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N-O Fantasy World Cup 2014 - sbnufc wins! Rich second! Unbelievable third!

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Should be set up to receive money now. I can't be arsed making a new account so:


Paypal (registered):

1. Send £2 directly to [email protected] with a note of who you are as a reference.


Paypal (unregistered):

1. Enter [email protected], £2 and continue. Should be self-explanatory from there.




Tested and works. I think, if you're registered, you can't insert a reference so PM me with the name it'll come through as.

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I just said you don't need to :lol: worth having one anyway mind. I'll look out for a payment from Anderson Silva Diaz de Rivas Cunha-Almerol Rodriguez ("The Flea").


I CAN'T READ! Set up the paypal the other day, but since I don't have to use it I won't. ''The Flea'' :lol: Fuck off.

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