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Walter Smith...f*cking hypocrite.

Optimistic Nut

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I'm going to love it when this Walter Smith love-in ends, and all those orange tits remember why they wanted rid of him the first place (ie. Awful in Europe, that is, awful with a capital A., losing 10 in a row when he should've won the league).

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This is very weird all this saga... When was it he took over as Scotland boss? less than a year ago wasn't it?


Surely all non Rangers Scottish fans will despise him for ditching the national side, probably even a few Rangers fans will feel glad yet unconfortable at Smith's decision.

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Ridiculous decision, he finally had Scotland going in the right direction and now deserts them for a club side.


I know he has a huge love of Rangers but I dont get it, they are hardly in relegation type trouble.


What a waste of Scottish Footballs time.

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17 points off Celtic is pretty much as close to relegation these bastards will ever feel, though. :lol:


What's happening with Scotland now, McCoist taking over?

McCoist has gone to Rangers with Smith.


I guess Scotland gonna have to find a new manager from scratch.


At least Souness is available for them.



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I don't know why they rate him so highly. Big success in the league for Rangers, at a time when Rangers were the only side who could afford decent players, during the same period total crap in Europe. He went to Everton and did nothing, went and joined Manure with Sir Alex but that didn't last long either.


They say you should never go back and I wouldn't be surprised to see this little fiasco end in tears.

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it's not like Walter Smith wont get another chance to manage Rangers in the near future. The next manager will probably last a season or 2 before he is given the boot as well so he should keep continuing with the good work he is doing with the national team. The Ranges vacancy is almost guaranteed to come up again for the umpteenth time

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To be fair, Rangers have only had 12 managers, they're not known for sacking them.  Le Guen was just a disaster, PR-wise to be honest.  Rangers fans should never have been expecting to win the league with that squad, and they'll get no closer to doing so with Walter Smith.

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Guest Bellers

Walter Smith has never been an outstanding manager that's why it's suprised me he left the national post.


I particularly remember his woeful spell at Everton. It's no suprise they were only goal difference away from going down, even with a full squad he was playing full backs at centre back and strikers in midfield it was all rather mind boggling.


However at Scotland the players seemd to respond well to him. The played for him and for the first time in years them looked like they were going somewhere with limited resources.


I think in this case he's let his heart rule his head. Past success has tempted him back to the Rangers posts.The thing is, it's well known managers don't tend to hit the heights second time round...

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Sue him good.  I can understand his decision, but resent him for it.

(im a scotland fan).


This is very weird all this saga... When was it he took over as Scotland boss? less than a year ago wasn't it?


About 2 years ago


oined Manure with Sir Alex but that didn't last long either

To be fair, he left manu cos of the scotland job.

Tommy burns is expected to be scot manager.

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So, not a Rangers fan then eh Bluf?


I was brought up on that side of Glasgow.  A lot of my mates are Rangers fans, and their attitude stinks.  Most of this generation was brought up on 9-in-a-row, so it was just constant winning.  I'd like them to taste a bit more failure than just not winning the league the odd year.  Even Celtic tasted the low ground of 4th and 5th at one point.


Old firm fans suck.  It's a small world for them, so they think they're the biggest and best.  Fuck 'em.

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Guest alijmitchell

Walter won't make such a shit squad any better, and I cant see Murray wanting to shell out for players coz he wants to jump ship, so i think it can only get worse for the orange wanks in the long run.  :lol:

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