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Crystal Palace manager


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Gary Neville getting Newcastle spectacularly wrong again. He always has it for the squad up here, whether it's 'too many foreigners' or whatever. It's weird how every set of players we've had under this manager turn into under-motivated, unmanageable slush, isn't it? Wonder what the constant is?


Never ever have a go at the manager as I might have to work with him in the very near future. I also may be a manager in the future and I don't want anyone pointing the figure so I won't do it myself. It's as cowardly as the s*** Pardew gets up to.


or may have to work with him on a certain well known Saturday afternoon football panel

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You started this topic. You say you hate him. So how well do.you think he or any other Newcastle manager should be doing ?


He's shit at everything he does, which part of his job do you want me to comment on?  Do you mean results? Do you mean tactics?  Do you mean PR?  Do you mean at picking the team?  Do you mean motivating the team?  Do you mean at pinpointing where we're going wrong?  Do you mean what do does with his 4 days of working on our defence?  Be more specific and I'll have a go at answering it, I'm not going into everything because it's all been done before and life is too short.


How do you think he's doing?

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Guest northshieldsmag

It's simple really, although Neville talks a good game he's just the same as 90% of pundits. Beyond the elite, they barely see anything of anyone else's games, then are paid to comment with authority over subjects they aren't experts in. Leading to unresearched explanations and, on many occasions, clichés and stereotypes. It's just the way it is but it riles me when bullshit gets said with such confidence.


How is Gary Neville not an expert in how to succeed in the premiership ? Do you mean he has said something that doesn't suit you ?

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Guest northshieldsmag


You started this topic. You say you hate him. So how well do.you think he or any other Newcastle manager should be doing ?


He's s*** at everything he does, which part of his job do you want me to comment on?  Do you mean results? Do you mean tactics?  Do you mean PR?  Do you mean at picking the team?  Do you mean motivating the team?  Do you mean at pinpointing where we're going wrong?  Do you mean what do does with his 4 days of working on our defence?  Be more specific and I'll have a go at answering it, I'm not going into everything because it's all been done before and life is too short.


How do you think he's doing?


What did you think of him when we finished 5th ? Do you think he has good enough players ? What do you  mean by PR what do you think he should be saying ?

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You started this topic. You say you hate him. So how well do.you think he or any other Newcastle manager should be doing ?


He's s*** at everything he does, which part of his job do you want me to comment on?  Do you mean results? Do you mean tactics?  Do you mean PR?  Do you mean at picking the team?  Do you mean motivating the team?  Do you mean at pinpointing where we're going wrong?  Do you mean what do does with his 4 days of working on our defence?  Be more specific and I'll have a go at answering it, I'm not going into everything because it's all been done before and life is too short.


How do you think he's doing?


What did you think of him when we finished 5th ? Do you think he has good enough players ? What do you  mean by PR what do you think he should be saying ?



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It amazes me how little research some journalists and pundits actually do.  They sit on these panels and I wonder if they've even seen the game half the time.  They get facts wrong and make themselves look like complete morons.  Some of the disgusting nonsense I've heard this week is almost designed to aggravate fans.  There was a clip of Sunday Supplement on Sky Sports News with one of the guys saying "Four games in and he's under pressure, it's ridiculous from the fans."  Thankfully they showed one of the other guys chipping in and saying something to the effect of it being two years of awful football and discontent and it having very little to do with these four games, they're just a continuation.  I'm staggered that the first bloke can be a football journalist coming out with rubbish like that.

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:lol: I keep fucking thinking it's going to say "Retires". Rich pls.


Even I keep thinking the same and I made the title.


:lol: It's pure desperate fucking delusion. I keep fucking coming in here and getting mad.

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Guest northshieldsmag



What did you think of him when we finished 5th ? Do you think he has good enough players ? What do you  mean by PR what do you think he should be saying ?


I thought he was s***, next.


I said do.you think he has good players and what do.you think he should be saying ?

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Oh my word, somebody still trotting out the 'when we came 5th' line. Wake the f*** up


I can't believe that either.  The thing I can never believe about this, is that while everyone would admit Pardew had a good season that season, however he did it, it's getting to be a fair few years ago now.  He can have been doing okay back then, but still be doing terribly now, which he is and some people aren't grasping that.  Lots of managers have done an okay or good job for a while and then got it badly wrong later.  To anyone still saying "But he came 5th" I would say that his tactics worked because he had Demba Ba to play his archaic long balls to and an in form younger Collocini at the back to help keep it tight.  The team is worse now, but still more than capable to 10th-8th with decent football if Pardew had any adaptability at all.  That's the bare minimum of how I expect him to be doing considering we don't do anything in cups.  I don't expect fifth, but I don't expect bottom of the league either.  I don't expect to get beat 3-0 or 4-0 every other week.  I don't expect us to concede twice as many goals as we score.  I don't expect us to continue to play long ball when we sub on a small fast striker instead of a big man.  I don't expect us to keep taking the same corner that took 102 games to generate a goal.  I also don't expect our defenders to be so lackluster they switch off and pass the opposition through on goal in the first minute, like what happened at the weekend.  Those are all the things I don't expect.  I do expect a cohesive unit, I do expect an organisation and focus that makes the players look interested in the game they're playing.  I expect intensity. I expect being able to hit the guy in your own shirt from more than five yards away, not only in your own half, but in the final third as well.  I expect skillful players to get a chance to do what they do well and the right players to be played in the right positions.  I expect wingers on the wing instead of fast strikers and central midfielders.  That's pretty much what  I do and don't expect out of Pardew.  In every single one of these areas Pardew is failing my expectations.

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I said do.you think he has good players and what do.you think he should be saying ?


I think he has better players than our results would suggest, Pardew said that we would be challenging for top 4 before a ball was kicked.  I don't think he should be making excuses before we go into games.  I don't think he should lie openly at every opportunity.  I don't think he should blame the fans for defeats.  I don't think he should blame the fans for the Palace 3rd goal.  I don't think Europe was the reason we were shite in the league while in the UEFA.  I don't think we should leak so many goals, I do think we should score more.  I don't think we play front foot football.  I don't think Pardew should be here.  I think they are hampered by a shit manager.


What do you think?

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