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Germans set to bid for Emre (by Anal)


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Is this another baseless bandwagon we've started here? One person rates him and then numerous others, who've barely seen him, follow suit. Not accusing you of this Stozo, or others like tmonkey who I've seen rate him, but there are a fair few sheep around these days.


A couple of years ago everyone was raving on about how we needed someone called Nihat. Whatever happened to him?

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Thought we paid less than £4m for him?


£3.8m if I'm not mistaken


3.8 is correct, dunno where the 6 came from!


Exactly what I was thinking. Unless we were missled as usual.

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Guest SJHL7

How many times can one man say "wide of the mark"?


Roeder Italian job's off


Mar 20 2007





By Alan Oliver, The Evening Chronicle



For Roeder's priority in the close season has to be defenders, and if it was left to me I would clear all the current lot out apart from Steven Taylor and Nobby Solano.



for once i agree with the great man

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He's at Villarreal where he's played 9 games and scored 1 goal this season. (Injured again.)


More useful than Owen has been this term, mind.


When did he leave Fener?  January?


edit: thought we were talking about Tuncay Sanli


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Two transfer windows too late tbh.


I'd agree. I do rate Emre, but if Bayern did bid 8m for him last summer as was rumoured, then it was madness not accept given that he and Parker don't look capable of forming a partnership.


Then again, who could form a partnership with that Parker fella? (just kidding by the way folks, lets not let this become a Parker thread. Though really I do mean what I say.)

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He's at Villarreal where he's played 9 games and scored 1 goal this season. (Injured again.)


More useful than Owen has been this term, mind.


When did he leave Fener?  January?



Are you not thinking of Tuncay?

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Guest Alex20

It wouldn't make a sh!t of difference if you take out emre and put in lampard or gerrard,

with our crappy team, one player can't make a difference. It takes a team tbh.

Put emre in a team with players that are able to pass and have pace and creativity

and suddenly emre looks world class, is it because he is ? Doubt it, the same way I doubt

he's that bad. It's just the team's overall performance that makes emre's look awful.

I should know, i've watched him play since he was 15.


Overall opinion, SELL.


I think he'd be excellent at Bayern, do you?


Bayern sucks tbh (no pun intended to the germans)


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It wouldn't make a sh!t of difference if you take out emre and put in lampard or gerrard,

with our crappy team, one player can't make a difference. It takes a team tbh.

Put emre in a team with players that are able to pass and have pace and creativity

and suddenly emre looks world class, is it because he is ? Doubt it, the same way I doubt

he's that bad. It's just the team's overall performance that makes emre's look awful.

I should know, i've watched him play since he was 15.


Overall opinion, SELL.


I think he'd be excellent at Bayern, do you?


Bayern sucks tbh (no pun intended to the germans)



Right, then. I think they're fairly snazzy, personally.

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Guest Alex20

It wouldn't make a sh!t of difference if you take out emre and put in lampard or gerrard,

with our crappy team, one player can't make a difference. It takes a team tbh.

Put emre in a team with players that are able to pass and have pace and creativity

and suddenly emre looks world class, is it because he is ? Doubt it, the same way I doubt

he's that bad. It's just the team's overall performance that makes emre's look awful.

I should know, i've watched him play since he was 15.


Overall opinion, SELL.


Since when has Emre looked awful? Hes consistently been one of our better players in his time here, and hes often put in good performances when the rest of the team arent playing well.


Hes like Dyer in that hes one of the few players who can force a s*** side into playing decent football. Probably our most important outfield player after Owen, itll be nothing but a step backwards if we sell him as the only replacements well get will be workhorses who will probably just be slightly better versions of Parker/Butt at best.


Chill monkey, I didn't comment on my own opinion, but on the general negative views people seem to have with Emre.

Otherwise my opinion is close to yours, I also rate Emre quite high, along with dyer and martins.


The only reason we're in this sh!thole is because of big fatty bum bum,  and his awful beyond horrible decisions.

Number one rule, you need a good coach, what does big fatty do, get horrible coaches. Second rule, you need good overall players,

instead he focuses on offence, how many defensive players did we get in the last couple years ? That alone shows how much fatty knows about the game.Football is played with players like dyer, martins, emre, nzogbia, not with players like carr, bramble, huntington and all those other defensive players we have that suck big time. I think the primary job we need to do this offseason is offload a couple of players, and try to get a good left back and right back, that's essential, and a good veteran Central back to go with taylor, who can distribute the ball. After that we really need to go after a good Central midfielder, doubt that parker is our answer. Getting 4 players will be tough but if we can steal 2 players without paying a fee that would help keep the budget tight and we'll have some money to spend on a defender or 2. 


If we can fix those defensive problems with quality transfers, I think life will be pretty good for us.


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It wouldn't make a sh!t of difference if you take out emre and put in lampard or gerrard,

with our crappy team, one player can't make a difference. It takes a team tbh.

Put emre in a team with players that are able to pass and have pace and creativity

and suddenly emre looks world class, is it because he is ? Doubt it, the same way I doubt

he's that bad. It's just the team's overall performance that makes emre's look awful.

I should know, i've watched him play since he was 15.


Overall opinion, SELL.


Since when has Emre looked awful? Hes consistently been one of our better players in his time here, and hes often put in good performances when the rest of the team arent playing well.


Hes like Dyer in that hes one of the few players who can force a s*** side into playing decent football. Probably our most important outfield player after Owen, itll be nothing but a step backwards if we sell him as the only replacements well get will be workhorses who will probably just be slightly better versions of Parker/Butt at best.


Chill monkey, I didn't comment on my own opinion, but on the general negative views people seem to have with Emre.

Otherwise my opinion is close to yours, I also rate Emre quite high, along with dyer and martins.


The only reason we're in this sh!thole is because of big fatty bum bum,  and his awful beyond horrible decisions.

Number one rule, you need a good coach, what does big fatty do, get horrible coaches. Second rule, you need good overall players,





Decent post, overall. Agree on most points.

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If we could get Sidwell on a free I'd sell Emre in a heartbeat.


Don't see the fuss on Sidwell, personally, but I'll admit to not being the expert on Reading. However, in the previous three Reading games I've seen in their entirety I've watched him closely and he has looked average, at best (two were against Man Utd, though!) He has constantly surrendered posession, doesn't seem to have any outstanding physical attributes other than stamina and he has never looked like scoring a goal. That's all I can base it on, though, because I don't remember paying particular attention to the lad before he started getting linked with us.


Certainly don't see him as being much better than what we already have. What, exactly, is so good about him? He's being a proper little runt with Reading as well and to me seems to be one of those "Jenas" players who is neither here-nor-there in regards to being an attacking or defensive midfielder. Certainly cannot imagine him being exciting alongside Butt or Parker and he's only got 4 goals in 32 appearances this season ('Boro, Tottenham & Villa x2). Good engine on him, undoubtedly, but hardly going to elevate us onto the next level, is he? 6 assists, too, but 2 were in the 6-0 over West Ham, 2 came at home to Sheffield United, 1 away to Man City and 1 at home to Charlton.


He's surely not an improvement on Emre?


Is this another baseless bandwagon we've started here? One person rates him and then numerous others, who've barely seen him, follow suit. Not accusing you of this Stozo, or others like tmonkey who I've seen rate him, but there are a fair few sheep around these days.


Dont think Sidwell is anything special at all, but hes going on a free and Butt will be 33 next season. IMO he plays the game better than Parker/Butt, in that hes better at passing forwards, and does so more often. He therefore has more presence on the ball in central midfield, despite being a similar type of player (ie workhorse with low technical ability) - its not the fact that hes got more ability when it comes to passing forwards, its just that he does so more often and with more confidence.


We need to build up a squad as opposed to a first team only, and although central midfield isnt a vital area that badly needs reinforcements, a free transfer for a decent player would only be a good thing.


Sidwell has indeed been overhyped because of the Wenger praise, and his form at the start of the season was pretty impressive, but like Seol (who was stunningly good at the start), as the season has progressed, neither have managed to maintain their form. Hence, the hype. But agian, for a free and for someone who is more positive, I wouldnt say no.


Also needs to be noted that imo, wed do some very good business if we were to ship out Parker for 6mill and bring in Sidwell on a free. Not much between both players in terms of ability and theyre pretty similar style players, but Sidwell afaik hasnt been messed around positionally so doesnt play as though hes confused about his role, and wed also talking about a pretty sizeable chunk which we could invest elsewhere. At the same time, in no way is Sidwell a replacement for Emre, in the way a second Scotty Parker would not be a good replacement for Emre.

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i don't think sidwell is any better than Parker. Put Parker at a small club like Reading and i'm sure he'd be able to run the show as a box-to-box like he did at Charlton. Likewise if Sidwell came here with all the pressure and lack of leadership, i'm not sure he'd be able to slot into a fixed DM/AM role.


though selling parker for £6-8m and getting in SIdwell on a free would be a nice piece of business.

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If we could get Sidwell on a free I'd sell Emre in a heartbeat.


Don't see the fuss on Sidwell, personally, but I'll admit to not being the expert on Reading. However, in the previous three Reading games I've seen in their entirety I've watched him closely and he has looked average, at best (two were against Man Utd, though!) He has constantly surrendered posession, doesn't seem to have any outstanding physical attributes other than stamina and he has never looked like scoring a goal. That's all I can base it on, though, because I don't remember paying particular attention to the lad before he started getting linked with us.


Certainly don't see him as being much better than what we already have. What, exactly, is so good about him? He's being a proper little runt with Reading as well and to me seems to be one of those "Jenas" players who is neither here-nor-there in regards to being an attacking or defensive midfielder. Certainly cannot imagine him being exciting alongside Butt or Parker and he's only got 4 goals in 32 appearances this season ('Boro, Tottenham & Villa x2). Good engine on him, undoubtedly, but hardly going to elevate us onto the next level, is he? 6 assists, too, but 2 were in the 6-0 over West Ham, 2 came at home to Sheffield United, 1 away to Man City and 1 at home to Charlton.


He's surely not an improvement on Emre?


Is this another baseless bandwagon we've started here? One person rates him and then numerous others, who've barely seen him, follow suit. Not accusing you of this Stozo, or others like tmonkey who I've seen rate him, but there are a fair few sheep around these days.


Dont think Sidwell is anything special at all, but hes going on a free and Butt will be 33 next season. IMO he plays the game better than Parker/Butt, in that hes better at passing forwards, and does so more often. He therefore has more presence on the ball in central midfield, despite being a similar type of player (ie workhorse with low technical ability) - its not the fact that hes got more ability when it comes to passing forwards, its just that he does so more often and with more confidence.


We need to build up a squad as opposed to a first team only, and although central midfield isnt a vital area that badly needs reinforcements, a free transfer for a decent player would only be a good thing.


Sidwell has indeed been overhyped because of the Wenger praise, and his form at the start of the season was pretty impressive, but like Seol (who was stunningly good at the start), as the season has progressed, neither have managed to maintain their form. Hence, the hype. But agian, for a free and for someone who is more positive, I wouldnt say no.


Also needs to be noted that imo, wed do some very good business if we were to ship out Parker for 6mill and bring in Sidwell on a free. Not much between both players in terms of ability and theyre pretty similar style players, but Sidwell afaik hasnt been messed around positionally so doesnt play as though hes confused about his role, and wed also talking about a pretty sizeable chunk which we could invest elsewhere. At the same time, in no way is Sidwell a replacement for Emre, in the way a second Scotty Parker would not be a good replacement for Emre.


All makes sense to me, as usual. Good post and I understand your reasonings behind it.


Was more on at the people who seem to think Sidwell would be a "brilliant" signing.

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Since when has Emre looked awful? Hes consistently been one of our better players in his time here, and hes often put in good performances when the rest of the team arent playing well.


Hes like Dyer in that hes one of the few players who can force a s*** side into playing decent football. Probably our most important outfield player after Owen, itll be nothing but a step backwards if we sell him as the only replacements well get will be workhorses who will probably just be slightly better versions of Parker/Butt at best.


I completely agree. Thank you for the post - the way many on here go on about Emre makes no sense to me.

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I'd get rid of Butt and Parker before Emre, personally, and I'd love to see us buy a decent-sized defensive midfielder who can put himself about a bit and pass it, also. If Martins/Owen are going to be our first-choice strikers we are quite simply going to struggle with set-plays at both ends of the pitch, unless we sign two full-backs capable of challenging people in the air.


If Solano stays as right-back, then we could have only two players in the entire team over six-feet tall (unless we buy a bigger LB.) In the modern game, that worries me enormously - though I know it's not the be-all and end-all.


Man Utd are the current "smallest" team I can think of, but on most occasions even they have a massive goalkeeper, two big centre-halves and Gary Neville/Gabriel Heinze in the FB slots, both of whom are extremely accomplished in the air. Evra less so, when he plays, but even then Rooney/Saha are bigger than Martins/Owen and Carrick/Ronaldo aren't tiny, either. Not to mention the fact that Man Utd are incredibly well-coached, an' all.


We are crying out for some power in all areas of the pitch, which is why I'm not over the moon about the prospect of Sidwell, or a Martins/Owen partnership, for that matter. It's all just a much of a muchness with what we already have and for all the fancy football we could play, I can't see beyond another season of getting bullied out of matches by the likes of Sheff Utd, Everton and Bolton.

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Guest Ridzuan

Emre is a good player and I dont want to see him leaving,but I dont think we will be able to do anything to prevent that from happening.Having said that,I dont think I will miss much of him if hes gone if we can get a replacement.

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