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Platini Wins UEFA Presidency


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Lookslike we'll be down to the 3 Champs League places then, big boys will not be amused but hopefully will add more prestige back into the UEFA Cup. Personally i think only top2 should go in the CL to make for a more competitive/better UEFA Cup but thats just me. Only problem is do we get less UEFA Cup places...i.e. we won't be in it for a while!

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I'm very against reducing the champions league places. I want to see the best teams play the best teams, I can't imagine getting excited by seeing Barcelona playing the Slovakian champions. It could also make the Premierleague even less competitive than it is already, if only 3 teams get the money and its the same 3 a few seasons in a row then it'll be hard for the other one of the big four ever to catch up.

I also just dislike Platini, does anyone else remember his quote that there shouldn't be tackles in football and that play should be broken down by interceptions?

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Lookslike we'll be down to the 3 Champs League places then, big boys will not be amused but hopefully will add more prestige back into the UEFA Cup. Personally i think only top2 should go in the CL to make for a more competitive/better UEFA Cup but thats just me. Only problem is do we get less UEFA Cup places...i.e. we won't be in it for a while!


It's a gutter, as 4th was basically our (optimistic) aim for the next few years, but in principle I agree on the 3 team limit. Better for the long-term. Alternatively, they could've just renamed the Champions League, considering there are more runners up in it than champions. I would've been happy with that. I've nowt against seeing the best against the best, but I don't want to see it under the pretence of Champions.


It'll be better for Europe long-term, as it'll improve smaller teams as they begin to build up money gained from year after year of qualifications. By no means will this be any good in the short term.


Much happier with Platini at the helm than some of the previous wretches.

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Are you serious? Platini basically wants to turn football into a non-contact sport!




I've not read much on what he has to say, to be fair, but like I said, on the 3 team limit I have to agree.  4 linesmen seems fairly sensible too.


Be interested to see what he's said on other things if that's the impression you've got like. 

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Are you serious? Platini basically wants to turn football into a non-contact sport!




I've not read much on what he has to say, to be fair, but like I said, on the 3 team limit I have to agree.  4 linesmen seems fairly sensible too.


Be interested to see what he's said on other things if that's the impression you've got like. 


I've never seen his comments on the 4 linesmen. What happens if one gives offside and the other doesn't?

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Are you serious? Platini basically wants to turn football into a non-contact sport!




I've not read much on what he has to say, to be fair, but like I said, on the 3 team limit I have to agree.  4 linesmen seems fairly sensible too.


Be interested to see what he's said on other things if that's the impression you've got like. 


I've never seen his comments on the 4 linesmen. What happens if one gives offside and the other doesn't?


They have a duel to the death with their flags.

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Are you serious? Platini basically wants to turn football into a non-contact sport!




I've not read much on what he has to say, to be fair, but like I said, on the 3 team limit I have to agree.  4 linesmen seems fairly sensible too.


Be interested to see what he's said on other things if that's the impression you've got like. 


I've never seen his comments on the 4 linesmen. What happens if one gives offside and the other doesn't?


No idea, not seen the comments either, merely noticed someone mentioning it here.  But I can't imagine that being too much of a problem, probably be left to the referee to decide, I assume.

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He wants to outlaw the sliding tackle. That's Parker's career over.


Now I don't agree with that.  Anway, will he not have a long way to go before all his promises are even in the pipeline?  Naver mind any hurdles (if there is any) he may have to jump to get approval?

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Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has warned newly elected Uefa president Michel Platini not to revamp the Champions League format.


Platini wants to cut each country's maximum number of Champions League places from four to three.


But Ferguson said: "The tournament really starts in February, but I think it is OK the way it is at the moment.


"The appeal of the Champions League is when the giants of Spain or Italy or England come up against each other."


If he wants to take a Champions League place away from us that is to the detriment of the Premiership


Platini won an election in Dusseldorf to replace 77-year-old Swede Lennart Johansson as European football's most powerful figure.


One of Platini's main proposals was the change to Champions League qualification.


Ferguson said: "The Champions League has been good. If you go back a few years, there were maybe too many games with two qualifying groups because you had to play about 17 games to win it.


"If you take away the fourth-place teams, the only way to address that is by reducing the competition or by giving other countries two places."


Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger welcomed Platini's appointment, but was not sure about his plans for the Champions League.


"It is the first time that a player is in charge," he said.


"We in football complain always that the players have no say, so at least we cannot complain anymore.


"What is happening today is that two go directly in and two have to qualify against the teams in the smaller countries.


"What will happen when the smaller teams go one round further and go out early in a group stage? The competition will lose interest, that is all that will happen.


"I believe that the competition should be organised with the best teams playing each other.


"What people want to see is the best teams on television, to see Real Madrid against Arsenal, or Milan against Bayern Munich, that will not change."


Bolton manager Sam Allardyce said he felt his team could be one of the victims of Platini's proposals.


"In one way it is nice to see a football man in charge," he said.


"But on the other hand if he wants to take a Champions League place away from us that is to the detriment of the Premiership.


"If he can get away with that it is going to bring a lot of heartache to our league. It would be a big blow.


"It gives us virtually no chance whatsoever of qualifying for the Champions League."


Middlesbrough boss Gareth Southgate, meanwhile, claims Platini's hope of establishing a salary cap in football is desirable but unworkable.


He said: "A salary cap generally or teams having a salary cap would, there is no question, make it a better and tighter league.


"But we have to be realistic and in the modern world, people would always find a way around it.


"Unfortunately, I suspect that would be a bit of a non-starter."



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Gutted tbh..


Lets hope G14 have something to say about that..


because less champions league places = less uefa cup places= less europe for nufc = less chances of attracting big players = etc..


And he had many many stupid,idiotic,childish comments to make about english football..


i can't understand how did he win..

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Guest andynufc84



when it comes to fundamental laws of the game such as tackling, surely he can't change that!


fifa is where the real power is anyway

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I'm totally behind Platini.


It's Champions League for crying out loud. I'd rather see the CHAMPIONS of Slovakia, Belarus and Finland than 4 placed teams from England, Spain or Italy. Why should teams who finish 4th be allowed in league of champions?


Would improve UEFA Cup also.


Hope he can make it, not just talk about it. Would be great. And would give money out to teams outside the big leagues too, there is no point that all of the UEFA moneys are going to countries which already have money.


It's almost pathetic how Sir Alex reacted right away to it. Top3 is where you have to be if you want to play with big teams. No excuses, you need to play well to get into the league. Play well in your own domestic league, 4 is too much for me. I know it means teams like Arsenal, Liverpool, Valencia, Sevilla losing out their place in Champions League, but it's their own fault for not playing good enough.

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I'm totally behind Platini.


It's Champions League for crying out loud. I'd rather see the CHAMPIONS of Slovakia, Belarus and Finland than 4 placed teams from England, Spain or Italy. Why should teams who finish 4th be allowed in league of champions?


Would improve UEFA Cup also.


Hope he can make it, not just talk about it. Would be great. And would give money out to teams outside the big leagues too, there is no point that all of the UEFA moneys are going to countries which already have money.


It's almost pathetic how Sir Alex reacted right away to it. Top3 is where you have to be if you want to play with big teams. No excuses, you need to play well to get into the league. Play well in your own domestic league, 4 is too much for me. I know it means teams like Arsenal, Liverpool, Valencia, Sevilla losing out their place in Champions League, but it's their own fault for not playing good enough.


Your right I can't wait to see Total Network Solutions play Linfield.

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There is no Total Network Solutions anymore, it's called The New Saints these days. And I'm not saying they are getting right into Champions League, but easen up their qualifications bit. At the moment they have to beat three bigger teams to get into the UCL. And that means that they really don't have ANY chance ever getting into there.

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I'm totally behind Platini.


It's Champions League for crying out loud. I'd rather see the CHAMPIONS of Slovakia, Belarus and Finland than 4 placed teams from England, Spain or Italy. Why should teams who finish 4th be allowed in league of champions?


Would improve UEFA Cup also.


Hope he can make it, not just talk about it. Would be great. And would give money out to teams outside the big leagues too, there is no point that all of the UEFA moneys are going to countries which already have money.


It's almost pathetic how Sir Alex reacted right away to it. Top3 is where you have to be if you want to play with big teams. No excuses, you need to play well to get into the league. Play well in your own domestic league, 4 is too much for me. I know it means teams like Arsenal, Liverpool, Valencia, Sevilla losing out their place in Champions League, but it's their own fault for not playing good enough.

Because 4th-placed teams from the big leagues can actually win it?


You'd seriously rather watch teams who would currently hardly get past qualifying, let alone the group stage, getting slaughtered than an actual game where either side could win?


I agree about the money, but that can be redistributed anyway. There's no need to turn the CL into a farce to do it.


English sides have earned the fourth place by being successful in Europe. It can be taken away again by another league whose teams have more success than ours.


I was looking through our EC runs in the '70's and '80's earlier today. There were matches we won 10-0. The current CL format is much more competitive and much harder to win than the old European Cup format.


Assuming it would be LFC or Arsenal who lost out, you'd be throwing out the 4th or 5th ranked team in Europe and probably 3 of the top ten in total.


If anything should be changed, it's the name.

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Get into the top 3 then.


The CL will NOT be turned into a farce because the 4th place team from 4 or 5 leagues will miss out. I mean, what will that be? 5 less teams? Get real.


It's gutting news, don't get me wrong, for us more so than yourself. 4th is a realistic, perhaps one-off, aim, at least you lot have a realistic chance of 3rd for the next couple of seasons. But it's hardly going to have the disasterous effect people are trying to claim. The top four in these leagues are just getting a bit edgy in case the miss out the odd season that teams invariably slip up in.

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And then actually consider how likely that is.  A lot of people are making some wild, baseless assumptions. 




The way Platini is going,its very likley this will happen


He wants to give every country "The same chance"


But,tbh he just won,and nothing happend yet..


Lets judge the fucker a year from now..

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His intentions will be hampered along the way and compromises will have to made, which will even things out, but in general, it's not a bad direction if it's done right. If next season the top 3 from every nation got in it would be a farce, but when it's done gradually it can help the teams in those nations. The teams I can best think of that have benefited from a fairer CL are Celtic and Rangers. They used to take regular roastings in Europe just to pick up that yearly 10 or 20 million quid. Now, not so much Rangers, bar last year, they're a pretty decent force.


Sadly it has a knock on effect in that the rich just get stronger in their countries, but someone is always going to lose out.


This'll improve the UEFA cup, which isn't a bad thing, due to the utter Mickey Mouse nature it is beginning to pick up.


Another thing, unless it happens to be your team, people are always spitting the fucking shits when a fourth place team wins it. Fucking make your minds up.

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Agree with what you said..


But The whole champions league teams reduction aside,Platini had many harsh words to say about football in England ,no doubt he will try to change alot of things here,I personaly would be very intrested to see what he will do in his first year..


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