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Rémi Garde and the case of the missing art galleries


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So the journal reports something and everyone ldrops their arse? The Journal along with the Chronicle have no clue what's going on, they have made this so they can sell papers. Tomorrow they will have a totally different twist and name to the saga. There is no way the club will be 'p*ssed' because of the French press finding out about the interview. If it was like that then the club would be p*ssed about the press finding out about players that we are going to sign and not sign them.


Comes to something when Stifler is the beacon of calm and reason on here :lol:


The bloke sitting in a hotel room with Remi and Frank? :lol:


Aye. Think about what that says about the rest of us.

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I honestly don't care about transfers, I barely think of them anyway these days. We just need to get the right manager. Have to hope that Garde is just negotiating the details.


This is exactly how I feel - I couldn't give a shit if we don't sign anyone. Just get a decent manager who knows what he's doing and we'll all be happy.

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I honestly don't care about transfers, I barely think of them anyway these days. We just need to get the right manager. Have to hope that Garde is just negotiating the details.


It's weird I used to love the transfer window, and obsessing over any player linked. But I'm the same now, barely even realise the thing is open.


We just need a good manager in man. It would make a world of difference to things.

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Guest Roger Kint

I honestly don't care about transfers, I barely think of them anyway these days. We just need to get the right manager. Have to hope that Garde is just negotiating the details.


This is exactly how I feel - I couldn't give a shit if we don't sign anyone. Just get a decent manager who knows what he's doing and we'll all be happy.


I care, the idea of Colo/Williamson as the only fit CB's at the club til May the way they are playing? Yeah Dummett can play there but fuck me its a disgrace at Conference level never mind the Premier League

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Guest Roger Kint

I just didn't expect us to resolve that issue anyway Roger.


Well no thats true but any new bloke would demand it sorted surely.

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I honestly don't care about transfers, I barely think of them anyway these days. We just need to get the right manager. Have to hope that Garde is just negotiating the details.


This is exactly how I feel - I couldn't give a shit if we don't sign anyone. Just get a decent manager who knows what he's doing and we'll all be happy.


I care, the idea of Colo/Williamson as the only fit CB's at the club til May the way they are playing? Yeah Dummett can play there but fuck me its a disgrace at Conference level never mind the Premier League


Maybe I need to rephrase then. Of course I care, but if we could get Garde in and keep the squad as it is, I'd be far happier than if we signed another first team CB and kept Carver in charge...

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Guest Roger Kint

Just had an argument with some bellend who claims if Ashley wanted to go the cheapest option he can get cheaper than Carver. How is anyone going to come in and be cheaper than a bloke who is already here and costs nothing to appoint? Is this imaginary new bloke going to pay Ashley to take the job on? Seriously need to avoid all NUFC fans outside of here from now on. :anguish:

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Guest Roger Kint

Cheaper than Carver? Possibility hadn't even occurred to me. Does he mean someone on work experience... an intern maybe?


:lol: Pretty much. Baffling logic. Just kept repeating Tuchel in the summer as though its nailed on that he/we will do it without question

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Guest Roger Kint

Literally isn't anyone cheaper than a guy who is already getting paid by the club.  I've pretty much stopped talking to people about football outside of here now


Exactly. Its hardly dfficult reasoning

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This wouldn't be an issue if say one of De Boer, Garde or Tuchel had signed a contract now to guarantee they take over in summer.


But we all know that we will pretend that is what will happen meanwhile they will pray Carver can keep us up (which is by no means a certainty) then hand him the job.


Southampton will be my first home game in over a season due to Pardew. It will be my last again if Carver is appointed.

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Guest Roger Kint

This is it, none of us are stupid enough t thik the club would get an appointment in place. Who knows, in 5 months the club could be relegated under Carver or all the above choices could have clubs already and we are wasting a summer back to square one.


Like people have said earlier, anyone renewing a ST if Carver gets it really are beyond saving.

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