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When do fixtures come out?

Guest DavB93

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On that piont can we make a sticky announcing they are out 14th of June and telling people not to post them. As their have been a few threads so far and I imagine they'll be a few more as well, would just be easier imo.

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Might as well give people a weeks notice, as they don't read stickies.


As the Premiership fixtures lists for the 2007/08 season are released within the coming week, can everyone please remember that posting fixtures lists on the forum can potentially result in the site being shut down, and will therefore result in an immediate two week ban from the forum for the responsible user, without exception.


Fixtures lists are copyrighted property of the FA and Football DataCo. Rulings state that "no part of the Fixtures Lists may be reproduced stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Football DataCo Limited".


There are no excuses for any users who break this rule, and due to the fact that the site has been shut down in the past for this very thing, a zero-tolerance approach will be taken by all members of the moderating team. Please do not take any risks over this issue, and do not attempt to use any work-arounds. This includes using pretend club names and/or trying to disguise the fixture list into any other form.


Thanks for your co-operation.

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On that piont can we make a sticky announcing they are out 14th of June and telling people not to post them. As their have been a few threads so far and I imagine they'll be a few more as well, would just be easier imo.


I hope you're joking.

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How can the site be closed down by posting the fixtures.


Cause the fixtures are copyright and people who host websites are sometimes a bit soft so when the Premiership sent their lawyers round they close the site down.

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Guest TheOrder

Might as well give people a weeks notice, as they don't read stickies.


As the Premiership fixtures lists for the 2007/08 season are released within the coming week, can everyone please remember that posting fixtures lists on the forum can potentially result in the site being shut down, and will therefore result in an immediate two week ban from the forum for the responsible user, without exception.


Fixtures lists are copyrighted property of the FA and Football DataCo. Rulings state that "no part of the Fixtures Lists may be reproduced stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Football DataCo Limited".


There are no excuses for any users who break this rule, and due to the fact that the site has been shut down in the past for this very thing, a zero-tolerance approach will be taken by all members of the moderating team. Please do not take any risks over this issue, and do not attempt to use any work-arounds. This includes using pretend club names and/or trying to disguise the fixture list into any other form.


Thanks for your co-operation.


I dont mind the general banning of the fixtures, but can they actually 'do us' if we post Tyneside Vs Man Blue?.



Seems a bit far-fetched.

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Might as well give people a weeks notice, as they don't read stickies.


As the Premiership fixtures lists for the 2007/08 season are released within the coming week, can everyone please remember that posting fixtures lists on the forum can potentially result in the site being shut down, and will therefore result in an immediate two week ban from the forum for the responsible user, without exception.


Fixtures lists are copyrighted property of the FA and Football DataCo. Rulings state that "no part of the Fixtures Lists may be reproduced stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Football DataCo Limited".


There are no excuses for any users who break this rule, and due to the fact that the site has been shut down in the past for this very thing, a zero-tolerance approach will be taken by all members of the moderating team. Please do not take any risks over this issue, and do not attempt to use any work-arounds. This includes using pretend club names and/or trying to disguise the fixture list into any other form.


Thanks for your co-operation.


I dont mind the general banning of the fixtures, but can they actually 'do us' if we post Tyneside Vs Man Blue?.



Seems a bit far-fetched.


Yes, .com received letters from Premier League lawyers when they tried it and similar.


Don't do it.

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Does anyone know how much a license costs so that a website can post premiership fixtures?


We can get them cheap but the club and the FA will only allow one unofficial newcastle site to have the fixtures and NUFC.com have got it. To get them though without going through the club we have to buy two licences one for Newcastle and one for a different club then Newcastle don't get asked but we end up with the same problem of only one unofficial website getting them which is unfair again. The rules are shite but we have to stick with them.

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Guest smoggeordie

I fly off to Florida on the mornign of the 14th. Anyone know what time  they usually come out ?

I fly at 11.15


Usually at about 11:16.

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Guest nufc 4 life

how about using our band name, not trying ti be akward just a though that popped into me head. Our band name is in another forum btw for anyone that doesn't know.

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