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Shay Given At Fault For Both Goals

The College Dropout

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Given is the last man we should be blaming right now

Our defence is fucking disgrace and Given saved us so many times that for all of you who are criticising Shay Given i wiill say only i thing:

Fuck off


I agree that Given should be either the last, or second last player to be blaming for our season, but he should still be blamed.

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perhaps Prima Donna is the wrong word to use.


Perhaps I should call them individuals.


Right now, we have a team of individuals rather than a team. Given is an individual, not a team player. We need to builsd a team, starting from the back, and for me, Given is expendable if we could sign someone like Ben Foster, or even Man City's Isaksson.


i want to keep Given, but get rid of Championshipplayers like Shambles, Babayaro etc, and get GOOD defenders in.


Defenders is the obvious first logical step, but that would be last chance saloon for Given, he'd have to gel with his back four as a unit, and if he didn't, I'd have him sold.


If he couldn't control them, agreed. But he has ability. Something the defence do not*.



* Until the Bramblephiles kick in, and start to pretend he has talent/potential/etc.

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ffs, for the first goal Taylor just stood and watched the ball go past him, and it's not as if he got a call from Shay to leave it.  It's not as if it was hard to just knock it out for a corner.


Shay Given has to expend effort off the pitch making sure Taylor does what Given wants him to do.

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ffs, for the first goal Taylor just stood and watched the ball go past him, and it's not as if he got a call from Shay to leave it.  It's not as if it was hard to just knock it out for a corner.


Shay Given has to expend effort off the pitch making sure Taylor does what Given wants him to do.


Not just Taylor. All of them.


If the manager and keeper can't get that through to the defence, they should all go. All of them.



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I've been saying for a long time that Shay's line dwelling costs us goals.


Practically all the defenders played a part in their first goal but the ball travelled across the 6 yard box where Shay should really come off his line.


Similar story with the second goal. From the position of the header any shot on target would most likely go in.


Shay has always played a part in our poor defensive displays.


Absolute bollocks ! Bramble cost us both he goals, so stop trying to find another scapegoat to divert blame. For the first goal Shambles played them onside when the other defenders had all stepped up to play them offside. For the second goal Shambles lost his man and he scored with a header (god only knows how many times we've seen Shambles do that).

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Well after Roeder has came out today and said "We need to find defenders who are good enough to play in front of Shay Given,"  I think it's obvious Given went mad in the dressing room and has demanded we sign some better defenders.


The ball should have got nowhere near Given for the first goal if it wasn't for schoolboy errors.

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Just dont see it.


The first goal - sure, Shay could have anticipated Taylor failing to cut the cross out, but thats different to it actually being "his fault". Taylor should have dealt with that cross, it was his to cut out, I would expect any centreback to cut that out, and because he didnt, it caught Shay out because there was only a split second in which Shay could have reacted.


The second goal, bollocks. If Shay had known the ball would be whipped in to the near post and therefore positioned himself for that type of near-post headed chance as opposed to staying in the centre and covering both posts with a man on the line, he wouldnt have bothered turning up for the game. He wouldnt even be a professional footballer, because hed be the only man on this planet with the ability to forsee the future. Hed be travelling the world bleeding casino's and bingo halls dry with that kind of foresight. Shay would make Henry Sugar look like a petty thief.

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perhaps Prima Donna is the wrong word to use.


Perhaps I should call them individuals.


Right now, we have a team of individuals rather than a team. Given is an individual, not a team player. We need to builsd a team, starting from the back, and for me, Given is expendable if we could sign someone like Ben Foster, or even Man City's Isaksson.

nonsense.. Given is not a team player.. omg, you're full of shit

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Guest Phil K

On balance, Shay is still well into the PLUS zone.

The rest however, are another matter.

Roeder complains about the defence.

YES - but wasnt it him who didnt buy at BOTH transfer deadlines ?

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Given was arguably partly to blame for the first goal along with about 3 others. The second goal was solely Bramble's fault. Given's probably the best keeper we've ever had by the way and I don't see us attracting anyone better if we get rid (given the state we're in).

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People also seem to forget his simply world class save he put onto the crossbar. But lets blame Given for our defenders not being good enough, maybe he can also take some for our misses as if he had trained our midfielders/strikers how to beat a keeper they might have put them away.

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People also seem to forget his simply world class save he put onto the crossbar. But lets blame Given for our defenders not being good enough, maybe he can also take some for our misses as if he had trained our midfielders/strikers how to beat a keeper they might have put them away.


It was Givens fault that Roeder wasted £5m on Duff when we should have bought a LB/CB. Tbh. Imho. Afaik. Itk.

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Guest Ridzuan

I havnt watch the match yet,so I didnt know what he could have done for both of the goals we conceded.Nevertheless,I still hear it was poor defending from our side that cost us the goals,so Shay Given couldnt do much about it probably.And I cannot believe and Im replying to this thread.

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I havnt watch the match yet,so I didnt know what he could have done for both of the goals we conceded.Nevertheless,I still hear it was poor defending from our side that cost us the goals,so Shay Given couldnt do much about it probably.And I cannot believe and Im replying to this thread.


Neither can i, given that you don't know what happened in the game.

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Shay Given has always been great so its difficult for me to see why some people are blaming him.

Very difficult in this case.

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Guest Ridzuan

Shay Given has always been great so its difficult for me to see why some people are blaming him.

Very difficult in this case.


Absolutely,especially when he is being blame for 2 goals.

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Shay Given has always been great so its difficult for me to see why some people are blaming him.

Very difficult in this case.


Absolutely,especially when he is being blame for 2 goals.

I think you missed my point there. Perhaps I should have said impossible rather than very difficult.

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that's the first time i've smiled in 14 hours.. thanks alex

Glad to have spread a little ray of sunshine. I think ridzy should take some of the credit though ;)

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