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Would you be willing to donate to Newcastle-Online?

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The rule that your not allowed to make threads unless you have a certain amonut of posts!!!


thats fcukin stupid



also theres for many threads closed for no reason



the admins take things to seriously


Obviously not seriously enough

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Guest Morph

One of my mates is setting up a server business with Cybergameszone, (if you aint been there, it's the biggest gaming lan in town) maybe I can have a word about prices or something?  Currently got a Counterstrike: Source server up which is really good quality.  They're also going to host a website for cgz in the near future and maybe a ventrilo server.  Maybe I can get you some dedicated server bandwidth at masturbation speeds on the cheap?

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Sent someone I know who has runs messageboards, his company no longer take new business on. He reckons GoogleAds is way forward for this place to make a bit of cash. I suggested this earlier because I know when I go on some clubbing messageboards GoogleAds banner are at the top of the page.


If you want any more info I can get it.

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I cant believe you havent got much greater support.I rarely post but come on here everyday,as i suspect most do.im 100% in favour of donations to keep this site running properly especially when demand is highest at critical times

All of you against donating(unless you cant afford it)please think of wot it would be like if this favourite piece of cyberspace was no more

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This is fucking dumb. I don't know what the hold up is. Just create a 'Donate' button on the front page, and accept Paypal. Done. I'll fucking pay annually, or whenever you guys are in need. For those who voted 'No' on this poll, well... unless you're so poor that you can't afford three meals a day, you should fuck off and die. Would donating 1 quid hurt you?


(Mods: I'll definitely be donating more than the aforementioned amount. :) Anything to keep this place alive and kicking and, more importantly, AD-FREE.)



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Guest Invicta_Toon

I have one million Ghanain dollars in a bank account for Newcastle Online. I you send me an arrangement fee of £2,500 by Western Union, I will forward the fuunds to your account

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Theres so many more worthy causes out there I'm afraid.

Yes, but none that would directl have any affect on me. I don't see this as charity, as I've got a personal gain by giving

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Guest Geordiecunny

Theres so many more worthy causes out there I'm afraid.

Yes, but none that would directl have any affect on me. I don't see this as charity, as I've got a personal gain by giving


Why have you got something to gain? Everythings fine as it is put your money where its needed. Plus ultiamtely it will only lead to a greater value and status for those who choose to donate over those who don't. People will demand a better service for their money and once you involve money I think things become a lot more complicated than they need to be.

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Dave, as a site owner myself I know how expensive it can be to get better servers. This site is really good and I love talking to all the other Newcastle supporters across the globe. I would definitely donate if this thing kicks off - however, I don't agree with 'A donation could be of any value, and all would be anonymous. Nobody would gain preferential treatment by donating, or vice-versa.'


I think people who donate should have some sort of extra title or privilege. It may not be much, but at least it makes those that are dedicated to this site stand out. I'm sure everyone appreciates what you and your moderators have done for the supporters of Newcastle United, I know I do... anyway, I browse the forums during work - takes my mind off it!

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The Forum gets busy enough for advertising surely ?




Couldn't you not just hoy a few Google Ads up, if you need more money?


I'm sure more people on here would rather click a link than hand out cash (donate).

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Guest optimistic nit

forum status and donating will be kept seperated, as Dave has said. it will not create a group of elites.

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Theres so many more worthy causes out there I'm afraid.

Yes, but none that would directl have any affect on me. I don't see this as charity, as I've got a personal gain by giving


Why have you got something to gain? Everythings fine as it is put your money where its needed. Plus ultiamtely it will only lead to a greater value and status for those who choose to donate over those who don't. People will demand a better service for their money and once you involve money I think things become a lot more complicated than they need to be.

Ofcourse giving to charity is good, but that could be used as soon as you buy something (except for food and clothes that'll keep you warm).

It's like if you want to go to the movies, you have to pay a certain amount of money, one can always ask "why don't you give the money away instead?" and your answer will be in the vain of "because this is what I want to do with it." i.e "I have a personal gain in seeing this movie"

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Dave, as a site owner myself I know how expensive it can be to get better servers. This site is really good and I love talking to all the other Newcastle supporters across the globe. I would definitely donate if this thing kicks off - however, I don't agree with 'A donation could be of any value, and all would be anonymous. Nobody would gain preferential treatment by donating, or vice-versa.'


I think people who donate should have some sort of extra title or privilege. It may not be much, but at least it makes those that are dedicated to this site stand out. I'm sure everyone appreciates what you and your moderators have done for the supporters of Newcastle United, I know I do... anyway, I browse the forums during work - takes my mind off it!


I agree.

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Guest Geordiecunny



I think people who donate should have some sort of extra title or privilege.


I Disagree. That would lead to a sort of members only club and people who are new or not prepared to give money would have their opinions ignored or over looked. It's meant to be about "giving toon supporters a voice" not "giving people who pay money a voice"- God knows theres enough of that sort of thing in life.


Even if this was anonymous you'd still get people announcing how much they donate to give better sway and significance to their arguments- asking someone who's opinion the disagree with how much they donate in order to belittle their opinion.


It seems to me it would make a two-tier level of membership and thats not what all of this is meant to be about- its about everyone having an equal voice and being listened to (if not agreed with) in their opinions.

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Guest Geordiecunny

forum status and donating will be kept seperated, as Dave has said. it will not create a group of elites.




I think people who donate should have some sort of extra title or privilege.


I Disagree. That would lead to a sort of members only club and people who are new or not prepared to give money would have their opinions ignored or over looked. It's meant to be about "giving toon supporters a voice" not "giving people who pay money a voice"- God knows theres enough of that sort of thing in life.


Even if this was anonymous you'd still get people announcing how much they donate to give better sway and significance to their arguments- asking someone who's opinion the disagree with how much they donate in order to belittle their opinion.


It seems to me it would make a two-tier level of membership and thats not what all of this is meant to be about- its about everyone having an equal voice and being listened to (if not agreed with) in their opinions.

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