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:rolleyes: Ok.

Calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' isnt the brightest thing to say though? Go to Harlem and try it if you like.  Really!! If you can ask someone to take a video of it and email it back here then all the better!  :lol:


We're not in Harlem, nor is the players colour an issue. Despite the fact that you are trying to make out that i am a racist - which i very much do not appreciate - you may at some point have something useful to post, so thats something to look forward to.


And i can call any player anything i like, regardless of their colour, if it is about their ability and that alone. You clearly have little knowledge, understanding or experience of the various ways racism can manifest. 


:lol: You think calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' is a relection of their ability?


Amusing way of looking at it. Nb: Full marks for realising we arent in Harlem. If we were I doubt you would exist if that is your way of commenting on peoples abilities.

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:rolleyes: Ok.

Calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' isnt the brightest thing to say though? Go to Harlem and try it if you like.  Really!! If you can ask someone to take a video of it and email it back here then all the better!  :lol:


We're not in Harlem, nor is the players colour an issue. Despite the fact that you are trying to make out that i am a racist - which i very much do not appreciate - you may at some point have something useful to post, so thats something to look forward to.


And i can call any player anything i like, regardless of their colour, if it is about their ability and that alone. You clearly have little knowledge, understanding or experience of the various ways racism can manifest. 


:lol: You think calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' is a relection of their ability?


Amusing way of looking at it.


No, i think calling a player a big stupid monkey was accurate as a light-hearted metaphor of his ability.


The fact that he is black is irrelevant, and the fact that you keep brining it up is tantamount to trying to get someone banned for racism, imho. Let me type it slowly, so it sinks in:


His. Skin. Colour. Is. Irrelevant. He. Is. A. Stupid. Monkey.


I work with a fella i call my IT Monkey. He isn't black. I have shouted and heard shouted "Southern Monkey" at cockney opposition fans in the past (i got my username from a heated "debate" in a pub at West Ham).


So wind your neck in, in summary.

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:rolleyes: Ok.

Calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' isnt the brightest thing to say though? Go to Harlem and try it if you like.  Really!! If you can ask someone to take a video of it and email it back here then all the better!  :lol:


dont think he was being racist to be fair.  you're just reading something into it that actually isn't there

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Light hearted racism is the way forward then? Another interesting way of putting it.


So a black fella is a 'stupid monkey'? Clever  :rolleyes:


A word of advice: choose your words more carefully in future. I'm certain youre simply dim rather than racist. The two don't always go together, just usually.

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:rolleyes: Ok.

Calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' isnt the brightest thing to say though? Go to Harlem and try it if you like.  Really!! If you can ask someone to take a video of it and email it back here then all the better!  :lol:


dont think he was being racist to be fair.  you're just reading something into it that actually isn't there

Readng what was in print tbh. Not really much ambiguous about calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' is there?


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Light hearted racism is the way forward then? Another interesting way of putting it.


So a black fella is a 'stupid monkey'? Clever  :rolleyes:


A word of advice: choose your words more carefully in future. I'm certain youre simply dim rather than racist. The two don't always go together, just usually.


You're deliberately missing the point, presumably to get me banned.


Pathetic, tbh.


I think i'll ignore your advice on the choosing my words, ta. But cheers anyway.


By the way, Shambles IS a stupid monkey. So is Ameobi. So is Babayaro. And so is Steven "Stupid Fat Slow Monkey" Carr.  And Luque is a lazy, overrated Spanish monkey.

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:rolleyes: Ok.

Calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' isnt the brightest thing to say though? Go to Harlem and try it if you like.  Really!! If you can ask someone to take a video of it and email it back here then all the better!  :lol:


dont think he was being racist to be fair.  you're just reading something into it that actually isn't there

Readng what was in print tbh. Not really much ambiguous about calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' is there?



what a load of shite.  been on here a week i see and calling people who you know nothing about racist.


if you want to choose to take the phrase he's used and automatically assume he's being racist by using it, then that makes you an awful lot more narrow minded than him i'm afraid.


perhaps his choice of words was misguided, but your interpretation of what he meant was equally misguided i'd say.

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.


i did. And i have done in the past. The fact that a player is black is irrelevant. The fact that he plays like a monkey is the relevant thing.


Anyone still assuming that i was being racist just because the player happens to be black, despite my pointing out clearly that it was the ABILITY i was referring to, is the racist, not i. Or at best, a fucking idiot.

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.


i did. And i have done in the past. The fact that a player is black is irrelevant. The fact that he plays like a monkey is the relevant thing.


Anyone still assuming that i was being racist just because the player happens to be black, despite my pointing out clearly that it was the ABILITY i was referring to, is the racist, not i. Or at best, a fucking idiot.


Agreed. You are a moody bastard but havent said anything that makes me believe you are a racist :D

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.




Yeh, cos there are no racist connotations with calling a white person a monkey, whereas calling a black person amonkey does have racist connotations. Although, the context which NM used it in sows that there were no racist implications with what he said, i think he was just tryin to imply that Bramble was a primitive unskilled footballer.

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.

White people havent had the word 'monkey' used as a metaphor for their roots for the last few hundred years.

Like I say, go to Harlem or Brixton and see if it amuses people.


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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.


i did. And i have done in the past. The fact that a player is black is irrelevant. The fact that he plays like a monkey is the relevant thing.


Anyone still assuming that i was being racist just because the player happens to be black, despite my pointing out clearly that it was the ABILITY i was referring to, is the racist, not i. Or at best, a fucking idiot.


Agreed. You are a moody bastard but havent said anything that makes me believe you are a racist :D


Cheeky - albiet MODERATELY accurate - cunt. :lol:


Anyway, i'm not moody, i'm just on the darker side of pragmatic.

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.

White people havent had the word 'monkey' used as a metaphor for their roots for the last few hundred years.

Like I say, go to Harlem or Brixton and see if it amuses people.



rather just send you to find out tbh

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.




Yeh, cos there are no racist connotations with calling a white person a monkey, whereas calling a black person amonkey does have racist connotations. Although, the context which NM used it in sows that there were no racist implications with what he said, i think he was just tryin to imply that Bramble was a primitive unskilled footballer.

True. SAly the word used and its racist connotation linked to the word primitive wasnt the wisest. If I asked most people if calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' was racist, I am sure the majority would say 'Yes'.


Dim, yes.  Is he a racist? No idea, he certainly shows little idea about the context in which words should be used.

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.


i did. And i have done in the past. The fact that a player is black is irrelevant. The fact that he plays like a monkey is the relevant thing.


Anyone still assuming that i was being racist just because the player happens to be black, despite my pointing out clearly that it was the ABILITY i was referring to, is the racist, not i. Or at best, a fucking idiot.


Agreed. You are a moody bastard but havent said anything that makes me believe you are a racist :D


Cheeky - albiet MODERATELY accurate - cunt. :lol:


Anyway, i'm not moody, i'm just on the darker side of pragmatic.



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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.

White people havent had the word 'monkey' used as a metaphor for their roots for the last few hundred years.

Like I say, go to Harlem or Brixton and see if it amuses people.



To be honest if I was in Harlem or Brixton I wouldn't be walking up to black people and calling them anything! Doesn't mean people on an internet forum cannot slate people they don't like!

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.

White people havent had the word 'monkey' used as a metaphor for their roots for the last few hundred years.

Like I say, go to Harlem or Brixton and see if it amuses people.



rather just send you to find out tbh

That is the point. I simply wouldnt say it tbh. I'll leave that for the knuckle draggers.
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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.




Yeh, cos there are no racist connotations with calling a white person a monkey, whereas calling a black person amonkey does have racist connotations. Although, the context which NM used it in sows that there were no racist implications with what he said, i think he was just tryin to imply that Bramble was a primitive unskilled footballer.

True. SAly the word used and its racist connotation linked to the word primitive wasnt the wisest. If I asked most people if calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' was racist, I am sure the majority would say 'Yes'.


Dim, yes.  Is he a racist? No idea, he certainly shows little idea about the context in which words should be used.


but if you asked most people if calling "someone" a "big stupid monkey of a turd" was racist, most people would say no.


you're making a reference to skin colour that just wasn't there.

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.

White people havent had the word 'monkey' used as a metaphor for their roots for the last few hundred years.

Like I say, go to Harlem or Brixton and see if it amuses people.



To be honest if I was in Harlem or Brixton I wouldn't be walking up to black people and calling them anything! Doesn't mean people on an internet forum cannot slate people they don't like!

It does. That is where you are very very wrong. People dont want to hear that shite no matter where they are. If you wouldnt say it there then it shouldnt be said here.


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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.

White people havent had the word 'monkey' used as a metaphor for their roots for the last few hundred years.

Like I say, go to Harlem or Brixton and see if it amuses people.



rather just send you to find out tbh

That is the point. I simply wouldnt say it tbh. I'll leave that for the knuckle draggers.


Again with the abuse.


Jebus, mate. Leave it alone. You jumped to a conclusion, for whatever reason/motivation. You were wrong, and that was made clear. Its getting old now, to be honest.


Just walk away from it. It's like last nights donner kebab - it stinks, you probably wish you hadn't started it, and any life it has left is not anything a person in their right mind would touch.

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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.




Yeh, cos there are no racist connotations with calling a white person a monkey, whereas calling a black person amonkey does have racist connotations. Although, the context which NM used it in sows that there were no racist implications with what he said, i think he was just tryin to imply that Bramble was a primitive unskilled footballer.

True. SAly the word used and its racist connotation linked to the word primitive wasnt the wisest. If I asked most people if calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' was racist, I am sure the majority would say 'Yes'.


Dim, yes.  Is he a racist? No idea, he certainly shows little idea about the context in which words should be used.


but if you asked most people if calling "someone" a "big stupid monkey of a turd" was racist, most people would say no.


you're making a reference to skin colour that just wasn't there.

Youre wrong. You cant say that in any situation when commenting on a black fella. Get an education. Some social skill wouldnt go amiss either.
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If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.

White people havent had the word 'monkey' used as a metaphor for their roots for the last few hundred years.

Like I say, go to Harlem or Brixton and see if it amuses people.



rather just send you to find out tbh

That is the point. I simply wouldnt say it tbh. I'll leave that for the knuckle draggers.


Again with the abuse.


Jebus, mate. Leave it alone. You jumped to a conclusion, for whatever reason/motivation. You were wrong, and that was made clear. Its getting old now, to be honest.


Just walk away from it. It's like last nights donner kebab - it stinks, you probably wish you hadn't started it, and any life it has left is not anything a person in their right mind would touch.

Fair enough, when you accept that your choice of words was inappropriate.
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