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Post takeover expectations


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so then kids,what are your expectations when the takeover is complete,more of allardyce being quite cautious ?,some big money signings ?,ashley being cautious ?..etc


try and keep it to what you think will happen as opposed to what you want to happen.

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Guest Gemmill

I'm just hoping for some bodies through the door early on in the window and a decent start to the season following a full and thorough Allardyce pre-season.  Oh and a couple of decent coaches too.


I'm not too concerned about getting any big money signings in.  Squad-building ftw.

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Guest DavB93

so then kids,what are your expectations when the takeover is complete,more of allardyce being quite cautious ?,some big money signings ?,ashley being cautious ?..etc


try and keep it to what you think will happen as opposed to what you want to happen.


I honestly think Sam will sign a couple of big money signings once he gets the go ahead but mainly wheel and deal.

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We need first team players and squad players to buy before we splash out, get the foundations in place first then add to it. The players we need will probably come to about 20 million + anyway.


then spend big-ish in January.

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We need first team players and squad players to buy before we splash out, get the foundations in place first then add to it. The players we need will probably come to about 20 million + anyway.


then spend big-ish in January.


January buys never work bud, only in very rare situations

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I think Allardyce will continue to be cautious, Ashley will give us a budget (250 million over 5 seasons?) that he may go over if/when the time is right.


I think by the end of next season we will be top 8.


It worries me that we're talking about offering players like Barton 70k pw or Ben Haim 60k pw. :S

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I have great expectations over Big Sam. We will no longer be away day rollovers and I think teams will fear coming to SJP again. However, if we make top 6 or 7 next season I will be pleased as it takes time to settle in new players and I expect we will have at least 6 new ones as well as a new defence. I think Owen will leave and Sam will get another pacy striker in. I do expect him to sort out our recent defensive frailties and I expect to enjoy watching at SJP again

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I'd hope Ashley continues with the redevelopments of SJP and the surroundings as i see that as a vital part of the clubs future.


I'd like to see SA keep building up the squad like he's doing now, then maybe one or two big surprises later on as the window is closing, if not i can wait till this time next year.


Equally as important i want to see as many coaches and specialists coming through the doors as amount of players, maybe more!


Expectations in the league? Pride 1st and foremost, something i haven't experienced with NUFC for too many seasons now, get that back, get SJP solid again, and finish in a UEFA cup spot and hopefully treat both cups like our euro & cup competitions combined, no weak teams.



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I'm very confident that the momentum will now be upwards, whereas before it was downwards and we were more likely to be relegated than get back in the top four. I'm not too worried about how quick the upward momentum is, because I'd rather build on good foundations than splash out on a few big money signings. The reality is, that unless you're prepared to spend Chelsea-type money, you really have to take things one step at a time now.


But so much has changed. We had a puppet manager dominated by an incompetent, interfering Chairman and limited funds for investment. We now have a strong, confident manager, a Chairman whose power has surely been severely curtailed (if he carries on at all), and a secure financial position.

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Like many I view the consistant building of a solid squad as my first hope as well as some restoration of pride in the team.


It would be nice to think that we will no longer be a laughing stock lurching from one disaterous piece of poor PR to the next.


The building up of an adequate back room staff rather than some of the 'monkeys' we seem to have settled for recently, and final erradication of the ridiculous injury list.


I think we can get get a UEFA cup place next season

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Ashley completes takeover and carries out his Strategic Review.  The club is taken off the LSE and becomes a private company. A lot of our earned income, plus some of Ashleys own investment, is released to Sam Allerdyce. He (SA) "knows what he wants already". It is only the "who" that will vary, depending on the amount of money Ashley releases. Using his business brain, Ashley does not release to the media how much funding is available to Big Sam.  Sam acquires an entire new defence of quality players, to add to Taylor and Given/Harper. Based on his philosophy of 'two good players for each position' he will need to acquire 7 new defensive players. All of his purchases will be 'value for money', with some of them (perhaps two) being very expensive "star" internationals, but always (even if costing £10M - £15M) being value for money. We will be nobodies soft-touch, no matter what the price level. Attacking players may be bought (perhaps one 'top' player?) but whether this happens depends partially on the Owen situation. Owen would be an idiot to leave . .  but you never know.


NEXT SEASON (2007/2008):


That dreaded word - "consolidation" , but a form of consolidation that makes even our "dreams" of recent years, look low key.  I would expect us to (at times) be mixing it at the top (hopefully prompting even the most bigotted of the London-media to 'hint' at a new member of the Top Four) but it may well be too early to maintain that level.  The dreaded 'UEFA Cup' spot, may be the best we can hope for ("maybe" . . .  )  We should do ok in both cups (Sam will have instilled a bit more 'steel' into our play and the new in-depth backroom structure is starting to pay dividends) but really, it is all about the season after.


SEASON AFTER (2008/2009):


We have to be REALISTIC.  By that, I mean we have to be able to adjust to the NEW REALISM.  We are (by then) 12 months into the post-takeover era and will have benefitted from two more productive transfer windows by then.  Remember, we were already a VERY rich club, the 'debt' that some people went on about was always a structured and well-able-to-be-serviced debt that was nothing to worry about, but even that is probably now gone.  Added to our already high income, we will have even further increased income (higher league placing / improved Ashley-inspired sponsorship / and improved Sky Premiership deal anyway) to which prudent (but I am sure very LARGE) amounts of Ashley's (SJHL) money will be added.  In other words "lots of money".  Champions League qualification will be Ashley's (probably unspoken) minimum aim for his second season.  A flirtation with 'challenging for the title' would be good, also.




Mr F Shepherd is, from now on, a "figurehead" only. He will be useful (football club awareness/knowledge) to Ashley for a while, not likely to last long though.




I think many of us (me included, to be fair) will find it VERY difficult to adjust to the new levels of 'what is realistic' in an already high-earning club, with a new motivated Billionaire owner pushing and pushing and pushing us onward. I have tried to reflect the new realism above, I may even have understated it. If our billionaire really pushes us on, financially - anything is possible.


It is beyond our comprehension, really, I feel.


As I say, I have tried to reflect this 'new realism' above -  many will not class it as 'new realism'  . . . .  I suspect!!!    

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Theres a lot that could happen between now and next season. At the moment its very much a work in progress. What happens to Owen is crucial as it means we either have the full compliment of strikers or we risk looking to an injury prone Viduka. That could always go tits up at any point.


A lot of work needs to be done to the defence too and that is far from starting nevermind being sorted out.

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I think Allardyce will continue to be cautious, Ashley will give us a budget (250 million over 5 seasons?) that he may go over if/when the time is right.


Will Allardyce "being cautious" take us any further than what he did at Bolton? He might as well have just stayed put. I think he took the job here because he reckons he can crack the big 4.

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I think Allardyce will continue to be cautious, Ashley will give us a budget (250 million over 5 seasons?) that he may go over if/when the time is right.


Will Allardyce "being cautious" take us any further than what he did at Bolton? He might as well have just stayed put. I think he took the job here because he reckons he can crack the big 4.


I agree, and clearly he realizes that he has to do that in about 2 years.


For the first year, a place for the UEFA cup is vital to his plans.

For the season after that he has to break in to the top four.

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I said in a post a few weeks back that I'd want us to be within 3-4 points of 5th place by the end of the season and it's what I would still expect if Sam gets some decent money. As a sign that things have changed and that we are finally trying to build a team I'd love to see us buy a left back for about £10 million. It's a position that has been weak for a long time and needs fixing. It would also demonstrate a "new" Newcastle if we spent serious money on a left back and got a forward (Viduka) on a free, it's always been the reverse in the past.


With regards to Ashley releasing money after the strategic review takes place, I think is a smokescreen. I personally do not think the strategic review matters one bit. In an interview with John Gibson a few weeks back, John Hall said that Ashley bought the club without any due diligence being carried out. This together with the maverick nature that he has operated his other businesses makes me believe that he has some grand strategy for Newcastle and will not let anything get in the way/delay achieving it.


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Being the very shrewd investor that he is I can't honestly see Ashley splashing the cash...... no doubt he sees the Toon as an advert  and income generator for his sports businesses. Yes he'll spend a few bob to get the team up towards the UEFA places but I don't expect huge improvement....it'll take a few years to undo the shite we've got ourselves into.

I still can't take in what's happened.....we'll have to wait and see, but it won't be the dramatic improvement we saw at Chelski...thank fu**.

Much as I lurve the Toon I don't want any tw** to be able  say we bought success...I 'm an old git that would  still like to see football as a sport and not a business.

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A lot of work needs to be done to the defence too and that is far from starting nevermind being sorted out.


Has the takeover alone forced this change in outlook?


I mean not a lot has changed so my expectations are yet to be raised or dashed tbh. The change in manager has but thats not the topic.


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One point unresolved that means I can't really answer this. We don't know any of Ashleys plans, did he really say Allardyce has got one season to show results?


How can he build a team in one season? If everything goes his way position six is within his reach, will that be good enough?

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