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Sam Allardyce Talk In


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hah nah, I'm just interested in hearing what Sam had to say, I'm sure a good few members of this forum had tickets to it


Maybe they're so happy about what Sam said they're all still in the pub celebrating? :celb:

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This has just appeared on .cock




Sam Speaks: We're Very Close To New Signing


By Craig Hope


SAM Allardyce says that he is very close to finalising a deal to bring a new player to Newcastle United.


The Toon boss has already added Mark Viduka, Joey Barton, David Rozehnal and Geremi to the Magpie ranks this summer.


But, having admitted that things have not moved as quickly as he would've liked in recent weeks, Big Sam says he is confident that at least one new face is just around the corner.


"We haven't quite finished one off yet and I'm very confident that in the near future we'll be picking up one or two players," said the former Bolton boss.


"From top to bottom we are all out trying to secure players.


"It's a difficult market to work in and we don't want to panic, we want to make sure that when a player comes in he's going to be extremely good.


"The defenders here have done exceptionally well in the last two games, but that is the area we are concentrating.


"I hope the chase doesn't go on until the end of August but as long as we get them in that's the most important thing."


What makes people think it is Smith, apart from people wanting to be moaning bastards for the sake of it? He has quite clearly said there he is concentrating on defenders, and he hasn't sold any player for Smith to come in and replace.


Because someone who knows Darren Fletcher has said Smith will sign in the next 2 days, as well as it being all over the local papers in Manchester?


Just a guess.


Its been all over the papers that we are selling Owen and Martins. If i said i knew Michael Owens cat and he told me he was signing for Liverpool would you take it as certain? Thing is with people on here, they like to believe the negative things just for a moan, but when something positive comes out they try and make a negative out of it just for another moan.


I wouldn't believe you as cats can't talk, secondly the lad off here who knows Fletcher is spot on with the majority of things he gets off him, as for your comment about Owen and Martins, I've never seen any paper say their buy out clause has been met and they are going for talks over a deal, which is whats been said about Smith down there in the papers and on the radio.


If you're not prepared to comment on speculation that strong or even entertain the idea it could be him then I can't see you commenting on much in future.

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I think Smith will come like, he sat on the fence when asked about Smith and just made it into a sort of.. it's better to be linked with players coming in than out.


Did you go tonight, Alberto?

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This has just appeared on .cock




Sam Speaks: We're Very Close To New Signing


By Craig Hope


SAM Allardyce says that he is very close to finalising a deal to bring a new player to Newcastle United.


The Toon boss has already added Mark Viduka, Joey Barton, David Rozehnal and Geremi to the Magpie ranks this summer.


But, having admitted that things have not moved as quickly as he would've liked in recent weeks, Big Sam says he is confident that at least one new face is just around the corner.


"We haven't quite finished one off yet and I'm very confident that in the near future we'll be picking up one or two players," said the former Bolton boss.


"From top to bottom we are all out trying to secure players.


"It's a difficult market to work in and we don't want to panic, we want to make sure that when a player comes in he's going to be extremely good.


"The defenders here have done exceptionally well in the last two games, but that is the area we are concentrating.


"I hope the chase doesn't go on until the end of August but as long as we get them in that's the most important thing."


What makes people think it is Smith, apart from people wanting to be moaning bastards for the sake of it? He has quite clearly said there he is concentrating on defenders, and he hasn't sold any player for Smith to come in and replace.


Because someone who knows Darren Fletcher has said Smith will sign in the next 2 days, as well as it being all over the local papers in Manchester?


Just a guess.


Its been all over the papers that we are selling Owen and Martins. If i said i knew Michael Owens cat and he told me he was signing for Liverpool would you take it as certain? Thing is with people on here, they like to believe the negative things just for a moan, but when something positive comes out they try and make a negative out of it just for another moan.


I wouldn't believe you as cats can't talk, secondly the lad off here who knows Fletcher is spot on with the majority of things he gets off him, as for your comment about Owen and Martins, I've never seen any paper say their buy out clause has been met and they are going for talks over a deal, which is whats been said about Smith down there in the papers and on the radio.


If you're not prepared to comment on speculation that strong or even entertain the idea it could be him then I can't see you commenting on much in future.


Examples? I can't remember any, just ones that have fallen through for various reasons.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

On other board (tott) they are reporting 3-4 players before bolton game. Questions about relevance of footwear to players injuries, and that Oba is staying.


Questions apparantly pre-selected, and Big Sam went quite quickly once he had answered his Q's.

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This has just appeared on .cock




Sam Speaks: We're Very Close To New Signing


By Craig Hope


SAM Allardyce says that he is very close to finalising a deal to bring a new player to Newcastle United.


The Toon boss has already added Mark Viduka, Joey Barton, David Rozehnal and Geremi to the Magpie ranks this summer.


But, having admitted that things have not moved as quickly as he would've liked in recent weeks, Big Sam says he is confident that at least one new face is just around the corner.


"We haven't quite finished one off yet and I'm very confident that in the near future we'll be picking up one or two players," said the former Bolton boss.


"From top to bottom we are all out trying to secure players.


"It's a difficult market to work in and we don't want to panic, we want to make sure that when a player comes in he's going to be extremely good.


"The defenders here have done exceptionally well in the last two games, but that is the area we are concentrating.


"I hope the chase doesn't go on until the end of August but as long as we get them in that's the most important thing."


What makes people think it is Smith, apart from people wanting to be moaning bastards for the sake of it? He has quite clearly said there he is concentrating on defenders, and he hasn't sold any player for Smith to come in and replace.


Because someone who knows Darren Fletcher has said Smith will sign in the next 2 days, as well as it being all over the local papers in Manchester?


Just a guess.


Its been all over the papers that we are selling Owen and Martins. If i said i knew Michael Owens cat and he told me he was signing for Liverpool would you take it as certain? Thing is with people on here, they like to believe the negative things just for a moan, but when something positive comes out they try and make a negative out of it just for another moan.


I wouldn't believe you as cats can't talk, secondly the lad off here who knows Fletcher is spot on with the majority of things he gets off him, as for your comment about Owen and Martins, I've never seen any paper say their buy out clause has been met and they are going for talks over a deal, which is whats been said about Smith down there in the papers and on the radio.


If you're not prepared to comment on speculation that strong or even entertain the idea it could be him then I can't see you commenting on much in future.


Examples? I can't remember any, just ones that have fallen through for various reasons.


Phil Neville to Everton was one, most of the others he had about players dropping out came from him before the media got on them.

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It was interesting stuff, although they were no doubt careful with the questions selected.

Some of the questions were pre-done on .cock, but they apparently had people coming around with bits of paper you could write a question on, and they answered some of them as well - but I was upstairs, and no one came near us with any bits of paper.


Anyway, as I say it was interesting.


Here's a summery of the main stuff.


He started by saying that he had outstayed his welcome and Bolton, and that he “must have been mad” to turn down managing Newcastle, when the job was offered to him three years ago.


Turning to the topic of the backroom staff, Allardyce revealed that he intends to build a team of 18 to 20 people in various positions to work with the first team squad. Ideally, he’d like his backroom team to be people who have been rejected as youngsters or who have had their careers ended through injury, and have then gone to University to study Sports Science or Sports Psychology. He feels that people that have done this have a ‘football mentality’ and can understand what it is to be a footballer.


He commented that missing out on Europe this season may work in United’s favour. It would allow more time between games to implement the new training methods and resolve the injury problems. He has been speaking to a number of players who feel that they have been rushed back from injuries in the past. Allardyce thinks that it is no good rushing a player back who is only 80 or 90 per cent, as they are not fully fit and will simply break down again, thereby worsening the club’s injury problems. Players must be allowed to make full recoveries before taking part in games again.


Allardyce also revealed that he hasn’t made a final decision on who is to captain Newcastle this season, and that it might even be a player he is yet to sign – he is still hoping to bring in three or four new faces before the season starts. When asked if reports in tonight’s Evening Chronicle were true, that he is looking to sell Obafemi Martins in order to raise funds for new signings, he responded with a firm and confident ‘no’. No names of new signings were mentioned, but he is looking to bring in a left back. He also said that the squad was in need of ‘big defenders’ to play against big opposition players, and that they are also needed to defend against set pieces, as many games are won or lost on a free kick or a corner. Allardyce cited, the friendly match with Carlisle as an example. Newcastle, he said had played the better football and dominated the game, but went a goal down through a free kick, and therefore ended up with a draw when they had deserved a win. Allardyce wants to instill the new training methods into the players this season, so that when new players join the club, it is not just him and his coaching staff who are telling them what to do, and that the players are also showing them what to and helping them as well. That way everyone is in it together, fighting for each other.


Tactics-wise, Allardyce said that he prefers to use 4-3-3 over 4-4-2, as he feels it allows more players to both defend (5 rather than 4) and attack (3 rather than 2). However, tactics have to be altered according to the opposition. He feels that while Newcastle has good players, Manchester United’s players are better, and therefore it wouldn’t make sense to play the way they do against them, as they will win. What you have to do, is play another way, and try to confuse them. Allardyce cited his time at Bolton. Over the last ten games in which Bolton played Arsenal, they won five, drew three and lost only two. Despite Arsenal having better players, Bolton played a system which upset Arsenal, and “kicked the s*** out of them”.


When asked about how he gets perceived ‘bad boys’ to play for him, Allardyce revealed that you have to find out what went wrong at their previous club, that he talks to the player in question and finds out what he can do for that player to help him and make him feel wanted. On a similar subject, discussing his management technique he said that he uses different techniques for different players. You have to ‘bollock’ some players, because that’s what they respond to best, but that doing the same to another player might make him completely lose his confidence, and so you have to use another tactic to get the best out of them. He said that something he has learnt is that “you can’t go fighting people.” He revealed that as a young manager he wanted “to fight everyone” but it doesn’t work (something we know only too well from the Souness era).


On the question of what he would change about Football, he feels that the offside law needs to be looked at. He doesn’t know what it is anymore, nor do the players, the referees or linesmen. It is inconsistent, FIFA and UEFA need to resolve this and clearly define the law.


Allardyce was also asked what motivates him, to which he answered that he wanted to put something back. He had achieved his childhood dream of being a professional footballer, and then having retired, he felt a ‘hole’ which could only be replaced by either managing or coaching – besides “I know bugger all about anything else”.




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Well I will wait and see but it wouldn't be the first time a "hitch" has come about in a deal.


Would you be happy with Smith?


If we had already signed 2 left backs, 2 more centre backs and a right back..... probably :D

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It was interesting stuff, although they were no doubt careful with the questions selected.

Some of the questions were pre-done on .cock, but they apparently had people coming around with bits of paper you could write a question on, and they answered some of them as well - but I was upstairs, and no one came near us with any bits of paper.


Anyway, as I say it was interesting.


Here's a summery of the main stuff.


He started by saying that he had outstayed his welcome and Bolton, and that he “must have been mad” to turn down managing Newcastle, when the job was offered to him three years ago.


Turning to the topic of the backroom staff, Allardyce revealed that he intends to build a team of 18 to 20 people in various positions to work with the first team squad. Ideally, he’d like his backroom team to be people who have been rejected as youngsters or who have had their careers ended through injury, and have then gone to University to study Sports Science or Sports Psychology. He feels that people that have done this have a ‘football mentality’ and can understand what it is to be a footballer.


He commented that missing out on Europe this season may work in United’s favour. It would allow more time between games to implement the new training methods and resolve the injury problems. He has been speaking to a number of players who feel that they have been rushed back from injuries in the past. Allardyce thinks that it is no good rushing a player back who is only 80 or 90 per cent, as they are not fully fit and will simply break down again, thereby worsening the club’s injury problems. Players must be allowed to make full recoveries before taking part in games again.


Allardyce also revealed that he hasn’t made a final decision on who is to captain Newcastle this season, and that it might even be a player he is yet to sign – he is still hoping to bring in three or four new faces before the season starts. When asked if reports in tonight’s Evening Chronicle were true, that he is looking to sell Obafemi Martins in order to raise funds for new signings, he responded with a firm and confident ‘no’. No names of new signings were mentioned, but he is looking to bring in a left back. He also said that the squad was in need of ‘big defenders’ to play against big opposition players, and that they are also needed to defend against set pieces, as many games are won or lost on a free kick or a corner. Allardyce cited, the friendly match with Carlisle as an example. Newcastle, he said had played the better football and dominated the game, but went a goal down through a free kick, and therefore ended up with a draw when they had deserved a win. Allardyce wants to instill the new training methods into the players this season, so that when new players join the club, it is not just him and his coaching staff who are telling them what to do, and that the players are also showing them what to and helping them as well. That way everyone is in it together, fighting for each other.


Tactics-wise, Allardyce said that he prefers to use 4-4-3 over 4-4-2, as he feels it allows more players to both defend (5 rather than 4) and attack (3 rather than 2). However, tactics have to be altered according to the opposition. He feels that while Newcastle has good players, Manchester United’s players are better, and therefore it wouldn’t make sense to play the way they do against them, as they will win. What you have to do, is play another way, and try to confuse them. Allardyce cited his time at Bolton. Over the last ten games in which Bolton played Arsenal, they won five, drew three and lost only two. Despite Arsenal having better players, Bolton played a system which upset Arsenal, and “kicked the s*** out of them”.


When asked about how he gets perceived ‘bad boys’ to play for him, Allardyce revealed that you have to find out what went wrong at their previous club, that he talks to the player in question and finds out what he can do for that player to help him and make him feel wanted. On a similar subject, discussing his management technique he said that he uses different techniques for different players. You have to ‘bollock’ some players, because that’s what they respond to best, but that doing the same to another player might make him completely lose his confidence, and so you have to use another tactic to get the best out of them. He said that something he has learnt is that “you can’t go fighting people.” He revealed that as a young manager he wanted “to fight everyone” but it doesn’t work (something we know only too well from the Souness era).


On the question of what he would change about Football, he feels that the offside law needs to be looked at. He doesn’t know what it is anymore, nor do the players, the referees or linesmen. It is inconsistent, FIFA and UEFA need to resolve this and clearly define the law.


Allardyce was also asked what motivates him, to which he answered that he wanted to put something back. He had achieved his childhood dream of being a professional footballer, and then having retired, he felt a ‘hole’ which could only be replaced by either managing or coaching – besides “I know bugger all about anything else”.




Cheers mate, the 3 to 4 players in before the season is promising news.

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Tactics-wise, Allardyce said that he prefers to use 4-4-3 over 4-4-2, as he feels it allows more players to both defend (5 rather than 4) and attack (3 rather than 2). However, tactics have to be altered according to the opposition. He feels that while Newcastle has good players, Manchester United’s players are better, and therefore it wouldn’t make sense to play the way they do against them, as they will win. What you have to do, is play another way, and try to confuse them. Allardyce cited his time at Bolton. Over the last ten games in which Bolton played Arsenal, they won five, drew three and lost only two. Despite Arsenal having better players, Bolton played a system which upset Arsenal, and “kicked the s*** out of them”.



4-4-3?  ;D

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Guest Guinness

Yeah cheers for that Tom. Promising that he wants to bring in three to four new faces in before the start of the season. Also reassuring to know that he's definately after a left back, got a little concerned after the 'no left back' comments.

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