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Elliot Anderson (now playing for Nottingham Forest)


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1 hour ago, Mr Raspberry Jam said:

Just scored. 

The lad has been instrumental in his past 3 games for us, compliments a winning mentality throughout the club as it stands.


I'm sure he is enjoying his time here with a club on a real push for promotion, certainly looks like he is enjoying his football.


He might have a Wembley appearance on his CV come May the way things are shaping up.



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2 minutes ago, North Somerset Gas said:

The lad has been instrumental in his past 3 games for us, compliments a winning mentality throughout the club as it stands.


I'm sure he is enjoying his time here with a club on a real push for promotion, certainly looks like he is enjoying his football.


He might have a Wembley appearance on his CV come May the way things are shaping up.



Given that he went to you because of the relationship with Joey Barton, he may not be the last one you get if he's treated well and progresses.


Edit....saying that he's the pick of our youngsters.



Edited by madras

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5 minutes ago, North Somerset Gas said:

The lad has been instrumental in his past 3 games for us, compliments a winning mentality throughout the club as it stands.


I'm sure he is enjoying his time here with a club on a real push for promotion, certainly looks like he is enjoying his football.


He might have a Wembley appearance on his CV come May the way things are shaping up.




What's the deal with Joey B? I remember seeing fans booing him off earlier in the season. Has he turned it around? Are fans split? 

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16 minutes ago, madras said:

Given that he went to you because of the relationship with Joey Barton, he may not be the last one you get if he's treated well and progresses.


Edit....saying that he's the pick of our youngsters.




I'm old enough to remember the days when we were both in what is now the championship, second division then, playing in a sh1t ground (nothing changes) Twerton Park in Bath after losing Eastville. We surrounded and looked after a couple of Geordies near us in the home end to make sure they were ok after a session on the rough cider, and we looked after them, so long back they were wearing denim dungarees!


So as a 50 something year old I don't like the idea of being a nursery club for a premier league outfit, no disrespect to Newcastle, finding it hard to deal with the changing times of the game in so many ways, but it is what it is, and to a certain extent can work for the odd player here and there and suit both clubs.


Elliot appears to be loving his time here and i'm sure will head back north with no regrets and a few stories to tell. So no complaints on this one, the young Chelsea players we've had on loan in the past struggled with the physicality at this level, and lack of protection from the ref, not Elliot though!    

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23 minutes ago, Mr Raspberry Jam said:


What's the deal with Joey B? I remember seeing fans booing him off earlier in the season. Has he turned it around? Are fans split? 

Football fans and fickle, rolls off the tongue easily Mr Raspberry Jam, we all know that!!!


I think the divided fan base was mostly down to his criminal record TBH, he hasn't exactly helped himself, he fascinates me, he is certainly looking, acting and sounding the real deal a year on from his arrival and you can see he lives and breathes the game. 


Barton is certainly a born winner and has transformed our place completely with his professionalism, has the whole squad and backroom staff believing in him.


The play offs are in sight now and the quality of players he has signed at this level is an eye opener, we do actually play some decent football if given the chance.      

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33 minutes ago, GreenersGas said:

You boys have certainly got a player in this boy and we're very honoured to be able to watch his talent at this stage of his career 
















Works both ways, we are also greatful he has went to a decent club in the lower league who will look after and develop him nicely. I trust Joey Barton to look after him. We've had so many promising players who have went out on loan and done absolutely nothing (Matty Longstaff, Sorensen, etc). 


Also Never heard Bristol Rovers as 'The Gas'. Watched the highlights above and can hear your fans chanting Gas. Also your forum is called The Gas. Always thought of you as 'The Pirates' :lol:



Edited by Pokerprince2004

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3 minutes ago, Pokerprince2004 said:


Works both ways, we are also greatful he has went to a decent club in the lower league who will look after and develop him nicely. I trust Joey Barton to look after him. We've had so many promising players who have went out on loan and done absolutely nothing (Matty Longstaff, Sorensen, etc). 


As an Never heard Bristol Rovers as 'The Gas'. Watched the highlights above and can hear your fans chanting Gas. Also your forum is called The Gas. Always thought of you as 'The Pirates' :lol:

That's plymouth :doh:

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4 minutes ago, Pokerprince2004 said:




Definitely Bristol Rovers, they even have a massive Pirate in their club badge 



Aye you're right, they are the pilgrims, should be aiming that facepalm at myself [emoji38] apologies



Edited by 1964

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1 hour ago, Pokerprince2004 said:


Works both ways, we are also greatful he has went to a decent club in the lower league who will look after and develop him nicely. I trust Joey Barton to look after him. We've had so many promising players who have went out on loan and done absolutely nothing (Matty Longstaff, Sorensen, etc). 


Also Never heard Bristol Rovers as 'The Gas'. Watched the highlights above and can hear your fans chanting Gas. Also your forum is called The Gas. Always thought of you as 'The Pirates' :lol:




We used to play next to a Gasworks in Eastville until 1986.


The other team in Bristol used the term back in the 60's, describing us as Gasheads as an insult, we stank of Gas.


So as a result the other team in Bristol became know to us as sh1theads.


And the term Gas/Gasheads was turned into our favour and happily adopted among fans.



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18 hours ago, North Somerset Gas said:

I'm old enough to remember the days when we were both in what is now the championship, second division then, playing in a sh1t ground (nothing changes) Twerton Park in Bath after losing Eastville. We surrounded and looked after a couple of Geordies near us in the home end to make sure they were ok after a session on the rough cider, and we looked after them, so long back they were wearing denim dungarees!


So as a 50 something year old I don't like the idea of being a nursery club for a premier league outfit, no disrespect to Newcastle, finding it hard to deal with the changing times of the game in so many ways, but it is what it is, and to a certain extent can work for the odd player here and there and suit both clubs.


Elliot appears to be loving his time here and i'm sure will head back north with no regrets and a few stories to tell. So no complaints on this one, the young Chelsea players we've had on loan in the past struggled with the physicality at this level, and lack of protection from the ref, not Elliot though!    

I remember them days as well and I get the bit about becoming a feeder club. I didn't mean it that way, just that your manager has a good relationship with our (current) loan chief and you could take advantage but like I say you already have the pick of our young'uns.

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1 hour ago, madras said:

I remember them days as well and I get the bit about becoming a feeder club. I didn't mean it that way, just that your manager has a good relationship with our (current) loan chief and you could take advantage but like I say you already have the pick of our young'uns.

Totally undetstand where your coming from. I dreamt as a kid the chance of possibly reaching the promised land but its almost a closed shop now, the gap is impossible to bridge, if we were to become a nursery for Newcastle it would be ironic. From the Keegan and Robson days I've always wanted to see Newcastle do well, proper fans with loyalty that I think few others have in terms of fan base versus trophies. Looking forward to taking in a game at St James's at some stage. Loved visiting in the summer and there is something special about the place and looking forward to coming back with wor lass!!

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Bristol ROVERS fan here.... Your boy Billy (as he's known at the Gas now) is a big player for us. His ability, skill and pace is f*******g dynamic. Should we somehow get promotion then this lad would have played his part. You have a Star within your squad at NUFC. Just please support him at his tenure at Rovers. He is a special player! 

We love him' but he is your player first.     

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7 hours ago, Kanji said:

Ideally as we upgrade the quality of our first team playing squad, you’d want Elliott breaking into the first team where we are on the up and not fighting for survival. 

Would love for us to be able to do what Man City are doing to Palmer (and Foden before him) down the line. Chuck them on when winning comfortably and let them adapt to top level football by playing with their future team mates. 

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Give Billy 12 months, breed his confidence in the lower leagues where the game is so much different then Billy is your man. 

I believe you have a great great player in the NUFC fold, just let him gain his confidence as a great player in the lower leagues (which he is currently doing) bring him back and who ever knows. 

This Boy is Special

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