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Oba lied about shooting incident?


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NUFC.com have a article from a Nigerian website, claiming that Martins is lying about the shooting incident.




Lagos lunacy:

Shot blast


From the Nigerian website This Day, Friday - an alternative version of the recent Obafemi Martins gun drama:


A new vista has emerged in the Obafemi Martins’ assassination attempt saga with the Nigeria Police insisting that the Super Eagles striker lied about the incident alleging that no such thing happened.


The Newcastle United star had told the international media of his lucky escape from an attempted assassination in Lagos, when his vehicle was shot at by gunmen at about 9 pm on Monday.


According to the former Inter Milan star, the incident happened at a petrol station close to his Victoria Garden City (VGC) residence, where he had stopped to buy fuel for his generator along with two of his friends, when three men approached the car and without demanding for the keys suddenly opened fire.


But shedding light on what actually happened on Monday night, Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Lagos State Command, Mr. Olubode Ojajuni, said at about 3 am on Tuesday, the police in Ajah, Lagos, got a distress call from one Mr. Remi Onipede on phone that he was receiving treatment at an hospital on the Lagos Island after an attack by some gunmen.


The Superintendent of Police, said on getting to the hospital, Onipede explained to the police that at about 1am that same Tuesday morning, he went out in search of diesel oil with a friend in a Mercedes Benz Jeep with registration number BD 900 BDG.


"Onipede told the police that while trying to enter into a filling station close to Alesh Hotel, Ajah, suddenly, a vehicle hit him from behind.


He (Onipede) claimed to have come down to find out what was happening, when suddenly, some armed men alighted from the other vehicle and pointed their guns at him. One of them shot him on his hand while he was trying to escape. He said he succeeded in escaping with the car keys and went to the hospital."

Ojajuni said VGC police went all out for the criminals and that it was during their hunt, that they recovered the vehicle.


"The driver, Onipede, told the police that the vehicle belonged to Martins. Ajah Divisional Police Officer (DPO) headed straight to the international footballer's house early on Tuesday morning and on getting there he met his mother, who informed the DPO that her son was still sleeping. The DPO gave his telephone number to Martins' mother and left a message that once Martins woke up, he should call him.


"At about 10 on the same Tuesday morning, Martins called the DPO to thank him for recovering his vehicle and also apologised for not seeing him earlier in the morning. Martins even told the DPO that he was travelling that same morning and promised to see the officer when next he came to Nigeria.


“So why then did the footballer tell the international media that he was robbed? If he was involved in the armed robbery attack as he claimed, why did he not inform the police? His driver told the police that Martins was not in the vehicle but one of his friends. Obafemi Martins lied against himself.”


Ojajuni promised the readiness of the police in unravelling the mystery behind the Super Eagles striker's claim.


The original report in the Sun contained the following quotes from Oba:


"They shot indiscriminately and tried to kill all the occupants of the car. They weren’t there to rob me but to finish me off.


“I thought I was going to die. They executed it like professional hired assassins.


"They didn’t say anything to me but just started shooting at the car. It was hell. I was dead in my heart and soul. It all happened like in the movies.”


“I didn’t know their mission but they looked scary and mean. My nerves were completely dead when I saw the guns.”


“If you are attacked by armed robbers, they only threaten you and take whatever they want but these guys were only after my life.


“How I managed to escape is still shocking and unbelievable.


“Maybe someone up there loves me more than I could imagine because only he could explain what happened.


“But my mother is scared they could come back again.


“She almost passed out when she saw the car. She just kept asking who wants me dead.


“I don’t feel safe in Lagos any more and don’t think I want to return so fast.


"I was born in Lagos, I am a Lagosian. But when I don’t feel safe in my hometown then something must be wrong.


“I am not running away from armed robbers but people who want to take the life of Obafemi Martins.


"It’s a great thing to play for your country, put smiles on the faces of people and also feel safe among your family and fans.


“But when the situation gets out of hand, I don’t think coming home is something I can even contemplate.”


PS - it's unconfirmed whether Arsenal have any interest in signing Martins, or if he just wants to play for a team nicknamed the Gunners.....


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aye its here. haha, i hope he was asleep in his mams house, that would be class.




Obafemi lied about attack — Police


By Emma Nnadozie



Posted to the Web: Friday, June 22, 2007



Police authorities in Lagos State said yesterday that claims by Super Eagles player and Newcastle striker, Obafemi Martins that he was shot at by unknown gunmen last Monday were not true and stated that the only report they received was from his driver who reported that he (the driver) was attacked.


The Command Public Relations Officer, Mr. Bode Ojajuni while reacting to reports that the international soccer star escaped death said he gave a wrong account of the incident to the public.


According to him, “On the said day, one Mr. Femi Onipede who claimed to be a driver to the soccer star called the Police at Victoria Garden City (VGC) to report that he was in a hospital after being attacked by unknown gun men.  He said that he went out in search of diesel with an unnamed friend around 1am and that when they got near Alesh Hotel in Ajah, a vehicle hit their mercedez benz M500 with registration number BD 900 BDG


“He told police that he came down from the vehicle after switching off the engine only for the occupants of the car that hit them to start firing at them.  He said he was hit in the shoulder by one of the bullets before he ran away from the scene.  After reporting the incident, policemen were detailed to the scene and when they got there, they recovered the car.


“When the Divisional Police Officer  in-charge of the station learnt that the vehicle belongs to Obafemi Martins, he quickly went to the family house where he met the Mother of the striker, Madam Martins who told him that his son was sleeping and would not like to be disturbed.


  He therefore dropped his telephone numbers with the mother so that he would call him as soon as he woke up.  The following morning around 10am, Obafemi Martins personally called the DPO and thanked him for all the help his boys rendered to his driver during the incident.  He also appealed that his car should be released to him to enable him carry out repairs promising that he would personally see the DPO when he returns from his overseas trip.


“Based on this plea, the car was released to him on bond.  From the account of this, it is obvious that Obafemi martins was not in the car when the driver was shot at.  The driver’s account raised a lot of questions like why was he looking for diesel around 1am, who was the friend he claimed was with him when he was shot at etc.  The whole thing is still a puzzle but from all indications, martins was not the victim but his driver”, he stated.


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Guest sicko2ndbest

Its not his fault he just got confused. Dementia sets in, in all of us when we reach our 70's

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Guest Gemmill

:lol: i can just see him in his pj set in the top bunk of his racing car bed with toy guns making the story up


"Peeyow!  Peeyow! *wide poppy eyes*  Oh my god.  They mean to finish me off."

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Guest teepee

Wouldn't believe any Nigerian authority - they are as corrupt as hell.


i agree - martins may be telling the excact truth for all we know.


the police are probably just paid off so the story wont attract too much unwanted attention!

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Guest nufc_geordie

Wouldn't believe any Nigerian authority - they are as corrupt as hell.


True though!

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Guest Armchair Pundit

Wouldn't believe any Nigerian authority - they are as corrupt as hell.


At the risk of it being construed as racist or some other nonsense I'd say most* African nationals are generally corrupt in some way.


*Note I said 'most' not all ;)

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Wouldn't believe any Nigerian authority - they are as corrupt as hell.



Racist against the police?.. riiiight  :uglystupid2:


As for the story.. this bloke is basing his assertions on a phone call, he wasn't even there.  Pretty arrogant to claim his second hand info as fact if you ask me..

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Wouldn't believe any Nigerian authority - they are as corrupt as hell.



Racist against the police?.. riiiight  :uglystupid2:


As for the story.. this bloke is basing his assertions on a phone call, he wasn't even there.  Pretty arrogant to claim his second hand info as fact if you ask me..

You thought I was being serious and I'm the stupid one? Riiight :razz:

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Guest Gemmill

Lets just ask Remi how he got bullet holes in his arm then...


Some people fired guns at him.  While Martins was tucked up in bed in his Action Man PJs.

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He is getting involved in too much controversy - we need this like a hole in the head and it reminds me of Tino Asprilla...AND Dyer..AND Bramble..


Best if we take Juve's money and replace him with K V Huntelaar(OR Bent..)

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