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Torres passes Liverpool medical


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Guest sicko2ndbest

Mr Hicks and Mr Gillett you have shown your intent


Mr Abramovich, you have showed yours more than enough


My Gadymak? you have showed yours Muntari, possibly nugent


Mr Learner you have showed yours, Young


Mr Magnusson you have shown yours 17mil bid4bent, faubert, parker etc


Mr Glazer you have showed yours 51mil pre season


Mr Ashley its over to you!


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Guest gggg

For 16m they've got a bargain for the Spanish Wayne Rooney. He's miles better than chuffing Bent.

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Guest kingdawson

Most overrated player on the planet.


He's done nothing to justify such a price tag, yet all the people who play on FM and Pro Evo absolutely laud over him.


Not THE most overrated player in the world but definatly in the top 10.

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Guest kingdawson

For 16m they've got a bargain for the Spanish Wayne Rooney. He's miles better than chuffing Bent.


Who do you think will score more goals next season then?

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Guest gggg

How many did Berbatov score last season? Who's the better player him or bent?


Bent is a pure goalscorer but offers nothing else to the team.

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Guest kingdawson

How many did Berbatov score last season? Who's the better player him or bent?


Bent is a pure goalscorer but offers nothing else to the team.


No need to get defensive, i honestly wanted to know what you thought tbh. Anyway to answer your question, Berbatov scored 23 goals last season (12 in the league) and assisted 15 times. We have forwards like Keane and Berbatov who offer us more then just goals and the thing we were missing was a clinical striker who can put the majority of those chances away. Hopefully Bent will be that striker.

As for Torres, dont think his going to set the premiership on fire to say the least.

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Guest Toonie

Torres wasn't 16 Million, he was at the very least 20 million.

Most likely the 27 Million Athletico said they would accept.

He is not over rated, I have seen him play live and he was very good. At the world Cup he was great as well. trust me, he will pay off for liverpool

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Torres wasn't 16 Million, he was at the very least 20 million.

Most likely the 27 Million Athletico said they would accept.

He is not over rated, I have seen him play live and he was very good. At the world Cup he was great as well. trust me, he will pay off for liverpool


Great at the World Cup? was he really?

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How many did Berbatov score last season? Who's the better player him or bent?


Bent is a pure goalscorer but offers nothing else to the team.


No need to get defensive, i honestly wanted to know what you thought tbh. Anyway to answer your question, Berbatov scored 23 goals last season (12 in the league) and assisted 15 times. We have forwards like Keane and Berbatov who offer us more then just goals and the thing we were missing was a clinical striker who can put the majority of those chances away. Hopefully Bent will be that striker.

As for Torres, dont think his going to set the premiership on fire to say the least.


I thought you said Defoe was the better goalscorer though?

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Another fantastic coup for the premiership (And the scousers), shame we lost Henry but the standard of the league will be imense next year and ever improving imo.


Think it'll be a weak Prem next season, loads of relegation candidates


I think most people would have said the same last season. Except Reading threw a few suprises out, Sheffield United and Watford were no stronger than Derby or the Scum.


With a growing trend of clubs being taken over and spending money like chavs winning the lottery, better players will emerge at worse clubs. Whilst it wont improve the stature of the game off the pitch, the league will attract even more of the worlds best.


I think there will be a bigger gap between the bottom 5 or 6 clubs and the rest of the league but on the whole the standard will be getting higher and higher overall.

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What Liverpool are paying for is potential. He has it all, quick, good in the air, decent dribbling and trickery, pretty good finishing. His off the ball movement isn't exactly like Van Nistelrooy but it's not bad. Thing is I think he's just decent with all these attributes, he's got no outstanding qualities. A well-rounded player who needs to make the step up, you could say.


And just because he's overrated it doesn't mean he's not a good player.


If I were a Liverpool fan my main worry would be about how he adapts. He might be tall but he's a bit of a pansy at times and you can be sure week in week out managers will be telling their centre backs to "let him know you're about". He'll need to rely on his pace, off the ball running and trickery to counteract that, as well as his mental strength.


He's been very popular with Atletico fans over the years, but then so has Raul at Real Madrid. There are many who say he has scored goals in a poor team, but just as many who say that team works hard for Torres to score the goals.


For an 18 year old he was very good. 5 years later I don't think he's improved all that much.


Noone can say for sure how this one'll turn out, Benitez clearly has faith in him but I'm not that convinced. I think they've landed a good player for a huge price. Defences in Spain are not that scared of Torres, ask any rival fans, and for £20-odd million that's not a great sign.

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wonder if this means we will have the bindippers back in force telling us how they were going to win the league again, just like they did last year.


Benitez may as well go and sign the Spanish team, should have got Tevez, the barmy idiot.


Is he another manager who is going to waste Craig Bellamy too, because he pisses all over Kite.


Speaking of barmy idiots, maybe he will take Luque off our hands, like the arse who bought him.



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Torres wasn't 16 Million, he was at the very least 20 million.

Most likely the 27 Million Athletico said they would accept.

He is not over rated, I have seen him play live and he was very good. At the world Cup he was great as well. trust me, he will pay off for liverpool


Great at the World Cup? was he really?


Thought he looked lightweight and Luque-esque at times.

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wonder if this means we will have the bindippers back in force telling us how they were going to win the league again, just like they did last year.


Benitez may as well go and sign the Spanish team, should have got Tevez, the barmy idiot.


Is he another manager who is going to waste Craig Bellamy too, because he pisses all over Kite.


Speaking of barmy idiots, maybe he will take Luque off our hands, like the arse who bought him.




Tevez would probably have cost twice as much (if its true the figure was closer to £16m).

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The figure is most likely £20m plus add ons. The Liverpool fans/media will be keen to tell us it's a lot lower than that.


I also think they haven't done great business losing Garcia for a few million, but maybe he wanted to go back to Spain.


As for Atleti, I think they'll be a stronger team after all this.

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Very good player but crazy fee. Although if Charlton are going to value Bent at £16m, then Athletico Madrid have every right to get £24m for Torres. Proven 1 goal in 3 striker in La Liga since a very young age and still young. Think £15m would have been a more reasonable fee though.

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Good signing for the scousers tbh. If he plays regularly, I think he'll get at least 20 for them.


Bit pricey, but if you can afford it... :rolleyes:


He's never got 20 in Spain so why would he do it in the Premiership?


I would be very wary of handing over £20-odd million for a striker who scores less often in La Liga than Forlan and Kanoute


Fairly confident that if he plays 50 games, he'll get 20 goals. He's good enough on the deck and the lad can finish chances if they come his way.


I'm not making him out to be the next Pele but i think he'll do a job for them and he'll progress as a footballer under Benitez. Take those blue specs off!  :lol:


In 50 games maybe. I was meaning in the league, which is where they struggle. They're already spot on for Europe.


And I haven't got my blue specs on, I'm genuinely not that bothered about them signing him. My reasoning being Messrs Forlan and Kanoute. If they had signed Eto'o on the other hand, I would have been very  jealous and very angry!

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Liverpool are in the position we would like to be in, they have a solid squad that can consistently push top four, they dont need wholesale changes.


With the money they now have invested, they can afford to go out and make three world class signings.


Torres IS one of those. You can argue he might not adapt or he might no have lived up to full potential yet, but he is a fantastic player, that any club would love to have.


Like Liverpool, im happy to hold out on the big money signings until we are at a place that we can cope with it and really need it to get to the next level.


Liverpool are a bit tight and restrictive to what Benitez would wish, but id much rather we were like them than West Ham.

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Guest gggg

If they had signed Eto'o on the other hand, I would have been very  jealous and very angry!


As I said earlier Torres is already a better player than Eto'o and Villa were before they moved to a big club with better service, they improved massively so who's to say Torres won't aswell.


When he has played with better players he's done well, he got 11 goals in 18 games last season for Spain.

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I'm sure he's a good player, i don't watch much La Liga, and personally i really liked him in the World Cup (that goal against Ukraine possibly my favourite of the tournament), but that's a colossal gamble for such money. Bet he'll never be worth that.

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