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Souness: Magpies have Problems

Guest johnson293

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Souness is a cunt end off. However, sky sports are meant to be one of the foremost authorities on Premier League football, so why the fuck didn't someone, Richard keyes for example, pose the question, ( as previously statedf). " Graeme, you contemptable cunt, when you took over that great squad of players you where 4 points from the promised land, you spent 50 million and then almost took them down, could you please explain to our viewers where exactly did you tart the fucking team up, you absolute bellend".


Until sky start asking these questions i may just well refuse to pay. :razz:


the more I think about all of this, the more I think that he, and they, are deliberately doing it to just piss us all off. I would be convinced of it if the head of sky sports wasn't a Newcastle supporter, in which case if anyone knows a contact email address we should all email them and ask him wtf he's playing at.


And get Richard Keys to ask that very question




And Mick.....you have made me laugh at that post, you have put if far more graphically than I did mate  ;D



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Guest Toonsparky

With all the goings on regarding the Lord Stevens inquiry over dodgy transfer deals, I still can't believe that the Boumsong transfer to the toon hasn't come under the spotlight. Waster Souness is married to the Rangers chairmans duaghter, and nobody else was in the frame to sign the puddin'. Yet the asking price was offered and accepted straight away, no haggling :idiot2:. Is that the definition of nepotism or what??????????????????

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With all the goings on regarding the Lord Stevens inquiry over dodgy transfer deals, I still can't believe that the Boumsong transfer to the toon hasn't come under the spotlight. Waster Souness is married to the Rangers chairmans duaghter, and nobody else was in the frame to sign the puddin'. Yet the asking price was offered and accepted straight away, no haggling :idiot2:. Is that the definition of nepotism or what??????????????????


And you know it hasn't how?

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With all the goings on regarding the Lord Stevens inquiry over dodgy transfer deals, I still can't believe that the Boumsong transfer to the toon hasn't come under the spotlight. Waster Souness is married to the Rangers chairmans duaghter, and nobody else was in the frame to sign the puddin'. Yet the asking price was offered and accepted straight away, no haggling :idiot2:. Is that the definition of nepotism or what??????????????????


And you know it hasn't how?


Because then it'd be obvious. That's what 'under the spotlight' means.

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With all the goings on regarding the Lord Stevens inquiry over dodgy transfer deals, I still can't believe that the Boumsong transfer to the toon hasn't come under the spotlight. Waster Souness is married to the Rangers chairmans duaghter, and nobody else was in the frame to sign the puddin'. Yet the asking price was offered and accepted straight away, no haggling :idiot2:. Is that the definition of nepotism or what??????????????????


And you know it hasn't how?


Because then it'd be obvious. That's what 'under the spotlight' means.


There are still 17 unnamed transfers 'under the spotlight'.

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With all the goings on regarding the Lord Stevens inquiry over dodgy transfer deals, I still can't believe that the Boumsong transfer to the toon hasn't come under the spotlight. Waster Souness is married to the Rangers chairmans duaghter, and nobody else was in the frame to sign the puddin'. Yet the asking price was offered and accepted straight away, no haggling :idiot2:. Is that the definition of nepotism or what??????????????????


I remember us being knocked back many times http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?xml=/sport/2004/12/23/sfnnew23.xml & thought it was strange with Souness being good friends with  Murray we should of only bid once.


I think your wrong/bullshiting about Souness & his wife as well :http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/news/tm_objectid=14834442&method=full&siteid=50081&headline=the-softer-side-of-toon-s-hardman-name_page.html


Souey's son does work Sir David Murray's firm in Manchester, as does Walter Smiths son.



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Souness signed 12 players while he was manager here. He left in February 2006. If Babayaro, Luque and Owen leave (which are all looking really likely assuming we find takers) this summer then we the only survivors will be Krul, Solano and Emre (with Clark retiring obviously). Even out of them 3 theres only Krul 100% certain to be here next season (and he's not even a first team player). All them players came up to around £50m. Its quite scary thinking about it. We've got back just under £13m from the 6 players who he signed who have since left. Assuming Owen leaves for £9m, Babayaro leaves for free, and Luque is loaned out that comes to around £22m from the players he signed who we have since got shot of. £28m down, and probably only 3 players left to show for it come September.

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It's a bit like Fred West complaining about having a few bad apples in the neighbourhood....


But nothing will suprise me about the 'man' - he was out on Sky a week after being sacked commentating at a Newcastle match saying how our squad was a thin as fuck and Emre was too small to be a Premier League player.  Nobody pulled him up then either strangely enough.  Watch as little of any match build up as I can nowadays.  Will watch Discovery or Kerrang up till the closest time to kick off as possible now, for any football on any channel to avoid the odious jobs for the boys twats that are on now.

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Apparently Shepherd's son brought in Luque.


Kenny has been doing transfers for long time now & so has Sheps other son.


no they haven't


why do people make things up ?




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He's trying it on with that crap, we were 5th the season before he took over and I can still remember his saying how good the squad was that he took over and spent almost £50 million on.


Spot on Mick tbh

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Guest sombrero

i just want to say, i get so angered when ex managers get jelous that someone else might actualy do a fantastic job compared to him. what was he buying wolves with anyway?, the money we wasted on him?

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Guest sittingontheball

Wasn't he supposed to be effing off to Australia?  The sooner, the ferking better.


Can't they cull ex-Liverpool pundits like they do baby seals?  They could have a raffle to see who does the clubbing. You'd get a tenner a ticket easily. For charity like.


What s*** are you talking about, culling baby seals! you have the wrong country ignoramus.


Is there an N-O rule about metaphors being country-specific? :rolleyes:


Okay then, they should have a "club Souness" stall at the Hoppins. :knuppel2: It would make a mint. :celb:


Is that culture-specific enough for the thread police?

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Guest Ridzuan

Let him say whatever he wants.It will only prove that he is a rubbish manager.Everyone knows that and no one should really care what he has to say about the club.

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Guest thaitoon

hat gets me is , he comes on about difficult job, big problems, well instead of giving an interview about shite basically, come out with it, tell us from your high and almighty position what the fuck these difficulties were, i fucking hate these non descript interviews where so much is said but nowt worth listening too, same shite each year, ban these fucking interviews if youve heard one youve heard them all.


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Guest thaitoon

and whilst im here, we dont need sounes to tell us that there major probs. at sjp, he was here for 18 months, ive been here fo 45years, i dont need a trumped up jock of a thug footballer telling me , or not telling me , jesus he componded part of the team problem boumsong was the complete tosser of a footballer, and i said so after the first 4 games of his career, anyone who spent that money needs to be hung, but we all know about that dodgy deal dont we, makes my piss boil..........as your probably aware

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no they haven't


why do people make things up ?


So what was he doing at the Owen deal? Making the the tea?



He also dealt with the Luque transfer. This is a known.


I dont mean he is picking the players like philinho meant but he is part of the team that agrees the fee's with club & bangs out the contract with the player.



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