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Liverpool have no money to spend?


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Rafa told to work with usual budget


Written by Jim Boardman


Monday, 11 June 2007


Reports tonight suggest that Liverpool boss Rafael Benítez has been given details of his budget by the club's new owners - and it doesn't make pleasant reading. Rafa lost his cool the morning after the Champions League final when he complained about a lack of urgency from the new owners and the chief executive over both signing new players and getting his core players to commit to new contracts.


He's now going to lose his cool again after being told by the new owners that they are refusing to add any extra funds of their own to the transfer kitty. Rafa's budget will be made up of money from selling players, prize money from the Champions League, money from ticket sales and so on. The same budget as every summer.


Last week we saw Carragher, Gerrard, Alonso and Reina all sign new four and five year deals, and all four spoke of their excitement that the club was moving forward. But Rafael Benítez has been confiding to some about his unhappiness in relation to the way he's being spoken to. Promises of support are all well and good, but Rafa wanted actions not words. He started to get the impression that the likes of Samuel Eto'o and Carlos Tevez were out of reach, and started to get a list together of players costing between £15m and £18m.


Eto'o and Tevez, at their quoted fees, are now definitely out of reach. But even the players in the £15m category seem to be out of reach.I t seems Rafa will have to sell before he can buy. There's no indication of where the extra TV money has gone, nor any explanation as to why the owners are now going against all their hints of supporting the manager in his plans by supplying him with extra money.


The new owners are claiming privately that Rafa is happy with the news he has no money to spend after all. That's quite untrue, Rafa is said to be fuming to put it bluntly. Keep in mind that last summer's purchase of Dirk Kuyt was made possible by David Moores lending the club the money to pay the transfer fee. In effect Liverpool will have less money than last summer, unless the new TV money is handed to Rafa.


These stories are leaking from various directions, all is not well inside Anfield. What hasn't yet been revealed is the excuse that the new owners will use for going back on all they said.


Meanwhile, back across the Atlantic, George Gillett has been speaking to the Montreal Gazette about Liverpool FC. He talks about spending money on the club, but not in the way he was talking about it earlier in the year: "As far back as February, Rafa laid out a program for us," says Gillett. "Each one of our sports businesses has a core concept. You can't just flop around looking at opportunities here and there, go left, go right. It has to be part of an integrated plan. We have one at Liverpool, as we have with the Canadiens, one we understand 100 per cent, believe in and support. The plan involves us spending money, but it will be part of a plan, not just spending like a drunken sailor."


Hang on - we didn't expect money to be spent "like a drunken sailor". We expected Rafa to be supported in his plans - the way we were told he would be during all those high-profile interviews with the US pair. Whatever plans Rafa had, they included buying more players to strengthen the weaker areas of the squad. That costs money, but now the tone is changing. Gillett says: "Hockey and soccer are all about teamwork, and Rafa believes in that very strongly. It's the same in almost all of life - it's about partnership, teamwork and communication. It's not all about money."


From all the leaked reports, "communication" from the US has been nothing short of pathetic. Rafa's patience has been tried repeatedly due to an unwillingness from those above him to communicate. And the statement, "It's not all about money," is indeed true, but for Liverpool fans success is all-important. We've grown used to it ever since Bill Shankly shook the club up in the sixties. The modern game is unfortunately pretty much ruled by money. If it wasn't George and Tom wouldn't be here - they'd not have the same interest to start with, but there wouldn't have been the same need to go looking for investment. We expected investment to include a plan where Rafa, or whoever was managing the club, would be able to invest in his squad every transfer window to ensure we were always at least on a par with our rivals. To get on a par with our rivals though we needed a boost, some extra money to gets us a few steps closer to those ahead of us. Money, plus Rafa's expertise, could bring us the league title we so desperately want. It now seems that the new owners have lied about the money. And if there's one thing Liverpool fans do not like it's being lied to or lied about. Rafa Benítez is much the same.


Liverpool fans were delighted to see the club reach the Champions League final in Athens, but other than the Charity Shield won last August, and the FA Youth Cup won by the youngsters, it's been a trophyless season. Gillett considers it was a successful season: "In all candour, the Gillett and Hicks families have to say we've been pretty lucky to arrive on the scene and enjoy this first-season success," he said. "It's heady and a lot of fun, but it sure would be a mistake for us to try to act like we had anything to do with it. This is the work of David Moores and Rick Parry and Rafa and the players. We were the fortunate beneficiaries of circumstance."


If the stories turn out to be true and the new owners have mislead fans over the amounts of funds Rafa would be given, they might find themselves beneficiaries of something they wouldn't class as fortunate. As they saw in the semi-final of the Champions League at Chelsea, you don't want to get on the wrong side of Liverpool fans.


Perhaps Tom and George would be so good to have a re-think on their plans, or to at least have the decency to tell their new club's supporters the truth. No carefully-chosen words, just honesty.


What they think of it: http://forums.lfconline.com/showthread.php?t=58530


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Gillett denies Rafa rift


Liverpool co-owner George Gillett insists there has been no fall-out with Rafa Benitez over transfer funds.


However, the American tycoon says the club will resist "spending like a drunken sailor" this summer.


Rumours abounded of millions being made available to the Reds boss following the takeover by Gillett and Tom Hicks.


Samuel Eto'o and David Villa were mooted as possible transfer targets, but with little movement so far this summer it has been suggested that financial restrictions have forced Benitez to lower his sights.


As a result, reports have claimed that the former Valencia coach is disillusioned with the new regime at Anfield, but Gillett has angrily denied a rift.


"I read that Rafa is throwing hand-grenades at us and making demands, that there's a tension or disagreement between him and the Gillett and Hicks families," Gillett said in The Times.


"Nothing could be further from the truth.


"As far back as February, Rafa laid out a programme for us.


"Each one of our sports businesses has a core concept. It has to be part of an integrated plan.


"We have one at Liverpool, one we understand 100 per cent, believe in and support. The plan involves us spending money, but it will be part of a plan, not just spending like a drunken sailor."

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Guest Knightrider

Yep, heard this myself and why we as fans ourselves need to be realistic as to our own spending under Ashley. I can see Rafa fucking off in a season's time like.

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I wonder whats going on there?


Possibly just trying to force down player prices stating they've got no money or have a tight budget, or possibly the Americans have lied to get the club.


Maybe the stadium is proving more expensive than 1st thought, maybe Rafa and the fans are jumping the gun and they are just waiting for the TV money to come through, either way, all is not calm at Liverpool right now, especially after Manu just went and blew them out of the water with their summer signings which are already done and dusted.


If the report is true though, and Rafa isn't pleased they could possibly be looking for a new manager, he'll walk if he feels he's been treated unfairly.


But i think Liverpool fans were expecting a bit too much, the Americans have sunk the money into the stadium, and basically want the TV money, all £40m of it, it be sunk into new players. I cant see anything wrong with that, £40m would move Liverpool forward spent correctly, but i think Rafa wants about 3-4 £15m players to bring Liverpool up to scratch and with Manu already doing that, that would only mean right now they are standing still (theoretically).



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Yep, heard this myself and why we as fans ourselves need to be realistic as to our own spending under Ashley. I can see Rafa fucking off in a season's time like.


Totally. Its why i'm liking SA working the current budget. In fact i'd rather him stick to this budget right now and do it sensibly and not over stretch the club.


Do you think its just mis communication at Liverpool right now or something bigger?

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Guest Knightrider

I think they'll have about 25-30m plus whatever they can get in sales, while Rafa is wanting upwards of 60m to spend big on 3 players or so. I don't think all is well at Anfield and hasn't been for a while. Lots of internal politics which could get messy. If sorted though Rafa can lead Liverpool to the title, maybe not next season but the season after as he's a top manager.

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Guest Knightrider

Yep, heard this myself and why we as fans ourselves need to be realistic as to our own spending under Ashley. I can see Rafa fucking off in a season's time like.


Totally. Its why i'm liking SA working the current budget. In fact i'd rather him stick to this budget right now and do it sensibly and not over stretch the club.


Do you think its just mis communication at Liverpool right now or something bigger?


A difference in opinions more like, Rafa feels he can't do a lot more to bridge the gap and wants to bring in 3 world-class players at say 20m each but the new owners aren't going to pump that in, not when they've just forked out 400m or so to buy the club, plan to build a new stadium and Rafa has already spent good money on players in the past who lets be honest, haven't shown good value for money (some of them anyway).


I can see Rafa's point like but he's a good enough manager to be able to win the title on 25-30m surely which is still a large kitty by anyone's standard?

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Guest Johan

Well, Rafa might be a good manager but so are Jose and Ferguson and they have better teams, and last time I checked it was the teams that played for the points not the managers. What is he going to do with his great manager skills, conjure up a world class striker and wingers?

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Yep, heard this myself and why we as fans ourselves need to be realistic as to our own spending under Ashley. I can see Rafa f****** off in a season's time like.


Totally. Its why i'm liking SA working the current budget. In fact i'd rather him stick to this budget right now and do it sensibly and not over stretch the club.


Do you think its just mis communication at Liverpool right now or something bigger?


A difference in opinions more like, Rafa feels he can't do a lot more to bridge the gap and wants to bring in 3 world-class players at say 20m each but the new owners aren't going to pump that in, not when they've just forked out 400m or so to buy the club, plan to build a new stadium and Rafa has already spent good money on players in the past who lets be honest, haven't shown good value for money (some of them anyway).


I can see Rafa's point like but he's a good enough manager to be able to win the title on 25-30m surely which is still a large kitty by anyone's standard?


I don't think they can win the title with £25-£30m. Not because of fat Rafa's management ability though. I just think Manure and Chelsea are so far ahead with the quality of players they have, and they probably haven't finished their summer spending yet. I think Mourinho will probably get at least one top class player in. Liverpool haven't got one top class striker, and they need a winger as well.

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Guest Knightrider

If you're a Liverpool fan you have to be worried that a few weeks back their new owners were promising new signings "this week" but such signings haven't yet materialised and the normally placid and unconfrontational Rafa has been quite outspoken since their CL defeat about lack of funds, promises perhaps not being met etc.


Anyway who cares, we're going in the right direction.

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First trouble at Arsenal with Dein leaving, Henry unhappy and the team off the pace last seaosn...


Now Liverpool potentially with a rift between board and manager, lack of transfer funds and rumoured trouble in the ranks.


Is it possible that the "big 4" could be just a "big 2" next season, and the Champions League places not the exclusive club it has been for the past few seasons?


There are several "next tier" clubs on the up, could be a very exciting race for the CL spots next season.

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First trouble at Arsenal with Dein leaving, Henry unhappy and the team off the pace last seaosn...


Now Liverpool potentially with a rift between board and manager, lack of transfer funds and rumoured trouble in the ranks.


Is it possible that the "big 4" could be just a "big 2" next season, and the Champions League places not the exclusive club it has been for the past few seasons?


There are several "next tier" clubs on the up, could be a very exciting race for the CL spots next season.

the way things are shaping up right now that could well happen.
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Guest Knightrider

Arsenal problems




Is the time right for talisman Thierry to discover pastures new?

By Matthew Day


Just a few months ago, Arsenal and Liverpool fans alike laughed at the prospect of Thierry Henry exchanging life in London for a new challenge on Merseyside, but the Frenchman's discontent and Rafa Benítez’s supposed spending power had made the seemingly ridiculous idea feasible. Barcelona have renewed their interest from a year ago, and AC Milan are also monitoring the situation, begging the question: if Henry was to leave, would it be a timely departure?


A rare moment of happiness for Thierry Henry last season as a transfer looms Arsenal could have made up to £30m had they decided to listen to Barcelona's pleas following the Champions League final between the two sides, but instead they were insistent that Henry would stay and the former Juventus striker concurred by signing a new contract. However, the exaggerated time he took to agree the extension and subsequent disagreements with manager Arsène Wenger and anger at Arsenal's lack of funds to transform themselves into a trophy-winning side means his future looks far from secure.


In an interview with Soccernet, Henry was frank about his displeasure at David Dein's acrimonious exit and responded positively to transfer talk involving the current European champions Milan. Arsenal's insistence at remaining a 'British' club and not falling into foreign ownership – namely the advances of Stan Kroenke – has caused irreparable ruptures within the organisation. The much-loved Dein of course supported foreign investment but was alone in this backing and consequently found his position untenable. Dein is a great friend and ally of Wenger and the manager's future is in as much doubt as the club captain's, especially after failing to offer his long-term commitment.


The highly respected former Nagoya Grampus Eight coach has just a year remaining on his contract and if he were to depart in 2008, Henry would surely not wish to hang around either. And, should he still be in North London next year, the odds would be on the 2006 World Cup finalist following Wenger to his next destination, while top players like Cesc Fabregas and William Gallas might also make for the exit.


The versatile centre-back has offered his support to Henry should he crave a transfer, “If certain players want to go, we should not prevent them,” he said. “Once you reach the age of 30 the best moments come when you lift a trophy.”


A report in France Football, a dubious source, claims Barcelona and Henry have struck up an agreement, whereby the player would earn £6.8 million per year – a huge rise on his current deal – but that a fee still needs to be negotiated by the two clubs. The magazine suggests the Catalan club are confident of a £17m bid succeeding, though Arsenal's valuation is substantially higher. AC Milan could certainly afford the more realistic £25m price tag, but such a fee might rule out Liverpool, where the delay in transfer funds is infuriating coach Benítez, as they purportedly look to splash £16m on Diego Forlan or other strikers at a similar or lesser cost. Arsenal may also be unwilling to sell to an immediate Premier League rival, and few believe Henry wishes to stay in the country should he decide to relocate.


The vast majority of Arsenal's supporters have made it clear they do not want Henry to go anywhere, but after a season of inconsistency and ultimate disappointment, will the board be tempted into selling him? A year ago, he was indispensable. Surely though a considerable bid would be accepted this summer as the forward reaches 30 years of age. Having lost a substantial amount of money by holding on to Patrick Vieira for a year too long, will the hierarchy be more pragmatic with the current club captain with his value set to fall dramatically as he enters his early thirties?


However, it appears Barcelona are the only club serious about pursuing the Parisian. If they believe he is not worth more than £17m, then they might then choose to look elsewhere as they desperately hunt for a striker to accompany Samuel Eto'o in a season where the failure to kill off matches has cost them the opportunity to recapture their La Liga crown. AC Milan are intent on acquiring Ronaldinho, at a cost of approximately £45m, which would definitely rule them out of any Henry bidding, while a move to Liverpool, in spite of the speculation, looks a long way from transpiring.


So is it time for Arsenal to cut their losses and obtain a substantial transfer fee, which can then be used to rebuild the squad? If Henry is so gravely unhappy and uninspired by the club set-up, fundamental questions will be asked about his dedication. Similarly, though, should he be allowed to quit, it could trigger an exodus from Ashburton Grove, leaving Arsenal even further behind Manchester United and Chelsea in the search for glory in silverware. Perhaps a workable compromise is for Wenger to bring in another high profile forward, who is extremely motivated and approaching his prime – someone like Eto'o, David Villa or Fernando Torres – to replace an outgoing Henry.


The probable outcome is that Henry will be told to keep quiet and stay put, but he is still likely to attach his future to Wenger's and so tail him in 12 months time, wherever that may lead. And who knows, he might still be residing in Holloway if things turn out rosy next season.


And a fan's reaction to Henry/Dien etc.


Yesterday evening reports began to emerge that France Football, a normally reputable magazine, was about to run a story saying Thierry Henry had agreed a three year deal with Barcelona. All that was left now was for Barcelona to sort things out with Arsenal. Now, I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you how illegal that is. Within hours Thierry’s management company had released a statement slamming the story and threatening legal action. They said:


    No such meeting took place. That is absolute rubbish. There’s never been any question of him not being at Arsenal next season.


Jerome Anderson, Henry’s agent, said:


    I did not meet with anyone — whether in the south of France or anywhere on this planet. I have read the article in the French magazine and there is not one element of truth in the story and they will be hearing from my lawyers.


Speaking to L’Equipe Henry said:


    Lots of people are speaking on my behalf. It’s impossible to stop the rumours - it’s not the first or the last time that people are speaking for me. In my head I’m still an Arsenal player and my departure is not a current issue.


Who does he mean is speaking on his behalf? Newspapers? Agents? He went on to again talk about David Dein’s departure, saying:


    David Dein’s exit should not have happened; if there was one person who shouldn’t have left Arsenal it’s David Dein. I’m saying it now and I’ll say the same thing in 20 years.


And again I have to make the point that what happens at board level should not be a topic for discussion for Thierry Henry or any player. Given Henry’s close connections to the Dein family though it’s hard to think he’s not coming at this with an agenda to promote and that, to me, is very disappointing. Is he being used to destabilise Arsenal ahead of a triumphant Dein return which would see him stay at the club? Whatever his motivation for talking constantly about David Dein it is out of order for the captain of Arsenal Football Club to get involved when things are so delicate in the boardroom - and if he hadn’t noticed it was entirely down to David Dein that things are like that.


The L’Equipe article also says that the likes of Pires, Ludovic Giuly and Emmanuel Adebayor were ‘talking openly’ about him moving to Spain. As well as that William Gallas has decided to open his big mouth again, saying:


    If certain players want to go, like Thierry, we should not prevent them from leaving.


Which, of course, is absolute bollocks and frankly I have really had enough of Gallas and his opinions. He does need to keep his mouth shut now because he’s not helping. Why should we allow him to leave? His has three years left of the contract which made him the highest paid Arsenal player of all time last summer. And he can fuck off with his ‘we’, as well.


When approached by El Mundo Deportivo yesterday Henry is quoted as saying:


    Now is not the time to talk about Barcelona. Right now I don’t have anything to say.


What can you say overall though? Once again we’re sucked into a transfer speculation whirlpool involving our captain who is acting and speaking in a way which is ambiguous enough to keep it going. All it takes is a simple “I am not going to move to Barcelona this summer. End of story” statement and the whole thing is done and dusted. Instead it’s all left up in the air so the stories that spew from the Spanish press have now spread to respected publications like France Football. Who knows what’s next?


The whole thing is, from whatever angle you look at it, a fucking distasteful circus and I have got a huge pain in my arse with the whole thing now. Every fucking summer it’s the same. The fans get shat on from a height by guys whose enormous wages we pay because their egos and delicate sensibilities are upset by one thing or another or they can’t make their minds up where they want to earn their fortunes. Thierry Henry could stop this once and for all if he so wished. So far he doesn’t wish to do so which means we’re going to have to put up with it until such time as something happens one way or the other. Pff. Colour me pissed off.



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First trouble at Arsenal with Dein leaving, Henry unhappy and the team off the pace last seaosn...


Now Liverpool potentially with a rift between board and manager, lack of transfer funds and rumoured trouble in the ranks.


Is it possible that the "big 4" could be just a "big 2" next season, and the Champions League places not the exclusive club it has been for the past few seasons?


There are several "next tier" clubs on the up, could be a very exciting race for the CL spots next season.


Indded. Some of us have been saying for quite a while, that in fact manure and Chelsea are in a league of their own, and the "big 4" were no more permanent than the old "big 5" that existed at the beginning of the premier league, that included spuds and Everton while we were nowhere.


More food for thought, is of course, these new owners of Liverpool and Arsenal may not back their managers as much as our outgoing shit board did. Everyone is automatically better than our outgoing shit board.


Lets hope Ashley does though.



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its a massive piece of pie for any investor to buy one of the "giant clubs" it too manu a while to start spending again as the big outlay was involved to get them. Yes I agree that in some respects new owners don't represent heavy investment, although in our situation Ashley is no idiot it will take money to get this club going places. While as it pains me to say this Liverpool are not that far behind, while we can pick up frailties all over the park anyone can see quality is all over the place at pool, good manager etc. Heavy investment may not be needed to get them going places.

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Guest Knightrider

Heavy investment isn't needed to get us going players either IMO, just good management on and off the pitch who can put the club's already huge resources (compared to 90% of the country and parts of Europe) to the best possible use, which is something that has been missing for some time here at United and has been proved at Arsenal, Porto, Seville and other successful clubs who aren't as rich or as big as the so-called world's elite.

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Heavy investment isn't needed to get us going players either IMO, just good management on and off the pitch who can put the club's already huge resources (compared to 90% of the country and parts of Europe) to the best possible use, which is something that has been missing for some time here at United and has been proved at Arsenal, Porto, Seville and other successful clubs who aren't as rich or as big as the so-called world's elite.


depends on what your impression of "heavy" is.


also depends on who is the squad you think is good enough to stay and what calibre of player you wish to replace the squad with. While it is difficult to see at the moment where SA wants to go with his money he gets. He obviously originally stated that he didnt want "trophy" players and no big spends on players not wanting to play. Also setting up a structure doesnt cost pennies either as talked about alot when we found about him comming in we need an overhaul its obvious for any to see. Yes a good manager can penny pinch and work to a small budget and still get success but these days good players dont come cheap. An with the culture here to really expect instant success (poor martins) so I really dont see how we can expect to do an arsenal and get an unknown young kid and chuck him im there for a good few games to see how he gets on not reacting after a game or two with more than two mistakes in.


Liverpool have been up there or there abouts season upon season, you don't get far in the champs league and be a bad side so I really dont see why they need a massive investment to push on further.

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Heavy investment isn't needed to get us going players either IMO, just good management on and off the pitch who can put the club's already huge resources (compared to 90% of the country and parts of Europe) to the best possible use, which is something that has been missing for some time here at United and has been proved at Arsenal, Porto, Seville and other successful clubs who aren't as rich or as big as the so-called world's elite.


Porto had 2 seasons in the elite of European football, similarly Sevilla, but I doubt they'll be top 4 season in, season out for too long without spending to keep up with Barcelona & Real Madrid. Arsenal is a unique situation.

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Heavy investment isn't needed to get us going players either IMO, just good management on and off the pitch who can put the club's already huge resources (compared to 90% of the country and parts of Europe) to the best possible use, which is something that has been missing for some time here at United and has been proved at Arsenal, Porto, Seville and other successful clubs who aren't as rich or as big as the so-called world's elite.



arsenal is arsen wenger and I really expect them to be fucked when he goes, his contacts, his ability to spot top quality for little to no outlay and get a mixture of young and old. A very unique situation but I bet every club would wish to be in there situation


Porto had 2 seasons in the elite of European football, similarly Sevilla, but I doubt they'll be top 4 season in, season out for too long without spending to keep up with Barcelona & Real Madrid. Arsenal is a unique situation.

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Guest Knightrider

Heavy investment isn't needed to get us going players either IMO, just good management on and off the pitch who can put the club's already huge resources (compared to 90% of the country and parts of Europe) to the best possible use, which is something that has been missing for some time here at United and has been proved at Arsenal, Porto, Seville and other successful clubs who aren't as rich or as big as the so-called world's elite.


Porto had 2 seasons in the elite of European football, similarly Sevilla, but I doubt they'll be top 4 season in, season out for too long without spending to keep up with Barcelona & Real Madrid. Arsenal is a unique situation.


True, but there problems won't so much be a money problem but that the bigger teams will poach their managers and better players or that their owners will cash in on their better players, that is why they won't sustain success and not because they can't afford to. A club like Newcastle won't have those kind of problems, especially if we are doing well. Anyway Newcastle United doing well would add even more £££s to the revenue without massive investment. The likes of LFC have hit a ceiling, we haven't yet can still spend the same kind of figures. It isn't rocket science which is what has pissed me off with the board because good management on and off the pitch is always going to determine success, not money, otherwise we'd have won a shit load by now.

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Absolutely no indication that even a word of the article in the OP is true. Quotes taken out of context and pure speculation.


Rafa always plays his cards close to his chest in the transfer market, and his favourite source of players--la Liga--hasn't finished yet. I'll start to worry if we haven't signed anyone by the end of the transfer window.


I don't understand why we're getting this crap: Arsenal are obviously having far more problems than us, why aren't all the vultures circling over the Emirates?

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Absolutely no indication that even a word of the article in the OP is true. Quotes taken out of context and pure speculation.


Rafa always plays his cards close to his chest in the transfer market, and his favourite source of players--la Liga--hasn't finished yet. I'll start to worry if we haven't signed anyone by the end of the transfer window.


I don't understand why we're getting this crap: Arsenal are obviously having far more problems than us, why aren't all the vultures circling over the Emirates?


They will be if Henry goes to Barcelona and they don't get a decent replacement.

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