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Trophy Signing?


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Guest David Kelly

Arteta. More realistic and still a better option than the likes of Quaresma, Torres and Diego.

That's not a bad call actually.

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Arteta. More realistic and still a better option than the likes of Quaresma, Torres and Diego.

That's not a bad call actually.


someone mentioned on another post but a similar topic manuel fernades and i'd tend to think what i've seen of him he could do the business as well, and might be another realistic option....looks like he has the potential to be top class

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The last trophy signing we signed was Michael Owen, well that's turned out brilliantly!  ???


We need to rebuild the side from scratch almost - certainly the defence. Once everything is in place then sure a trophy signing would be nice, but I don't think we will get one till next summer.

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Dyer, Luque, Boumsong, Gavilan, Cort, Viana, Martins, Bramble, Not all of them were "Trophy" signings but what a collective waste of money.

We need solidity,we still need fullbacks left and right and another Central defender a play maker and a fit striker.

At the minute I would rather have a Trophy Bride than a trophy signing and a solid team that might win a Trophy any Trophy will do to start with,Intertoto didn't count!


again, i did put in bold letters "once the squad rebuilding is done" but don't let that deter you


I guess we all have different opinions on where squad building stops & trophy signings start. I know that you have defined this in the original post but for me the current realistic trophy siginings being mooted aren't really trophy signings at all & I would class them as part of the squad building.


We aren't in a position to go for true trophy signings. Playing by your rules, the needs of the team & on the basis that he will be guaranteed to be fit I'd have Woodgate back like a shot.


Unfortunately, he will not be fit.

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Though I think Barton will produce a lot more going forward than Parker did and I think there's a lot more to come from Emre.


But if we want a technical player, a creator proven in this league and not too big for us then it would be Arteta. He'd cost quite a lot, £10m+.

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Arteta is a fantastic player, i have wanted him here for years. Sadly if he leaves Everton it wont be to come here no matter how much money we throw at him.


For a statement of intent, Micah Richards or Tevez would be huge buying from within the league.


Like Arteta though both players are likely only to move to the top four or much bigger clubs abroad than ourselves.


To the point in hand, a trophy signing would be best waiting a year until we have more to offer:


A settled staff/team, Europe (fingers crossed) etc..


Any money released now should be to shape the side to get to the above and a position where offering money isnt the only thing we can give to a player.


To cut a long story short, use all the money to build a solid side and squad then come January or next summer we can add to that to give us further impetus to get to where we want to be.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've never been a huge fan of the whole "trophy signing idea". Once a squad has been built I have no problem with bringing in the odd luxury player to add some real quality and creativity, but I've always associated a trophy signing with being a player living off past glories who fancies a big wage and a free ride.


I feel the key to establishing a quality squad is to have a core of really solid reliable players, the "spine" of the team if you like. Once you have these players you have to push on from mid table to establish yourself in the top half of the table. This is where you need quality. Now I know quality can come in the form of a big name player but doesn't it make sense to have a quality squad rather than one quality player. For a massive price you'd probably be able to land yourself a fairly big foreign name, say Deco just as an example. Now with Deco we'd get huge marketing potential and possibly the attention of other big name player but  the negatives outweigh the positives.


After paying a monumental fee we'd also be expected to be massively inflated wages. So speculation suggested Deco would command a fee of around sixteen million pounds and eighty grand a week wages. With the fee alone we'd be able to bring in a quality play maker and two very good defensive signings. Their combined wage demands would be greater than Deco's but only marginally. You could argue his wages will be balanced out by marketing prospects but there is also other factors to consider.


If the so called "trophy signing" is in fact foreign There is a major risk they will even adapt to the league. On top of that what about the weather? Lifestyle? Language? How long would a full adaptation take? What about the squad will his impact have be negative or positive? Do they want to play for the team? Or are they here to big up their megabucks at the end of the week?


All too often we've pissed our money down the drain because we haven't considered all the options. Now I know there's impatience in the camp but a trophy signing will solve little but restless minds. At the end of the day you've got to think of the long term. Are we going to progress with a squad or a one man army? To me there's no alternative and I for one would rather wait for the right player rather than get our fingers scolded ONCE AGAIN simply because of a restless fan base.

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Guest LucasUnger

cant see any reason why we cant get Ronaldo, Rooney AND Van Nistelrooy here next season tbh...

i can ;)

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Guest sicko2ndbest

If a trophy signing comes then i very much hope it is in the shape of a centre half. When Fit (laughs and cries at same time) our front 6 have the potential to be as good as any front 6 in the country.


A trophy centre half like cannavaro is exactly what we need in order to sort our defence out. A leader. This is something we havnt had since the days of Woodgate.

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I've never been a huge fan of the whole "trophy signing idea". Once a squad has been built I have no problem with bringing in the odd luxury player to add some real quality and creativity, but I've always associated a trophy signing with being a player living off past glories who fancies a big wage and a free ride.


I feel the key to establishing a quality squad is to have a core of really solid reliable players, the "spine" of the team if you like. Once you have these players you have to push on from mid table to establish yourself in the top half of the table. This is where you need quality. Now I know quality can come in the form of a big name player but doesn't it make sense to have a quality squad rather than one quality player. For a massive price you'd probably be able to land yourself a fairly big foreign name, say Deco just as an example. Now with Deco we'd get huge marketing potential and possibly the attention of other big name player but  the negatives outweigh the positives.


After paying a monumental fee we'd also be expected to be massively inflated wages. So speculation suggested Deco would command a fee of around sixteen million pounds and eighty grand a week wages. With the fee alone we'd be able to bring in a quality play maker and two very good defensive signings. Their combined wage demands would be greater than Deco's but only marginally. You could argue his wages will be balanced out by marketing prospects but there is also other factors to consider.


If the so called "trophy signing" is in fact foreign There is a major risk they will even adapt to the league. On top of that what about the weather? Lifestyle? Language? How long would a full adaptation take? What about the squad will his impact have be negative or positive? Do they want to play for the team? Or are they here to big up their megabucks at the end of the week?


All too often we've pissed our money down the drain because we haven't considered all the options. Now I know there's impatience in the camp but a trophy signing will solve little but restless minds. At the end of the day you've got to think of the long term. Are we going to progress with a squad or a one man army? To me there's no alternative and I for one would rather wait for the right player rather than get our fingers scolded ONCE AGAIN simply because of a restless fan base.


The time for "Trophy Signings" (from now onward, in this new era) is when - and only when - we are established enough at the top, for ALL our signings to be in that category (as Manchester United / Chelsea are now, for example).


That is what we all hope our Mr Ashleys intended objective is.


There has been NO (NIL / NOWT / NOTHING) sign of that yet . . .  but we assume . . .  (or is it HOPE!) . . . that this is what will happen.


So  -  no 'Trophy Signings' until sufficient background / squad-building, actual REAL progress has been made to make them simply 'routine' signings  -  please!!

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this talk of trophy signings is s***,you get in the best players you can in the positions you need.i don't really believe managers say "ooooh player x is much better than player y but player y is a bigger name so i'll buy him"


if we had a transfer kitty of £300mill and started spending wads would those players be trophy signings ?....................no,it would be a case of hopefully buying the best.

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