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Guest Alan_Shearer

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Guest Alan_Shearer

Whats with Roeders damn love affair with this guy. Hes bollox to be fair. Played the full 90 on Thurs, and the full 90 today! Rediculous! Play Dyer behind Martins, that worked when we did that, with Milner on Right and Zoggy on left!


Sib just doesn't have anything and his headers dont go anywhere!!! FFS wake up Glen...

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I think he is too slow too be of any real use to us in the Premiership. In Europe, the slower pace of the games just about allowed him to be of some use. In the 100mph Premiership, the game just passes him by. Not entirely his fault, he trys, so credit to him for that. The manager should be able to see the problem, and address the situation, and bring Sib on towards the end of games if we are chasing he game and need to go more direct.

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Gives his all but his best days are way behind him, yes he will wn stuff in the air but its one thing getting your head to it and a total other thing getting some kind of direction from the header.

Dyer - Martins when played uptop together have been by far our most prodictive forward pairing, but Glenn keeps on with Sib, should be used as a super sub only.

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Guest BooBoo

Sibs scored his goals mainly against sub standard European teams. The fact that he's played so many Premier League games this year is a damning indictment of Roeder's buffoonery.

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Guest LucaAltieri

The few times I've seen him he seemed good at holding the ball up and making a connection between the midfield and the attack.


Plus that flick-on in the first AZ game...


Better than playing a midfielder upfront.

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3 goals in 11 starts in the PL, plus 11 substitute appearances. Urgh.


Has been a revelation in Europe, but is not suited to being the target man when played against defenders who are generally a lot bigger and stronger than he is, unsurprisingly. Don't think he should have started today.

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Has he been given a new contract? I think i remember he has, in which case we wont be signing any strikers in the summer.

Owen, Martins, Ameobi, Sibierski.


Not sure it's a done deal yet, is it? But I'm sure I remember "2 years" being mentioned...

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shouldnt be there at all, never mind a back up.


If we seriously want to be at the top, we need 2 new strikers to go with Owen and Martins. These 2 strikers need to be good enough to step in and score goals.


Another discussion, but im still not convinced of Martins, and think we'll learn a lot more about him next season.


Sibierski is a carthorse, and if we give him a new contract (and bramble) it shows where our club is heading, and what its ambitions are.

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The few times I've seen him he seemed good at holding the ball up and making a connection between the midfield and the attack.


Plus that flick-on in the first AZ game...


Better than playing a midfielder upfront.

eh hello he is a midfielder  :idiot2:
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very much a stop-gap signing and should be played only as a last alternative.

did well to poach a few goals here and there, but unfortunately rather than take those goals as what they are (our good fortune) instead  they seem to make Roeder think he's pulled off a masterpiece in signing him (as he's gloated in the press) and methinks now he's in the side mainly cause everytime he scores one Roeder can claim he's a genius in the transfer market.


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Guest Ridzuan

Yes I agree that he is just a decent squad player.Fair enough,he has scored some important goals for us since he moved here,but I cant see him being one of our key players.

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Guest teepee

Yes I agree that he is just a decent squad player.Fair enough,he has scored some important goals for us since he moved here,but I cant see him being one of our key players.


my thoughts as well - keep him on the books though, so we can focus our budget on a left back...

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Hes not a decent squad player. Decent squad players dont break down team moves practically everytime they get the ball.


Sibierski is like the really shit kid you play with on the playground. Tries his best, everyone encourages him when he gets the ball and will say "good pass" or "well played" when he does something advanced like pass 5 yards to an open teamate, but hell always be shit.

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Hes not a decent squad player. Decent squad players dont break down team moves practically everytime they get the ball.


Sibierski is like the really s*** kid you play with on the playground. Tries his best, everyone encourages him when he gets the ball and will say "good pass" or "well played" when he does something advanced like pass 5 yards to an open teamate, but hell always be s***.


i think u didn't understand the meaning of squad player... first team player--->back up player----> squad player....


squad player = option number 3

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Whats with Roeders damn love affair with this guy. Hes bollox to be fair. Played the full 90 on Thurs, and the full 90 today! Rediculous! Play Dyer behind Martins, that worked when we did that, with Milner on Right and Zoggy on left!


Sib just doesn't have anything and his headers dont go anywhere!!! FFS wake up Glen...


Agree 100%!


Dyer up top just behind Martins is our best pairing up top. Le Sib is very ineffective, baggage really.

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Guest Gemmill

Shouldn't be given an extension.  He became something of a cult hero to simpletons, because he's bald, funny looking, and he surprised us all by scoring a few goals.  He should be shaken by the hand, thanked for his efforts, and sent on his way in the summer.


Through a combination of sentimentality and incompetence he will no doubt be extended a home to see out the rest of his career.  Shocker.


By the way, decent squad player he is not.  He shouldn't be starting games, and when you bring someone off the bench, it shouldn't be just to ensure that the player count remains at 11.  It should be someone who can do something to change a game, or shore things up in a game.  Sibierski is not that man.

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Guest cfhpantera27

Shouldn't be given an extension.  He became something of a cult hero to simpletons, because he's bald, funny looking.



he may be bald and pretty wierd looking.. but hasnt kicked the sh*t outta an advertising board as of yet..  ;D


i agree, squad player nothin more..

i wonder if Roeder's tried him out at the back in training!? just a thought

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i think he still havent sign his contract extension and i hope we didnt offer him one

He is past his best and is too slow

We should be looking for some young striker who can be backup to Owen,Martins and Ameobi

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