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Bye Bye

Guest DavB93

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Guest LucaAltieri

Luque's father and agent, told the Daily Mirror: "We've tried to contact Allardyce to see what plans he has. But he has not spoken to us at all."


So Allardyce hasn't actually said one way or the other, has he?

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Guest eyeball_tickler

so he's managed to fall out with all 3 managers in his time here?


possibly a new record.

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IT seems to me that Sam wants to reduce the wage bill. Luque won't go to PSV because of his wage demands so Sam is forcing the issue by saying there is no place for you here, thus perhaps making Luque rethink his opportunities at PSV.

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I had hoped we could have managed him out and get some sort of a price for him. If he is never to return then how do we put him in the shop window unless something has already been agreed with another club. What a waste of money but I suppose it is better to get him off the payroll ASAP

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Guest johnson293

That reports also says the loan to PSV fell through due to wages demands, whereas reports near the end of last season (before Roeder was sacked) said he was taking a pay cut, and it was all agreed.


Have to agree that the report is coming from Luque's father.


So far, Sam has been quick enough to release the out of contract players, and begin letting go the contracted players (Parker) he didn't want - The fact that Luque is still under contract, means that if Sam didn't want him, I would have expected him to formally put him up for transfer. Not saying he will stay, but think we will have a formal announcement, rather than the management simpy ignoring the player.


Sounds like Luque snr touting his son around, TBH if the PSV deal has fallen through.


Then again - maybe everyone at the club has forgotten about him and not told Big Sam, who is probably saying.... "who is this Albert Luque bloke who's dad keep leaving messages for me???"

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Guest Toon Barmy

The report states he came here last summer, it is in fact almost 2 years since he came to the club.

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Guest DavB93

For Allardyce not to even give him a chance to show something in training is nothing short of a disgrace tbh


No it's not, Luque has had his chance and never takes it, the sooner he parts from the club the better. Total waste of money.

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For Allardyce not to even give him a chance to show something in training is nothing short of a disgrace tbh


theres a reason why 3 managers, including the mug that signed him, havnt been willing to give him a run in the team.


disgrace my arse.



good riddance.

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That's a dodgy article to say the least - they claim Sam has 'made it clear' that Luque isn't part of his plans, but they haven't given any quotations or even sources that attest to that.


The standard of that website is appaling, not saying Luque will stay but I don't think that article says anything at all.

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Can't see how Sam not speaking to him means he's looking to get rid, if he wanted to sell him surely he'd tell the player and alert other clubs.

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Guest teepee

i just cannot be bothered about this tbh.


don't give a fuck if he goes or big sam decides to give him half a season to prove himself....

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i just cannot be bothered about this tbh.


don't give a fuck if he goes or big sam decides to give him half a season to prove himself....


Mainly agree, just can't help thinking he might be able to add something to the squad and represents a large investmen

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i just cannot be bothered about this tbh.


don't give a f*** if he goes or big sam decides to give him half a season to prove himself....


I don't think he's bothered himself. He never has to work again so why would he? That's the way he thinks anyway.

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Luque's father and agent, told the Daily Mirror: "We've tried to contact Allardyce to see what plans he has. But he has not spoken to us at all."


So Allardyce hasn't actually said one way or the other, has he?


I'm just going to quote this again for the muppets who can't read correctly.

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For Allardyce not to even give him a chance to show something in training is nothing short of a disgrace tbh


As big disgrace as not giving Bramble a chance.


No, because giving Bramble a chance would have meant giving him a new contract. Luque is still here.

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Guest Stephen927

Completely pointless article, Luque's father hasn't been able to get in touch with Sam, that doesn't mean he's on his way out, nor does it mean he's staying. Probably trying to get Luque's future sorted as quick as possible to give them more time to talk with other clubs.

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