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Bolton's Formation & Setup Last Season


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The midfield three were Speed, Campo and Nolan if I am not mistaken. So did both Campo and Speed sit back as defensive midfielders with just Nolan pushing forward? Or did both Speed and Nolan push forward?


Also, did bolton at any point play a 4-4-2 with Anelka and Davies up front? Or did Anelka come in from the left hand side of the 4-3-3?


I can't ever really recall Bolton playing a 4-4-2 and with the success Allardyce has had over the last few years with the 4-3-3, could you imagine him changing to a 4-4-2? And would this be a good idea?


I know the 4-3-3 isn't that popular as some see it more as 4-5-1, but i imagine with better players it would look more attractive. I think I am leaning more towards Sam sticking with what has worked for himi.e. the 4-3-3, but with talk of him wanting Owen or Martins to stay I cnnot imagine how either could be accomodated in this setup.


So judging by the way he had his players setup at Bolton last year, who do you imagine out of our current players would be compatible in this system and therefore more likely to still be around?

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Guest Steven_MB

Don't want to sound padantic but, don't you mean 4-4-2?


When being padantic it is best to spell check, incase other pedantic people comment on your typos.

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Don't want to sound padantic but, don't you mean 4-4-2?


When being padantic it is best to spell check, incase other Pedantic people comment on your typos.


Never knew pendantic had a capital P



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Guest Steven_MB

point taking (smart arse). :razz:


sorry, should have resisted. I usually hate people who comment on grammar, i'm such a hypocrite.

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i can see Martins fitting in a 4-3-3 in one of the wide forward positions, but don't see Owen fitting in so easily. he did play in a front three at Madrid for a while but it was farcical at times, him, ronaldo and raul all making the same run for the same pass.

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Guest Darth Toon

It was mainly a 4-3-3, changing to 4-5-1 when defending.


From what I've seen the midfield 3 were fairly fluid, but the tendency would be 1 holding (Campo or Faye) and 2 slightly further forward. Seems to like his defence to site deep and create space for passing interchanges in midfield.


The 2 wide men seemed to be instructed to stick very wide when waiting for the ball, making the "out" ball easier to spot/play, then cut in once they had possession, but there would also be a fair bit of interchanging between the front 3 too - Davies for instance would do a lot of running out wide, leaving Anelka to pull into the centre.


However he decides to play here, I think its safe to say our players will be sent out with a hell of a lot more tactical instructions than they're used to!



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Guest Invicta_Toon

4-3-3 has never been popular in SJP


Tino Ferdinand Shearer worked


table says otherwise

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Guest alex

4-3-3 has never been popular in SJP


Tino Ferdinand Shearer worked


table says otherwise

I'm sure knowing so much about football and NUFC in particular you'll be able to justify those comments with references to the matches in which that particular combination was used and why you feel it didn't work in terms of the football played and the results achieved. Or perhaps not.  :coolsmiley:

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Guest Invicta_Toon

4-3-3 has never been popular in SJP


Tino Ferdinand Shearer worked


table says otherwise

I'm sure knowing so much about football and NUFC in particular you'll be able to justify those comments with references to the matches in which that particular combination was used and why you feel it didn't work in terms of the football played and the results achieved. Or perhaps not.  :coolsmiley:


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Guest alex

4-3-3 has never been popular in SJP


Tino Ferdinand Shearer worked


table says otherwise

I'm sure knowing so much about football and NUFC in particular you'll be able to justify those comments with references to the matches in which that particular combination was used and why you feel it didn't work in terms of the football played and the results achieved. Or perhaps not.  :coolsmiley:


top post

I suspected you were out of your depth there.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

4-3-3 has never been popular in SJP


Tino Ferdinand Shearer worked


table says otherwise

I'm sure knowing so much about football and NUFC in particular you'll be able to justify those comments with references to the matches in which that particular combination was used and why you feel it didn't work in terms of the football played and the results achieved. Or perhaps not.  :coolsmiley:


top post

I suspected you were out of your depth there.


as if you were actually after proof

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Guest alex

4-3-3 has never been popular in SJP


Tino Ferdinand Shearer worked


table says otherwise

I'm sure knowing so much about football and NUFC in particular you'll be able to justify those comments with references to the matches in which that particular combination was used and why you feel it didn't work in terms of the football played and the results achieved. Or perhaps not.  :coolsmiley:


top post

I suspected you were out of your depth there.


as if you were actually after proof

Well, you could always put me straight and explain why you thought playing those three up front didn't work in the context of the league table, performances and results in. I was inviting you to justify your comment. Although you're correct in assuming I thought you wouldn't be able to do so.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

4-3-3 has never been popular in SJP


Tino Ferdinand Shearer worked


table says otherwise

I'm sure knowing so much about football and NUFC in particular you'll be able to justify those comments with references to the matches in which that particular combination was used and why you feel it didn't work in terms of the football played and the results achieved. Or perhaps not.  :coolsmiley:


top post

I suspected you were out of your depth there.


as if you were actually after proof

Well, you could always put me straight and explain why you thought playing those three up front didn't work in the context of the league table, performances and results in. I was inviting you to justify your comment. Although you're correct in assuming I thought you wouldn't be able to do so.


I know for a fact you're not interested, hence I have no desire to spend 20 pages proving the bleeding fucking obvious to you tbh

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Guest alex

Just say if you can't justfiy what you said. It would save time all-round. If my memory serves my rightly, what you said was wrong anyway.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Just say if you can't justfiy what you said. It would save time all-round. If my memory serves my rightly, what you said was wrong anyway.


Not interested tbh


I know it's right, if you care that much, do it yourself

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Guest alex

Just say if you can't justfiy what you said. It would save time all-round. If my memory serves my rightly, what you said was wrong anyway.


Not interested tbh


I know it's right, if you care that much, do it yourself

I was thinking in particular of the period when Dalglish took over as manager and when it was employed to great effect in his first (part) season at the club. My memory may be slightly distorted (I'm sure you can put me straight though) but I believe the form from then on would have been enough to win the league that year had it been extrapolated over the season as a whole. Were you thinking of the same period/set of results or some other games under Keegan perhaps?

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Alex - I wish there was a smiley for a "high five"


this will have to do




keep the love ins to PM eh?

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4-3-3 has never been popular in SJP


Tino Ferdinand Shearer worked


table says otherwise

the table says we finished 2nd

Must have been shite then... why didnt we finish top !!!

Fucking useless front line that

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