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The other games today - 2013/14


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Is Sherwood a good manager then? Usually by now you can tell, not really paid enough attention but it's gone ok under him so far.


Still not able to get that lamela on the pitch?


Lamela's had a back injury for a while, but it's always seemed a bit like an "injury". We're desperate to see him back on the pitch.


Sherwood has looked like what he is, a decent communicator with the respect of the players who hasn't got his UEFA Pro coaching badge. Some good decisions, some not so good. He does seem to learn from his mistakes, but I think he's still trying to work out how he wants his teams to play. That makes it hard for him to succeed with a team that is still learning to play together anyway.

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Leffe, your lot have looked terrible so far. Dont get it, wheres the urgency?


It's not about urgency though. It's about a cohesive gameplan, with players knowing where to go and what to do. Dnipr have set out to stifle and hit on the break, and it doesn't matter how "urgent" you are if you are unable to create space. Ade and Soldado have barely played together, Townsend and Sandro are just back from injury, and the full-backs are reserves. It's not surprising it's a bit disjointed.


I think it's been pretty much as expected. There are signs that Eriksen might be able to find a way through with the two forwards, but Soldado and Ade haven't really dovetailed at all. The full-backs (Walker and Rose) are a big miss, particularly Rose, as there has definitely been more space on the left. We just haven't worked out a plan yet in general, which is music to someone like Ramos who will have them well-drilled.

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