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HELP!!England international footballers with a double"o" in their surname..


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Chap at work reckons there have been 47 England internatonals with "oo" in their surname.


  I have only thought of 9,they are-:Wayne Rooney

                                                        Bobby Moore

                                                        Terry Cooper

                                                        Peter Osgood

                                                        Tim Sherwood

                                                        Jonathan Woodgate

                                                        Chris Woods

                                                        Trevor Brooking

                                                        Tony Woodcock



Anyone think of any more?


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Steve Bloomer

Frank Booth

Thomas Booth

Peter Brabrook

Eric Brook

Trevor Brooking

Frank Broome

Tommy Cook

Colin Cooper (apparantly got a cap in 1995)

Norman Cooper

Terry Cooper

Tom Cooper

Sammy Crooks

Roy Goodall

John Goodall



and the list goes on....


I cant help but laugh at the thought of Tom Cooper in a fez playing for England.

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