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Tactics / Players needed next season


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CB options:


1. Simon Kjær

2. Okore

3. Andreas Christensen


All Danes


Hasn't Kjær got like a 4 for work rate on Football Manager? Don't want him playing for us, like.


All Danes have got a 4 for work rate tbf. Not just footballers.

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I don't think we need a DM, we have Tiote and Abeid who cover those roles well, would much rather a creative midfielder to sit alongside one of those and to push colback/anita out the team...

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I've seen absolutely no evidence of Sissoko producing a good performance in a midfield 2. His passing is just as limited as someone like Tiote, his defensive effort is embarrasing for a man of his stature, and his turbo boost counter attacks are nullified because he has more men to beat (which he can't).


The few times I've seen him play for France, he plays right centre midfield in a 4-3-3 which is exactly where he should play for us. Never in a 2.

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CB options:


1. Simon Kjær

2. Okore

3. Andreas Christensen


All Danes


Hasn't Kjær got like a 4 for work rate on Football Manager? Don't want him playing for us, like.


He's also in Istanbul having talks with Fenerbahce.

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Our midfield severely lacks any kind of movement, guile or intelligence.


I'm really hoping this was more down to the poor job our coaches were doing, rather than pure ability.



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