, as are hundreds of people on here. Geordie cliche' my entire arse, this isn't a kneejerk, he's had an entire season and been given chance after chance, he's blamed everything but himself, including us.


I can knock up some "MAKE THINGS GO EXACTLY HOW I WOULD LIKE THEM TO" banners for this, if you'd like.


I'll make a "WE GRATEFULLY ACCEPT WHATEVER s**** WE'RE SERVED" banner on a blanket sewn together out of my payslips.


That'll look good, actually. You going to be there?


Working weekends atm. Wary of putting money into the club while the owners continue to take the p*ss anyway though.


Ah right. Never mind then. Thought that counts. :thup:


I bet your little eyes lit up when you saw this thread :lol:


It's just a depressing thought, to be honest. We all know how s*** the season's been, the football's been and the manager is. That'll probably get dealt with in the summer. There's simply no need for protests, bed sheets and 'Geordie cliches'.


If he's not going to be sacked there absolutely is a need for protest. I don't care about Geordie cliches, I care about us improving as a team and I believe it won't happen with Pardew in charge. I'm not sure on the state of mind you'd have to be in to view people protesting for things they believe in to be depressing, but I'm glad I don't share it.


I'm not disputing that he needs to go, not even a little bit. That isn't the srgument here. I just can't understand how a 'protest' consisting of, at most, a couple hundred people is going to make absolutely sure that'll happen. It just won't. It'll be embarrassing and we'll be roundly mocked.


If he's going to be binned, it'll be because of everything that's gone on this year. The biggest message we'll send next Sunday will be delivered with a quarter full stadium during the 'lap of honour'.


That's not the case at all and I find that opinion really sad. People don't vote for the green party because they think they'll win. They do it because it's what they believe in. This is no different and I don't think protesting in an intelligent and timely manner is at all embarrassing. This is the right time to make a point. Season over so no effect on results. Absolutely sure that he's not the right man. Full season given, all excuses considered.


This is about making ourselves heard, not about other people disagreeing or it being spun as a Geordie cliche'. It's brainwashing if you think doing that is embarrassing.


Ugh, man. You can find it as sad as you like, but you're deluded (wahey!) if you think it'll make the owner sit up and suddenly realise he absolutely must sack the manager.


I really don't care if you, or anyone, thinks I'm brainwashed or have had my 'fight and passion' battered by the owner. I pay my money, year on year, so I'm entitled to an opinion. The same with you and yours.


I've just  said that I don't think it'll make a difference. At least I have the spine to stand up for something I believe in instead of being scared about what other people think. You won't be there, we get it. Nothing you say will change me going.


Spine? I don't believe in it, so I won't support it. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone, you can do what you think is best. I couldn't care less what other people think, that much should be obvious by now. :lol:

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Guest firetotheworks

I even said in the title thread that it's a fruitless protest, yet people are coming out with 'what difference will in make?' :lol:

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Think people are under-estimating Ashley's attitude towards the fans. When the fans last protested he ended up putting the club up for sale and had he found a buyer he'd be gone. Fans voiced their unhappiness at renaming St James' Park and by hook or by crook the name was restored. My opinion is that Ashley probably thinks every thing has blown over and there's no ill feeling at the moment. He was at the match yesterday and would have heard fans chanting 'give us a wave' to Pardew.

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Of course a protest isn't going to make Mike quiver in his boots and sack Pardew, after assuring him his job is safe.


But what it will do is gain a bit of press coverage in the papers, make journalists see how the fans feel.  And they'll want to write more about the pressure on that manager because there's a popular movement and interest in it.  If a protest even adds a few percentage points to the Pardew sack-o-meter, it's worth all of it.


:thup: anything which helps shine a brighter light on the magnitude of Pardew's failure can only be good

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Guest Gemmill

Of course a protest isn't going to make Mike quiver in his boots and sack Pardew, after assuring him his job is safe.


But what it will do is gain a bit of press coverage in the papers, make journalists see how the fans feel.  And they'll want to write more about the pressure on that manager because there's a popular movement and interest in it.  If a protest even adds a few percentage points to the Pardew sack-o-meter, it's worth all of it.


It will be a footnote in a match report, and will more than likely be written about in disparaging terms. Nobody will want to write more about it, they'll barely give it any coverage in the first place.

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Of course a protest isn't going to make Mike quiver in his boots and sack Pardew, after assuring him his job is safe.


But what it will do is gain a bit of press coverage in the papers, make journalists see how the fans feel.  And they'll want to write more about the pressure on that manager because there's a popular movement and interest in it.  If a protest even adds a few percentage points to the Pardew sack-o-meter, it's worth all of it.


It will be a footnote in a match report, and will more than likely be written about in disparaging terms. Nobody will want to write more about it, they'll barely give it any coverage in the first place.


Last one (admittedly after Hughton was sacked) got on Sky Sports News, BBC Look North and mentioned/shown on Match of the Day as well as having an extended write-up in The Independent.


Just saying.

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Of course a protest isn't going to make Mike quiver in his boots and sack Pardew, after assuring him his job is safe.


But what it will do is gain a bit of press coverage in the papers, make journalists see how the fans feel.  And they'll want to write more about the pressure on that manager because there's a popular movement and interest in it.  If a protest even adds a few percentage points to the Pardew sack-o-meter, it's worth all of it.


:thup: anything which helps shine a brighter light on the magnitude of Pardew's failure can only be good



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Guest firetotheworks

Gemmill. Don't come then. This obviously isn't the thread for you if you're dead against it.

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The majority of sjp hasn't got it in them to protest. Ashley has just about killed off that side of the fans makeup.


Good luck to those who do go ahead and do something, fair play you care enough about the club to show you won't take it lying down.

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Guest Gemmill

The majority of sjp hasn't got it in them to protest. Ashley has just about killed off that side of the fans makeup.


Good luck to those who do go ahead and do something, fair play you care enough about the club to show you won't take it lying down.


If you protest and then renew your season ticket, then you are ultimately taking it lying down. In your mouth and on your tits.

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As stated before, I think the only way any protest would effect him is if people just dont buy ST's and/or regular tickets. If the money stops coming in he might be forced to do something. Sadly I think Pardew will stay on until the day that people actually cant be bothered coming to matches anymore.

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The majority of sjp hasn't got it in them to protest. Ashley has just about killed off that side of the fans makeup.


Good luck to those who do go ahead and do something, fair play you care enough about the club to show you won't take it lying down.


If you protest and then renew your season ticket, then you are ultimately taking it lying down. In your mouth and on your tits.


As opposed to just renewing your season ticket, in which case you're salivating and begging to be given it.  In your mouth and on your tits.

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Guest Gemmill

The majority of sjp hasn't got it in them to protest. Ashley has just about killed off that side of the fans makeup.


Good luck to those who do go ahead and do something, fair play you care enough about the club to show you won't take it lying down.


If you protest and then renew your season ticket, then you are ultimately taking it lying down. In your mouth and on your tits.


As opposed to just renewing your season ticket, in which case you're salivating and begging to be given it.  In your mouth and on your tits.


You're talking to a man that stopped going a while back. But in response to your point, If you're that pissed off and keep renewing anyway, then you're an idiot.

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The majority of sjp hasn't got it in them to protest. Ashley has just about killed off that side of the fans makeup.


Good luck to those who do go ahead and do something, fair play you care enough about the club to show you won't take it lying down.


If you protest and then renew your season ticket, then you are ultimately taking it lying down. In your mouth and on your tits.


As opposed to just renewing your season ticket, in which case you're salivating and begging to be given it.  In your mouth and on your tits.


You're talking to a man that stopped going a while back. But in response to your point, If you're that p*ssed off and keep renewing anyway, then you're an idiot.


No, I'm not renewing. 

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Guest firetotheworks

Me neither. I cancelled the DD a couple of weeks ago. It's a subscription to anger.

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Guest firetotheworks

9 year deal. I was told that I could cancel at the end of each season.


Season1: cancelled. :lol: Even if I could afford it (which I can't) I doubt I'd have kept it with Pardew in charge. Even my mate that doesn't want to get rid of Pardew has cancelled his.

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Was it at Blackburn where they banned the banners in the stadium so someone flew a plane over the pitch with a massive trailing banner saying 'Keane Out' or something? We should have a bit of that  :lol:

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