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The other games today - 2013/14


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Still p*ssed off the way Iniesta went down for that pen, cheating b****** screaming like a girl 3 yards away from the ref  :huff:


You should rather be p*ssed off at the two Real Madrid players that chose to turn Iniesta into a sandwich due to their awful positioning.


He's played for that, he wasn't getting the ball and he's trying to squeeze through a gap that was hardly even there. Ball ricochets off Xabi's leg, Iniesta feels contact and takes a tumble and screams. Would have been the softest of fouls outside the box let alone a penalty to win the El Clasico.


Look at it again if you think he's played for that.


There were three penalties in the game.


Ronaldo, clear foul, but outside the box. He falls so deep inside the box that I thought initially it was a penalty as well. He exaggerates flailing his arms, but it's a foul nonetheless.

Neymar, clear foul, he does what Hazard is so good at, puts his body infront and waits for the contact which comes when Ramos hits his leg, intentionally or unintentionally it's a foul. Red card seems harsh but those are the rules. Exaggerates like Ronaldo and makes the most of it. Still a penalty.

Iniesta, clear foul, probably won't happen much of it if Alonso doesn't come in like a bull and catches Iniesta. Iniesta is through both but he'd have no space for anything as Varane/Pepe is right there as well. Stupid play but clear penalty.


I have to say I find it refreshing to see Carlo's Real, they're much better behaved and he seems to have calmed down the team a lot from the Mourinho era. Obviously players like Pepe are lost causes but the El Clasico this year has been much classier even if both teams have tendency to cheat a bit, which I think any football team in the world does.

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Was a blatant penalty.


If that was A.Johnson, then Debuchy and Tiote, i bet people wouldn't be crying 'blatent penalty' then. Was ridiculously soft, i thought the ref was poor throughout the game. He hadn't a clue when the best time was to play advantage or give the free kick, amount of times he got that decision making wrong was crazy. Obviously the Madrid pen was awful considering he was 3 yards from the foul to see it.


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Was refreshing to see Madrid giving it a proper go again after circus Jose turned them games into. Di Maria was outstanding, i'm not his biggest fan but he works so hard for the team and prefer him a lot more in that role.

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Was refreshing to see Madrid giving it a proper go again after circus Jose turned them games into. Di Maria was outstanding, i'm not his biggest fan but he works so hard for the team and prefer him a lot more in that role.


:thup: This I definitely agree and I'm scared of what Argentina will be able to do with Aguero, Messi and Di Maria in this form in the World Cup. Argentina - Spain semi-final on one side and Brazil - Germany on the other would make any neutral love the World Cup.

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Guest neesy111

Was a blatant penalty.


If that was A.Johnson, then Debuchy and Tiote, i bet people wouldn't be crying 'blatent penalty' then. Was ridiculously soft, i thought the ref was poor throughout the game. He hadn't a clue when the best time was to play advantage or give the free kick, amount of times he got that decision making wrong was crazy. Obviously the Madrid pen was awful considering he was 3 yards from the foul to see it.



What the hell are you on about. :lol:

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What the hell are you on about. :lol:


I'm saying if that was our derby match and Johnson squeezes between Debuchy/Tiote then goes down screaming and a pen is given. I doubt people would be saying blatant pen in that situation. Was so soft and i just don't think there's enough in it for me.


Then the second point was i thought the ref was shit throughout the game tbh and will be lucky to ref that match again, even though i have no idea what his reputation is like.


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You're wrong. Was a blatant penalty.


Fair enough, just an opinion. Was 3-1 in favour of not a penalty who i was watching with last night. It's done now though, Barca gifted a lifeline back in the title race. Sill hope Madrid go on to win it.

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You must have been intoxicated. Xabi Alonso clearly hacks down Iniesta with the follow through.




You're wrong. Was a blatant penalty.


Fair enough, just an opinion. Was 3-1 in favour of not a penalty who i was watching with last night. It's done now though, Barca gifted a lifeline back in the title race. Sill hope Madrid go on to win it.


Gifted a lifeline. :lol: Come on you troll, they were better throughout and got a penalty against them that never was.

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You must have been intoxicated. Xabi Alonso clearly hacks down Iniesta with the follow through.




You're wrong. Was a blatant penalty.


Fair enough, just an opinion. Was 3-1 in favour of not a penalty who i was watching with last night. It's done now though, Barca gifted a lifeline back in the title race. Sill hope Madrid go on to win it.


Gifted a lifeline. :lol: Come on you troll, they were better throughout and got a penalty against them that never was.


Not changing my stance, i don't like Barca. End of :lol:


Like Fabregas trying to rattle Pepe even though they'd just scored a goal. Picked out a nutter who would bite and he didn't let him down :lol:


Madrid only have themselves to blame though for throwing away the game. Too many missed chances, mainly for Benzema, who badly needs replaced imo even though he did get a couple.

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At least you proved you don't watch any of their games. Benzema has been excellent since New Years scoring 9 in 11 starts while contributing to general play like he's never done before. To think he needs replaced is just  :yikes: He missed a sitter yesterday fine, but also scored two and offered more than Ronaldo or Bale did, do you want them replaced as well?


Also you don't throw games where you are the worse team. They were 2nd yesterday in everything. Barcelona showed once again that they can turn up in the big games. Quite clear that motivation in matches against lesser sides have been the problem. Guardiola said that he left Barcelona because he couldn't motivate them for every game, Tata is experiencing that now, just how hard it is to get them playing the football they've done against Real and Man City consistently.


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At least you proved you don't watch any of their games. Benzema has been excellent since New Years scoring 9 in 11 starts while contributing to general play like he's never done before. To think he needs replaced is just  :yikes: He missed a sitter yesterday fine, but also scored two and offered more than Ronaldo or Bale did, do you want them replaced as well?


Also you don't throw games where you are the worse team. They were 2nd yesterday in everything. Barcelona showed once again that they can turn up in the big games. Quite clear that motivation in matches against lesser sides have been the problem. Guardiola said that he left Barcelona because he couldn't motivate them for every game, Tata is experiencing that now, just how hard it is to get them playing the football they've done against Real and Man City consistently.



I'm not denying he hasn't been playing well. They just need a world class striker, and he isn't. In that side most strikers who are good are going to get goals given the players around them but Real need to go out and buy a genuine world class striker. Benzema has his limitations, i wasn't convinced he was better than Higuain tbh but neither are the standout striker they need.


I've never budged from thinking Barca are still the best in the world when they turn up. I said in the other thread when people were writing them off for Champions League that i still think they have a major chance. They can pass most teams off the park regardless of their talent, one team who is the big fear is Bayern, wasn't a true reflection last season in their meeting. Would love to see a rematch this year.


Madrid gave it a very good go yesterday but down to 10 with around 30 left on the clock was always going to be a big ask. Prior to that, the game was still in the balance and could have went either way. Was damage limitation for Madrid when they were reduced to 10.

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I didn't think the Iniesta one was a pen personally. Obviously neither was Ronaldo's. And Ramos shouldn't have been redded either. I thought the ref in trying to compensate Barca for the bad Real pen spoilt what was a very good game and until the red card, you couldn't have argued if Real had been 5-2 up.

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I didn't think the Iniesta one was a pen personally. Obviously neither was Ronaldo's. And Ramos shouldn't have been redded either. I thought the ref in trying to compensate Barca for the bad Real pen spoilt what was a very good game and until the red card, you couldn't have argued if Real had been 5-2 up.


Prepare for a N-O backlash  :frantic:

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Brett, problem with all of that is that there aren't many top strikers out there nowadays. Who can they realistically get that is better than Benzema?


Aguero? Falcao? Two players that played for Atletico and I find it difficult seeing them in the white shirt ever. Zlatan? No one knows how many seasons he's got left and with his age and salary I just can't see them paying for him. Suarez? The guy will cost a fortune at this rate and with the contract and everything looking bright for Liverpool I doubt they'd sell him. So who's left from the top strikers in the world to replace Benzema? There aren't any, possibly van Persie but he's getting old and has tons of injury problems. Diego Costa won't make the switch and has only one year of excellent goalscoring. Cavani is happy in PSG. I just don't see who they could realistically get that is better than Benzema, especially as he'll be hitting his prime age now and will only get better with confidence. They could easily have replaced Higuain with Tevez, but it's to late now. Lewandowski is gone to Bayern as well so there are no strikers they could realistically buy for less than like £70-80m out there.

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I didn't think the Iniesta one was a pen personally. Obviously neither was Ronaldo's. And Ramos shouldn't have been redded either. I thought the ref in trying to compensate Barca for the bad Real pen spoilt what was a very good game and until the red card, you couldn't have argued if Real had been 5-2 up.


Like I've said for me it's stonewall because you just can't do that. Ramos deserved to go off because of the laws of the games, although I find it harsh. While Real could've easily been up 5 so could've Barcelona. I think Barcelona only had one weak spell during the whole game and it was those 10-15minutes in the first half where Real scored twice and Barcelona was rattled. Otherwise they controlled tempo and possession for most parts of the game.

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The biggest thing that came from that match is that Messi is back to his best and he could win the CL title for Barca this year, even if as a team, Bayern are better. It's so good to see him back playing like this. Football's different when he's injured and playing poorly.

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Barca should have been able to keep Guardiola by replacing some of the older players. The team got stale and lost their hunger because they won everything there was to win. When you reach that point, you have to move some players on and bring in new, hungry blood. They couldn't cut the cord with Puyol, Alves et al so it was always going to be difficult for a new manager to motivate the team to play as they did. That's why new defenders are a must in the summer, and it'll be good that Valdés and Puyol leave. The dressing room will have new energy.

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Brett, problem with all of that is that there aren't many top strikers out there nowadays. Who can they realistically get that is better than Benzema?


Aguero? Falcao? Two players that played for Atletico and I find it difficult seeing them in the white shirt ever. Zlatan? No one knows how many seasons he's got left and with his age and salary I just can't see them paying for him. Suarez? The guy will cost a fortune at this rate and with the contract and everything looking bright for Liverpool I doubt they'd sell him. So who's left from the top strikers in the world to replace Benzema? There aren't any, possibly van Persie but he's getting old and has tons of injury problems. Diego Costa won't make the switch and has only one year of excellent goalscoring. Cavani is happy in PSG. I just don't see who they could realistically get that is better than Benzema, especially as he'll be hitting his prime age now and will only get better with confidence. They could easily have replaced Higuain with Tevez, but it's to late now. Lewandowski is gone to Bayern as well so there are no strikers they could realistically buy for less than like £70-80m out there.


Two you mentioned there should be two top targets and going all out. Costa/Suarez, one of those two would be the pick, although Suarez is most likely. They've got the spending power to turn their heads for starters then the money to blow the selling club out the water.


Benzema is a good striker, but not good enough imo for a team of that stature. Like you say, his performances have been much improved in recent times but he's been there a long time now and has yet to pull up any trees and he never will. Instead of Benzema i wouldn't mind seeing Ronaldo up top, then Jese/Bale out wide, although if i was manager i'd make sure i found a position for Isco somewhere, just hard to see where right now.

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Your basically telling me that unless they sign Suarez or Costa they should look to move one of the worlds best from the position he's the most comfortable to a new one where he has never really excelled in? I don't agree. Real Madrid are on road to win the league and have a big chance in the CL and Copa Del Rey and that's all with Benzema in the team.

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I've watched quite a few of these matches over the years but this one seemed to be played with the most pace and tempo. It was real fun watching this and I was hoping Ramos wasn't going to get sent off as it was awesome watching the 11 v 11.

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I've watched quite a few of these matches over the years but this one seemed to be played with the most pace and tempo. It was real fun watching this and I was hoping Ramos wasn't going to get sent off as it was awesome watching the 11 v 11.


:thup: It was definitely the most exiciting El Clasico in recent years. The rules need to change though, hate the red card + penalty. Only agree with it if it's basically a goal and someone stops with their hands.

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Your basically telling me that unless they sign Suarez or Costa they should look to move one of the worlds best from the position he's the most comfortable to a new one where he has never really excelled in? I don't agree. Real Madrid are on road to win the league and have a big chance in the CL and Copa Del Rey and that's all with Benzema in the team.


There's a big difference to being on the road, then actually winning it. Benzema scored two yesterday but he should have had Barca out of sight on his own the chances they created for him.


Basically would try that because i think Jese needs more game time to develop, his potential is huge. Ronaldo is perfectly capable of playing up top, but with them 3, they can all rotate the positions and are very flexible. I've never been a Benzema fan and never will be, they've needed a top striker for a long time, just they way Barca need a top CB.


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