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Roeder v Fat Sam

Guest TinoInHiding

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Roeder is just confirming to anyone who had doubts that he is a grade one prick.


When Sam speaks of establishing NUFC as a top six club in the next five years he means us being permanently in the top six, not 6th one season and 13th the next. To say that he was never given the money that big Sam has been given is total shite. Sam has signed 4 quality players at a nett cost of near nothing. The Parker sale has virtually funded Barton and Rozenthal, the other two being free. Roeder spent 15million on two players and his free signings included Bernard.


I'd say that judging from that, Sam has performed a bit better than Roeder in the transfer market.  Roeders problem was Roeder, the players available just didn't want to come to NUFC because of him, not unless they were shite or had a get out clause.


Having said all of that, I think that we will finish in the top six this season and Sam is just playing it down so as not to fuel peoples expectations and therefore setting himself up to be shot at.


That's called good management Glen

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:lol:  Every line I read of that I cringed slightly more.  By the time I'd finished my torso had swallowed my entire head like a fucking tortoise.   To say that he's got a cheek would be putting it extremely mildly.  Allardyce's moves in the transfer market this season have shown Roeder up to be even more of an amateur than I even thought he was.  What a prick.


;D True.


I had a bit of sympathy for Roeder as he obviously wasn't taken seriously by the board, players or the fans - but this only serves to make him look even more pathetic. I can't see him getting another management job in a while.

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Guest ExiledGeordie


Piss poor from Roeder. Shelving blame from himself as to why he ultimately failed. The shadow of Shearer, not being supported financially, yawn. Allardyce has made a few comments which have ruffled his feathers, so he's had a pop.


Glenn, look at the changes in personnel since BIg Sam has come in and tell me that you had the same impact at NUFC

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Guest Guinness

I don't recall Sam saying he needs 5 years just to make us UEFA Cup contenders. He said he needs 5 years to transform the team, he said nothing of targets. Seems like bitterness from Roeder, can't believe he said 'it was obvious for all to see that we needed to strengthen our defence', then why didn't he do it then? If he knew he had a budget then why did he spunk £5m on Duff, why didn't he bring in a few loan signings?

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Sam quite clearly stated that he saw it taking 3 years to put us 'where we belong' when I was at SJP last Thursday. Sometime between last Thursday and last weekend he has tried to get himself 2 more years.


He will not get 3 years never mind 5. I personally think he's done well in the transfer market and don't see why we shouldn't fight Spurs for 5th - or if Arsenal or Liverpool slip up even 4th.


The five years related to "long term success and stability" the likes of Manchester achieved. So it isn't really a contradiction.


Aye he's been asking for continuity, all the best and successful clubs have had their manager for a few years, not chopping and changing.


Where the fuk dumb arse Glen finds he needs 5 years to hit top 6 from amgonst that is beyond me.


The guy has just shown himself up big time.

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Guest 22bnw

When Big Sam says it could take 5 years for success, I think he is just saying this to make himself look good when it happens sooner. Unless we win the FA Cup every season we need to be finishing in the top six a lot sooner, and Big Sam will know that.

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Cringeworthy comments indeed, in keeping with most of the drivel he came out with whilst here. Does he actually think Ashley, who is putting millions of pounds into the club, is eventually going to put Shearer in charge because he used to be a good footballer? Shepherd isn't running the club anymore, Glenn.

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Bitter comments from Roeder, but he's right about Allardyce trying to lower expectations before a ball has been kicked.


I can't stand Roeder and think he's a very limited manager, but I think many people are forgetting that, to use an old cliche, Michael Owen is effectively like a new signing. To bring the players we have into the side, including Owen, and those that are still to come, top 6 is an extremely normal target.


It does piss me off sometimes the way people try to appear sensible and patient by talking about 'top 6' as some sort of 'utopia'.

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Lets not be too harsh on Roeder.


At the end of the day, hes no different to lets say 30% of people in this country who are working in a competitive environment, people youll get in practically every office. They suck at their jobs, are incompetent and make bad decision after bad decision, but instead of taking steps to improve or better themselves, they go down the other route of denying even the merest hint of their inadequacy, and doing anything that exonerates themselves of any blame whilst covering their tracks if possible.


If they admit their faults, thats the end of it for them, and hence, their only choice is to attempt to twist anything and everything in their favour so they can continue living in profitable denial. To others, it seems like theyre living on another planet, or are just bitter, but they know what theyre doing and its a part of their makeup.


Shepherd and Souness are pretty much the same in this respect.

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Guest jamesmartinsmith

It's not just a matter of biterness.


Fat Freddy never saw Roeder as the long-term manager at our club. Roeder was eyeing some cracking signings but he wasn't supported in the transfer market. That was our downfall last season, especially after the New Year window. I rated Roeder highly there were just two outstanding issues.


- 88th and 89th minutes substitutions when we were losing.

- Lack of formation manoeuvring

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It's not just a matter of biterness.


Fat Freddy never saw Roeder as the long-term manager at our club. Roeder was eyeing some cracking signings but he wasn't supported in the transfer market. That was our downfall last season, especially after the New Year window. I rated Roeder highly there were just two outstanding issues.


- 88th and 89th minutes substitutions when we were losing.

- Lack of formation manoueverment.


Nice word.

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Guest shaun11177

If Roeder is such a great Manager then i am sure he will get another high profile job just like Souness has!

Also as previously mentioned Sam hasnt had any financial support in the transfer market.


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Guest firetotheworks

Im quite surprised by Roeder on this. By the end I think everyone realised he couldnt cut it as a top flight manager, but most agreed that he'd done his best for the club and seemed to be a nice bloke. There's nothing that he could really gain from what he's said here. TBH I dont really think Big Sam thinks it will take 5 years to get to where we 'should' be, but Id rather he managed expectations in that way than talk the talk and never, ever walk the walk in the way Roeder did every time he opened his mouth to the press. As someone pointed out as well, the whole 'Shearer for manager' thing is dead in the water now. Ashley doesnt seem to be one for sentiment and nostalgia, more having the best and being the best, which is how it should be IMO.

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This is unbelievably embarrassing from Glenn. I am shocked and extremely dissapointed in him. I admired the dignified way in which he walked away without getting involved in this sort of thing. This will not help him at all.


Allardyce is all about psychology. Unlike every other idiot who takes the job and comes in all excited talking about the potential of the club and how the club ought to be in the champions league every year etc. Sam knows that this is possibly the worst thing you can do at this moment in time, considering we haven't won anything in so long. The last thing the club needs is more pressure on the players and too much hyp and expectation in the fans.


Whether you agree with it or not it is the best way to go about things. It should be clear from the players Sam is bringing in and the work he is doing that we will be right in the thick of things challenging for the top six and even better. We don't need him to come out and state it explicitly. If Sam came and said we were not in position to get any top players but that we were sticking with what we had then I would believe it would take 5 years. I am not buying it, Sam knows what he is doing. He's just trying to keep everyone calm as a lot of good things have been happening lately and it would be easy to get carried away.


Roeder ... I'm at a loss for words. The most disgusting thing is the statement he makes about Sam being given more money. That is just stunning to me. Roeder spent £15 million on two players and expected exactly how much more? Sam hasn't even spent a third of that yet. Roeder was out of his depth.


Wouldn't want him anywhere near the club after this, even as the freakin' car park attendant. He has clearly shown he doesn't have the clubs interests at heart and is only looking out for number one. What a punk.

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Fuck me, what a load of bollocks.


Sibierski the free transfer of the season?!


What means has Allardyce had so far that Roeder didn't? We've signed two free transfers and bought the other two (pretty much) with the money we got for Parker. Tit.

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Guest firetotheworks

Why are people surprised? He always came over as a bit of a prat to me.


Same here. Just surprised at his attack on the club and manager, didnt seem his style. Being a hypocrite and making excuses are quite clearly his style though.

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Guest jamesmartinsmith

It's not just a matter of biterness.


Fat Freddy never saw Roeder as the long-term manager at our club. Roeder was eyeing some cracking signings but he wasn't supported in the transfer market. That was our downfall last season, especially after the New Year window. I rated Roeder highly there were just two outstanding issues.


- 88th and 89th minutes substitutions when we were losing.

- Lack of formation manoueverment.


Nice word.

Pretentious twat?

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