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Newcastle Headlines


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With Big Sam coming to Newcastle, icNewcastle, the official site, and other news sources will have a fresh bash of stupid puns to fill their headlines with (ie., "End of the Roed"). I thought we should have a thread to give them a hand on these wonderfully creative headlines.  O0


If things don't turn around: "Sam Old Song and Dance"


If things DO turn around: "New Gaffer Sam-ply the best"



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With Big Sam coming to Newcastle, icNewcastle, the official site, and other news sources will have a fresh bash of stupid puns to fill their headlines with (ie., "End of the Roed"). I thought we should have a thread to give them a hand on these wonderfully creative headlines.  O0


If things don't turn around: "Sam Old Song and Dance"


If things DO turn around: "New Gaffer Sam-ply the best"




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With Big Sam coming to Newcastle, icNewcastle, the official site, and other news sources will have a fresh bash of stupid puns to fill their headlines with (ie., "End of the Roed"). I thought we should have a thread to give them a hand on these wonderfully creative headlines.  O0


If things don't turn around: "Sam Old Song and Dance"


If things DO turn around: "New Gaffer Sam-ply the best"





Extremely!  ;D


But, those stupid headlines do always crack me up. And besides, we've been in such a low lately, something a little funny can't hurt.

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