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Summer signing league table prediction thing


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I'm a bit bored and restless so I thought this might be a decent idea. Sort out your top 5 and worst 5 signings of the summer so far, based on all the obvious stuff like value for money, what kind of impact they'll have on the team, just think they'll do well etc etc just justify them however you want really. The beauty of these is that some t*** can bump them halfway through the season and pick out someone's terrible inclusion(s) and mock their pitiful footballing insight. I know it'll be a bit hit and miss because most people will know f*** all about a lot of the new players to the Premiership but there you go, just shut up and get on with it.


Anyway: Top 5

Torres - cost a shitload but could well provide Liverpool with their much needed firepower

Sidwell - Cost nowt and he should come in handy during African Nations

Darren Bent

Robert Earnshaw - a bit of Premiership experience which, if you read on here for long enough anyway, is very important and might just get Derby enough goals to keep them afloat. 3.5 million is not exactly a risk either

Viduka - Got to have one of our lot really, just to be nice. Just because he cost nothing and should provide a very good partner for Owen and a few goals.


Worst 5

Koumas - not convinced by what I've seen of him that he can carry a poor team i.e Wigan like the price tag suggest he'll have to.

Chopra - Surely he won't cut it in the Premiership ...

Utaka - pure and utter guess, never seen him play or hears anything other than he's Nigerian and harry loves his crazy signings which either go brilliantly or very badly. I'm going to say this one goes badly.

Kieran Richardson

Edit: Mido's such a wanker that he won't even accept the probably already over-inflated wage Birmingham are offering him so ...

Bramble - Not a great deal of explanation needed, but he does seem to be even more error prone when his team is doing badly and Wigan are appalling. Bloopers aplenty this season surely.


Off you go.




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I think he'll score a lot of goals. Couldn't be arsed writing something about him but I definitely don't think he's value for money, however I do think he'll score goals for them

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I'm a bit bored and restless so I thought this might be a decent idea. Sort out your top 5 and worst 5 signings of the summer so far, based on all the obvious stuff like value for money, what kind of impact they'll have on the team, just think they'll do well etc etc just justify them however you want really. The beauty of these is that some t*** can bump them halfway through the season and pick out someone's terrible inclusion(s) and mock their pitiful footballing insight. I know it'll be a bit hit and miss because most people will know f*** all about a lot of the new players to the Premiership but there you go, just shut up and get on with it.


Anyway: Top 5

Torres - cost a shitload but could well provide Liverpool with their much needed firepower

Sidwell - Cost nowt and he should come in handy during African Nations

Darren Bent

Robert Earnshaw - a bit of Premiership experience which, if you read on here for long enough anyway, is very important and might just get Derby enough goals to keep them afloat. 3.5 million is not exactly a risk either

Viduka - Got to have one of our lot really, just to be nice. Just because he cost nothing and should provide a very good partner for Owen and a few goals.


Worst 5

Koumas - not convinced by what I've seen of him that he can carry a poor team i.e Wigan like the price tag suggest he'll have to.

Chopra - Surely he won't cut it in the Premiership ...

Utaka - pure and utter guess, never seen him play or hears anything other than he's Nigerian and harry loves his crazy signings which either go brilliantly or very badly. I'm going to say this one goes badly.

Kieran Richardson

Mido - Good player, but 6 million's a far whack and he has a history of acting like a complete arsehole on several occasions, particularly when the chips are down and I reckon they will be at Birmingham for a while this season.


Off you go.




Mido mightened be signing yet as he isnt happy with the clauses in his contract that Birimingham were putting in his contract!

Also think Koumas iis a very good player from what i have seen anyways!


my top 5 would be

Viduka-going to be the bargain of the summer!will be perfect foil for owen and oba!

Barton-when fit he will be exactly what we missed in the centre of the park-a bit of bite,passion, and hunger!

Distin-great business for Portsmouth to get him on a free,dissapointed we didnt get him!

Torres-Although he wos expensive,hes a proven quality striker that liverpool were missing!

Siberski-thought he wos great for us last season,i supose he wouldnt have much of a look in this season with us but great free signing for Wigan!


worst top 5


Bramble-couldnt believe anyone would want him,did they actually watch any games he ever played!felt like a signing when we got rid of him!

Bellamy-cant believe west ham paid 7.5mil for him considering what he done last season-NOTHING!well besides hitting his team mate with a club!Also has he ever gone any where with out causing serious trouble at the club?

Chopra-Cant believe they spent £5mil on him!he didnt get much of a chance with us but when he did he didnt luck up to it!

Harewood-suprised that villa moved for him especially since they consider them selves a big club!expected him to join a championship club or wigan!never impressed with him,misses alot of chances!!

Bale-10.5mil is a big risk for him,havent seen much of him but from what iv seen hes way overated!






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Harewood-suprised that villa moved for him especially since they consider them selves a big club!expected him to join a championship club or wigan!never impressed with him,misses alot of chances!!


He's been bought to replace Chris Sutton as 4th choice striker behind Carew, Agbonlahor, and Luke Moore. He scored 16 goals in the league the year before last. Looking at it like that, not a bad move at that money.


Put it in context, who is your fourth striker? Shola or the controversial Spaniard?

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Harewood-suprised that villa moved for him especially since they consider them selves a big club!expected him to join a championship club or wigan!never impressed with him,misses alot of chances!!


He's been bought to replace Chris Sutton as 4th choice striker behind Carew, Agbonlahor, and Luke Moore. He scored 16 goals in the league the year before last. Looking at it like that, not a bad move at that money.


Put it in context, who is your fourth striker? Shola or the controversial Spaniard?


Tbf we do have Owen, Martins and Viduka as first 3 strikers.


Villa should have shown more ambition and bought a better striker pushing the rest down the pecking order.

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Top Transfers


1. Ryan Babel - Has showed his natural talent with Ajax and for me is a fantastic signing for Liverpool


2. Daniel De Ridder - Brilliant potential and showed how good he is in the U21 world cup.


3. Robert Earnshaw - He has proved he can cut it in the premiership and with Derby signing him for a good fee He should do well for the club.


4. Geremi - On a free transfer and the fact he can play in a variety of different positions. Newcastle done well with this signing


5. Tal Ben Haim - Did well for Bolton last season and should get games with Chelsea


Flop Transfers


1. Titus Bramble - The joke of the premiership for years, Wigan surely have a death warrent offering this fella a contract?


2. Marlon Harewood - Villa are looking to go forward? but signing a second rate striker who when playing poorly might aswell not be on the pitch


3. Michael Chopra - £5m for a player who struggled in the premiership with appearences. Chopra will score goals, but not anywhere near the desired ammount Roy Keane wants.


4. Jeremie Aliadiere - Poor signing all round, the player struggled with Arsenal and Celtic when given opportunities. Maybe a run of first team games will sort him out. But to be honest, I really cannot see it.


5. Steve Sidwell - A decent player but will not be able to hold down a regualar place in a squad going for the title, Parker situation all over again.

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Guest brewer

Utaka scored consecutive hattricks in France lseason before last season, one against Lyon. And had a one in three record in France.


Not saying he'll be amazing, but it wouldn't surprise me if he'll make a bigger impact than Nugent.


Voronin will be Liverpool's biggest impact signing IMO, as opposed to El Nino.


I also think Anderson is just such an amazing talent he can't not make a big impact, and I think it'll happen quick than people expect.


I'm interested to see this Fernandes than Man City have signed.


I don't expect that much from Florent Malouda, I've always found him pretty generic.

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Guest sharath

top 5 -


hargreaves - good solid central midfielder

anderson - great talent

nani - great young winger

tevez - superb player

barton - value for money


worst 5 -

errikson -  another chapter in joke book of manchester city

richardson - thanks keano

torres - big money flop

malouda - won't adjust to premiership

Dudu - A dud.


Not biased, am I?  :razz:



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2.Pizarro (Free)

3.Melchiot (Free)

4.Distin (Free)






1.Faubert (out for 6 months)

2.Babel (£11.5m?)



5.Kamara (£6m)


Convinced that Fulham will go down.

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worst 5 -

errikson -  another chapter in joke book of manchester city


Sven will be fantastic for City, his track record blows O'neill, Jol and Big Sam out of the water and it looks like he's building a solid team already. He'll get them in the top 6 i reckon.


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Harewood-suprised that villa moved for him especially since they consider them selves a big club!expected him to join a championship club or wigan!never impressed with him,misses alot of chances!!


He's been bought to replace Chris Sutton as 4th choice striker behind Carew, Agbonlahor, and Luke Moore. He scored 16 goals in the league the year before last. Looking at it like that, not a bad move at that money.


Put it in context, who is your fourth striker? Shola or the controversial Spaniard?


Tbf we do have Owen, Martins and Viduka as first 3 strikers.


Villa should have shown more ambition and bought a better striker pushing the rest down the pecking order.


True enough, but my point is he's not been bought as a starting striker, he's here to provide another option.


The transfer window isn't closed yet, either ;-)


PS: I know Harewood is shit, by the way, I just don't care so long as he's just a back up option

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I'd put Earnshaw in the "meh" list.


It's hard to tell with Earnshaw, but he seems to get goals. Found out the other day that, amazingly, he has the second best goals per minutes ratio in the history of the premiership behind Henry. He may or may not replicate that, but I think the problem is that Derby are going down whether he does well or not. He just doesn't have the players around him.


I think Distin will go on to be a very good signing for Pompey, and hopefully Barton will do well for us. I can't see Bramble at Wigan being anything other than a disaster, and Chopra won't get many goals, imo. Richardson's another poor signing. Will be interested to see how Voronin and Torres do, Liverpool could have an excellent strikeforce next season.

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Harewood-suprised that villa moved for him especially since they consider them selves a big club!expected him to join a championship club or wigan!never impressed with him,misses alot of chances!!


He's been bought to replace Chris Sutton as 4th choice striker behind Carew, Agbonlahor, and Luke Moore. He scored 16 goals in the league the year before last. Looking at it like that, not a bad move at that money.


Put it in context, who is your fourth striker? Shola or the controversial Spaniard?


Tbf we do have Owen, Martins and Viduka as first 3 strikers.


Villa should have shown more ambition and bought a better striker pushing the rest down the pecking order.


True enough, but my point is he's not been bought as a starting striker, he's here to provide another option.


The transfer window isn't closed yet, either ;-)


PS: I know Harewood is shit, by the way, I just don't care so long as he's just a back up option


It does seem weird though that £4m has been spent on a backup striker, when £8m could have got you a first choice striker and left you with the youngsters on the bench. He'll do ok as 4th choice but can't shake off the notion that it seems a slightly strange one to me.

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Harewood-suprised that villa moved for him especially since they consider them selves a big club!expected him to join a championship club or wigan!never impressed with him,misses alot of chances!!


He's been bought to replace Chris Sutton as 4th choice striker behind Carew, Agbonlahor, and Luke Moore. He scored 16 goals in the league the year before last. Looking at it like that, not a bad move at that money.


Put it in context, who is your fourth striker? Shola or the controversial Spaniard?


Tbf we do have Owen, Martins and Viduka as first 3 strikers.


Villa should have shown more ambition and bought a better striker pushing the rest down the pecking order.


True enough, but my point is he's not been bought as a starting striker, he's here to provide another option.


The transfer window isn't closed yet, either ;-)


PS: I know Harewood is shit, by the way, I just don't care so long as he's just a back up option


It does seem weird though that £4m has been spent on a backup striker, when £8m could have got you a first choice striker and left you with the youngsters on the bench. He'll do ok as 4th choice but can't shake off the notion that it seems a slightly strange one to me.


Who is available in the 8m range as a top choice striker and is better than Carew, Agbonlahor or Luke Moore? Nugent is unproven. Alan Smith? No better.


That's what it comes down to. There are plenty of clubs with cash now, and precious little talent to go around (I suspect this partly explains your relative transfer sluggishness, too).


We expected to spend big on a new name striker at the start of the window, but MON has obviously decided to add depth instead, whether this is a reflection of the lack of players available, i don't know

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Who is available in the 8m range as a top choice striker and is better than Carew, Agbonlahor or Luke Moore? Nugent is unproven. Alan Smith? No better.


That's what it comes down to. There are plenty of clubs with cash now, and precious little talent to go around (I suspect this partly explains your relative transfer sluggishness, too).


We expected to spend big on a new name striker at the start of the window, but MON has obviously decided to add depth instead, whether this is a reflection of the lack of players available, i don't know

Fair enough, Bellamy's the only one who's moved and is a step up I guess. Marlon King might have been worth a gamble for that price, but I agree with you about the dearth of talent available at the moment, it makes transfer windows very frustrating.

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Who is available in the 8m range as a top choice striker and is better than Carew, Agbonlahor or Luke Moore? Nugent is unproven. Alan Smith? No better.


That's what it comes down to. There are plenty of clubs with cash now, and precious little talent to go around (I suspect this partly explains your relative transfer sluggishness, too).


We expected to spend big on a new name striker at the start of the window, but MON has obviously decided to add depth instead, whether this is a reflection of the lack of players available, i don't know

Fair enough, Bellamy's the only one who's moved and is a step up I guess. Marlon King might have been worth a gamble for that price, but I agree with you about the dearth of talent available at the moment, it makes transfer windows very frustrating.


I suspect a lot of clubs in the market for a striker would have gone for Bellamy had it not been for his mardyarsed attitude.


Marlon King is a good shout, but again, he'd only be a back up option like Harewood, and Aidy Boothroyd is very, very good at extracting money out of bigger clubs when he sells his stars (although I firmly believe Ashley Young is worth every penny of it).


As SA said, players who'd have been 1m not so long ago are now fetching 5m.


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Guest sharath

worst 5 -

errikson -  another chapter in joke book of manchester city


Sven will be fantastic for City, his track record blows O'neill, Jol and Big Sam out of the water and it looks like he's building a solid team already. He'll get them in the top 6 i reckon.



man city will find one way or another to fuck it up though.  :lol: :lol:

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