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Roeder Resigns (paid off tbh) - Official.


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Anyone know when the club is going to announce this as official?




Do you understand that PLC rules require such things to be announced on the stock exchange before they are confirmed as fact ?


This has been explained already.




What happened then Leazes? ;)

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Has either Roeder or Shepherd said anything yet?


Roeder mumbled something about it being the fault of the players, the fans, and the opposition, and that The Lord God Himself could not have done better. he then started rocking back and forward, repeating something about injuries, and it being ok now Shola's back.


Fat Man hasn't said a damned thing since it was reported that Greggs were going to pilot the opening of some shops in Newcastle into the early hours for drinkers, like a kebab shop. Ever since he heard that, he's been sat, still, staring into the middle distance, and dribbling a tiny bit out of one corner of his mouth.

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