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Michael Owen to Man City?!


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Anyone watching the Thai dudes interview on Sky Sports?


Apparently the guy has a ton of loot and there is a rumour that Sven if hired will go for Owen straight away!


Help yourself I say.

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Doubt his clause is effective if it's not a CL club, so I'd imagine City wouldn't be able to activate it.


If we could squeeze upwards of 12m out of the fuckers for him I'd be absolutely delighted to see him go tbh.

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Guest Guinness

All I heard was the reporter asking whether he's be interested in signing Owen. I can't see Owen leaving the club for a team not competing in the CL as it things stand anyway, hopefully we'll also see significant investment this summer so I don't see why he's be better off there.

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Didn't Owen make some condescending remarks about Sven post World Cup? Anyway, would be very surprised should he got there as it's hardly a step up! Really can't see it happening

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Dear me, this brings the silly season to new heights..  Why would Owen want to leave Newcastle for Man City?  No offence to them, but they don't have anything to offer that we don't have, they have less to offer in fact.  Even if Man City offered Owen considerably more then the £115,000 a week he gets here I still doubt he'd go there...

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He was asked the question if he was interested in bringing in Owen, All he said was that sometimes coaches have connections and that might want to bring in someone theyve worked before. And he was right. Feel free to jump to any conclusion you want from there - I know I will. It seemed to me that his "advisors" (Whoever the fuck they are?) are deciding on a manager - And I think he also said his advisors are already working with said prospective new manager on deciding what players should be brought in. I'm filing this one in the "No smoke without fire" drawer. Not sure why he would want to come tho - unless its made clear to him that he's got no future up there. I doubt the Sven factor, or even moving home, would mean owt.


Also must be said I was really impressed with Thaksin. Seems like a nice guy, talked nothing but sense, exactly the sort of thing I wanted to hear. I'm welcoming him with open arms. :angel:

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Guest clarkyshan

sick of hearing this crap. wish he and martins would go tbh. having a clause just shows how commited they are to our cause. id have 22 million over these mercenarys anyday and buy someone who isnt interested  in jumping ship

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He was asked the question if he was interested in bringing in Owen, All he said was that sometimes coaches have connections and that might want to bring in someone theyve worked before. And he was right. Feel free to jump to any conclusion you want from there - I know I will. It seemed to me that his "advisors" (Whoever the f*** they are?) are deciding on a manager - And I think he also said his advisors are already working with said prospective new manager on deciding what players should be brought in. I'm filing this one in the "No smoke without fire" drawer. Not sure why he would want to come tho - unless its made clear to him that he's got no future up there. I doubt the Sven factor, or even moving home, would mean owt.


Also must be said I was really impressed with Thaksin. Seems like a nice guy, talked nothing but sense, exactly the sort of thing I wanted to hear. I'm welcoming him with open arms. :angel:


Did seem like a top bloke. Looks like he will be quite a funny character too, in a good way.





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Guest lebowski

He was asked the question if he was interested in bringing in Owen, All he said was that sometimes coaches have connections and that might want to bring in someone theyve worked before. And he was right. Feel free to jump to any conclusion you want from there - I know I will. It seemed to me that his "advisors" (Whoever the f*** they are?) are deciding on a manager - And I think he also said his advisors are already working with said prospective new manager on deciding what players should be brought in. I'm filing this one in the "No smoke without fire" drawer. Not sure why he would want to come tho - unless its made clear to him that he's got no future up there. I doubt the Sven factor, or even moving home, would mean owt.


Also must be said I was really impressed with Thaksin. Seems like a nice guy, talked nothing but sense, exactly the sort of thing I wanted to hear. I'm welcoming him with open arms. :angel:


Mate you seem like a decent fan so I hope this takeover is good for you guys, but personally I would be vary wary of this guy. It has been widely reported about his alleged level of corruption and with the events unfolding back in Thailand I don't think it will be all plain sailing.

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Tell you what though, we better start wrappign up some more signings because it seems as though Man City are going to come into this thing chasing a lot of players. I doubt Sven would go there unless he knew a lot of money would be made available.


I wonder what odds I could get on SWP ending up back 'home' in a return of the prodigal son scenario  :whistle:

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Yep, the guys a criminal.


So what?


Abramovich has worked out pretty well for Chelsea, he's no angel.


People like this take over clubs because it's good PR for them and gives them a hobby or legacy to leave with their money. What he does in other aspects of his life won't affect how he runs City.

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Guest Toon83

Yeah this is a good rumour and one of the best, but expect them to carry on if Eriksson is in charge of city, expect Beckham to be linked aswell

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Guest lebowski

So is Roman Abramovich, no done Chelsea any harm.


Agreed, I was going to mention that in my post. The big difference is that with Abramovich he has managed to avoid any direct accusations, just some of the companies he did business and some associates with have been investigated where as your guy was fairly much run out of the country due to his corrupt activities.


Like I say I hope he gives you guys a good run, your fans deserve it (the only ones who hate the scum as much as I do).

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Tell you what though, we better start wrappign up some more signings because it seems as though Man City are going to come into this thing chasing a lot of players. I doubt Sven would go there unless he knew a lot of money would be made available.


I wonder what odds I could get on SWP ending up back 'home' in a return of the prodigal son scenario  :whistle:


I tell you what, there's been a "Who would you buy first?" thread running today. Practically everyone - me included - named SWP. Altho practically everyone - me included - cheated by naming a boatload of players. SWP/Saviola/Alves/Drenthe/Kaka please :laugh:


Michael Owen hardly wanted to join us never mind Man City!

Ive heard some funny rumours but this is definitly the best one so far  :buck2:


Would no be suprised one bit if we via Sven were interested in Michael Owen. Then again, i'm interested in Scarlett Johansson and Thaksin's daughter, doesn't mean owt. Interest has gotta be reciprocated, I doubt Owen is arsed with us.

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you dont become a mega rich person unless you know how to play dirty even the elements of our board have seemed dodgy just you get more fucus when your one person to target.


I personally have a bad feeling in my water about man city's take over just cause of what I've heard and worrying how a prime minister became so mega rich, and whats with the whole with holding his money etc.


I do however hope it all goes well, when it comes to Owen why move to somewhere at potentially at level footing with ourselves (please dont shoot me for that)


we on paper have the better players I believe but both have stars in the team and both seem to be close to mega rich owners. So there is no real reason to leave they arent a top four team and are as miles off as we are (if not further)

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