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NUFC Sporting Ambition


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I'd chip in on a Hitman, how much are their services going for these days?


3995. Call it 4 grand.


I'll chip in the fiver to make it up to £4k


I know a bloke who's got a broomhandle Mauser.


It's getting a bit dark right now isn't it? We're clearly going to get an authoritative knock on the front door in the morning :lol:


Aye fuck you GCHQ, hopefully he will be like a dog with a bone over rangers and dig his heels in out if spite. There a crazy bunch up there you know

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With the TV money as it is now, do you think even the Arsenals & Liverpools will go all out for top 4?


I mean, obviously they're going to want in there, but as it stands, particularly for Arsenal, top 4 seems the be all and end all of their existence. Will they be so reliant on that now?

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With the TV money as it is now, do you think even the Arsenals & Liverpools will go all out for top 4?


I mean, obviously they're going to want in there, but as it stands, particularly for Arsenal, top 4 seems the be all and end all of their existence. Will they be so reliant on that now?


Yeah for the Champs League

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I know I'm going to sound incredibly naive here, but is there a plan for Newcastle United? Has anyone from the board come out to say where they expect to be in five or even ten years?




Managing director Derek Llambias told the Chronicle: “In five years’ time I would hope we would be challenging for everything. We hope to be like an Aston Villa."


Got the Villa bit right at least.

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I'd chip in on a Hitman, how much are their services going for these days?


3995. Call it 4 grand.


I'll chip in the fiver to make it up to £4k


I know a bloke who's got a broomhandle Mauser.


I say just use the broom handle, slower, more painful. It's getting a bit dark right now isn't it? We're clearly going to get an authoritative knock on the front door in the morning :lol:


Cute that he doesn't get it.

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With the TV money as it is now, do you think even the Arsenals & Liverpools will go all out for top 4?


I mean, obviously they're going to want in there, but as it stands, particularly for Arsenal, top 4 seems the be all and end all of their existence. Will they be so reliant on that now?


Yeah for the Champs League


That's what I mean though. Are they going to be as determined to get into that now when they're raking it in even more anyway?

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With the TV money as it is now, do you think even the Arsenals & Liverpools will go all out for top 4?


I mean, obviously they're going to want in there, but as it stands, particularly for Arsenal, top 4 seems the be all and end all of their existence. Will they be so reliant on that now?


Yeah for the Champs League


That's what I mean though. Are they going to be as determined to get into that now when they're raking it in even more anyway?


You would think they would, not only do you get shitloads of cash for a few games but players looking to better themselves will always prefer a champs league club when it's transfer season.


The new tv money will get swallowed up in player transfer fee's. Not only by the top (7) clubs but everyone else as they cannot risk being relegated. Player wages and transfer fee's will sky rocket.


I really cannot see much changing from where we are now, the extra money being payed will be swallowed up by agents and low life's (Ashley).



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“You want to be as high as you can in the table but maybe Newcastle do not think the same. Maybe that is why they sell their best players and that is why everyone moves.”


“The club is allowing all the major players to go. This club will never fight to be among the top six again with this policy. You fans are the best and deserve the best, not what they are doing with the club."


Booooo José Enrique, booooo.



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With the TV money as it is now, do you think even the Arsenals & Liverpools will go all out for top 4?


I mean, obviously they're going to want in there, but as it stands, particularly for Arsenal, top 4 seems the be all and end all of their existence. Will they be so reliant on that now?


Interesting point actually, not sure how much the extra CL money is. Obviously they want to be seen as successful so they're on TV loads etc.


And "the best players all want to play at the highest level" blah blah blah.

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“You want to be as high as you can in the table but maybe Newcastle do not think the same. Maybe that is why they sell their best players and that is why everyone moves.”


“The club is allowing all the major players to go. This club will never fight to be among the top six again with this policy. You fans are the best and deserve the best, not what they are doing with the club."


Booooo José Enrique, booooo.




Oh how we laughed when we finished above Liverpool once later on.  I know his career's been fucked since then but he was absolutely correct in what he was saying.

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