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Squad Numbering


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Excuse my ignorance, but maybe someone here with proper football knowledge can set me right on this. I was discussing the issue of how each player is allocated a squad number the other day with a mate of mine who knows even less about footie than I do...he asked me how squad numbers are allocated, i.e. whether strikers are always given #7,9,10 etc and whether defenders are given lower numbers - and I couldn't answer definitively. Told him that as far as I knew it was all down to a mixture of tradition within the club, within the history of football, and what number the player asked for in contract negotiations...in other words, I told him I didn't have a clue.




Anyone able to answer this one for me? Cheers!  :thup:

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That 8 minute window you gave all of us to respond in was very lenient of you. Cheeky bugger.


These days it's a free-for-all with player-power and that, although I'm unable to see the day when we give the #9 to a defender or something of a similar nature. At more and more clubs there are 'keepers with funny numbers and Woodgate at 'Boro is #8, for example, which is very odd to me. I suppose it's heading down the NFL route, where players can pick between 1 and 99 and if it's free at their team then they can have it.


Goalkeepers most definitely aren't all #1, either. Vitor Baia was number 99, you know? There is a 'keeper in Spain who is #5, I think, although it could be Italy - my brother was prattling on about it last week.


Traditionally I think GM's lower number for defenders/high number for attackers was on-the-money, but it's definitely moving towards us having number 83's, 69's and 57's all over the league, just for the sake of it. Some clubs will obviously have history with a shirt and so will keep that particular number for a particular position (16 at Man Utd after Roy Keane, etc.) but apart from that, it's fair game.

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Also, meant to ask - is there some sort of rule that dictates once a number has been allocated to a player he has to keep that number for the whole season, but that there's nothing to stop the manager changing the number for the next season?

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Also, meant to ask - is there some sort of rule that dictates once a number has been allocated to a player he has to keep that number for the whole season, but that there's nothing to stop the manager changing the number for the next season?


Once a player is registered as a number I don't think it can change in that season, but it can certainly change in the pre-season the following year - although it's probably a bit of a cunt if it's a popular player and the strip is staying the same (Ferdinand switching from 9 to 10 in 96 probably made the club a stack of cash as I bet loads of people bought new shirts because they were "outdated" and to get "SHEARER 9" obviously.)


The manager doesn't usually pick numbers, as far as I can see, it's mainly down to the club/tradition/player.

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Also, meant to ask - is there some sort of rule that dictates once a number has been allocated to a player he has to keep that number for the whole season, but that there's nothing to stop the manager changing the number for the next season?


Yeah, there is a rule. Initial squad numbers have to be submitted to the FA after a certain date. Once they're submitted, they can't be changed.


"But Milner was number 11 at the start of this season, though."


At the very start of this season - Milner was allocated number 11, but once Duff came, that number was transferred to him as he joined the squad before the submit date.

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Keepers are always #1, I think. Other than that, I'm really not sure either.  :blush:


Nah, there arent any rules saying outfield players cant have number 1


Yeah, I was pretty sure I'd end up being wrong, but you usually see #1 on a keeper. Ah, well. You learn something new every day...

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Was that answer quick enough, btw? Or did your panties still manage to twist before I replied? O0


i was replying on global. The saint number 10 becoming the cult of modern footballer number these days because i thought it was pele who introduce first. The No. 10 becoming symbol of Ace footballer which represent pele as the symbol of ace footballer.

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Guest smoggeordie

Also, meant to ask - is there some sort of rule that dictates once a number has been allocated to a player he has to keep that number for the whole season, but that there's nothing to stop the manager changing the number for the next season?


Yeah, there is a rule. Initial squad numbers have to be submitted to the FA after a certain date. Once they're submitted, they can't be changed.


"But Milner was number 11 at the start of this season, though."


At the very start of this season - Milner was allocated number 11, but once Duff came, that number was transferred to him as he joined the squad before the submit date.


Milner was 7, then Luque took it as it seemed Milner was on his way to Villa, meaning Milner had to choose another number when he got back from Birmingham.

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Was that answer quick enough, btw? Or did your panties still manage to twist before I replied? O0


i was replying on global. The saint number 10 becoming the cult of modern footballer number these days because i thought it was pele who introduce first. The No. 10 becoming symbol of Ace footballer which represent pele as the symbol of ace footballer.


I was speaking to GeordieMessiah, mate, don't worry! He was unhappy with waiting 8 minutes for an answer to his initial question. You're 100% right, as usual.

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2          5            6          3


7          4            8          11


            9          10

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