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Dyer's replacement


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Fair enough - for some reason I thought Butt had a season under Robson and then Souness came in.


My memory isn't the best like.


You're lucky if you're starting to forget about Souness, consider that a bonus.

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Fair enough - for some reason I thought Butt had a season under Robson and then Souness came in.


My memory isn't the best like.


You're lucky if you're starting to forget about Souness, consider that a bonus.


No, rather it's just a misty black haze that I can't quite erase Mick!

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If Dyer goes, we're short. Duff and Barton are both out for a while. Emre we're unsure about but he's injury prone anyway, same could be said for N'Zogbia. People are saying that the likes of Geremi and Rozehnal can go into centre-midfield; yes they can, but it leaves another gap open. Defense is priority but another centre-midfielder would be very handy if Dyer goes.


Dyer leaves and no-one comes in, come August 11th we could be lining up with centre-midfield options being only Geremi and Butt.


Milner --- Barton --- Emre --- N'Zogbia


... is how i see my preferred midfield line-up, with an entirely squad fit; having personally put the 4-5-1 to one side in my own head. We're a 4-4-2 team at the moment, uy reckan. If Dyer goes, the only out-and-out cover for that centre-mid position is Nicky Butt. We just can't afford that tbh, it'd mean fitting square pegs into round holes and leaving gaps in other areas AGAIN - just like we have done season after season after season after season.


Like i say, defense is the priority but i'd be a little bit concerned if Dyer wasn't replaced.


PS - anyone who says we should get an out-and-out winger and convert Milner into a central player; gerraway. What's with this attitude of fixing players when they aren't broken, and subsequently wasting major talent? Do it right i say!

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Guest SwissMagpie

Giles Barnes or SWP....


do u think Manuel Fernandes is an option? or he is 50-50 Midfielder?

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My starting midfield would be a middle three of Barton, Emre and Butt with the left and right sided forwards dropping back to wingers when we were out of possession.


They could be Martins/Milner/Duff/Owen or any of the attacking players chosen to start there really.


Hence the reason I wouldn't replace Dyer when he goes.


Even if Sam plays 4-4-2 (very doubtful imo) I still couldn't find room for SWP given that I don't think Milner has let anyone down and SWP, for the money they're talking about, wouldn't be £12m pounds worth of improvement.


SWP's a winger, nobody could play him through the middle as he can't defend properly out of possession, therefore his competition at our place would be:-


RW - Milner/Nobby/perhaps Geremi

LW - Duff/N'Zogbia


Is he really worth spending £12m on when we've got ample options there at the minute? AND given the dire back four situation?


Not for me.

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Guest lebowski

My starting midfield would be a middle three of Barton, Emre and Butt with the left and right sided forwards dropping back to wingers when we were out of possession.


They could be Martins/Milner/Duff/Owen or any of the attacking players chosen to start there really.


Hence the reason I wouldn't replace Dyer when he goes.


Even if Sam plays 4-4-2 (very doubtful imo) I still couldn't find room for SWP given that I don't think Milner has let anyone down and SWP, for the money they're talking about, wouldn't be £12m pounds worth of improvement.


SWP's a winger, nobody could play him through the middle as he can't defend properly out of possession, therefore his competition at our place would be:-


RW - Milner/Nobby/perhaps Geremi

LW - Duff/N'Zogbia


Is he really worth spending £12m on when we've got ample options there at the minute? AND given the dire back four situation?


Not for me.

Couldn't agree more really. While I will be disappointed to see Dyer go especially to any team we are potentially competing with to get close to the top 4, I wouldn't be rushing out to replace with a like for like player.



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My starting midfield would be a middle three of Barton, Emre and Butt with the left and right sided forwards dropping back to wingers when we were out of possession.


They could be Martins/Milner/Duff/Owen or any of the attacking players chosen to start there really.


Aye, i was well up for that. Just don't think we've got the players though. Don't think Milner would be comfortable there, on the side of that front three - he was hardly involved for England in the Under-21 Championships, and i don't reckon Martins or Owen could handle it either. The only proven player we've got who can do that, is Duff - who's shite and out for months. And Luque apparantely, but never in England.


We're a 4-4-2 team at the moment.

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What the fuck is this Manuel Fernandes jizzfest all about? :D


Haven't actually seen him play before. Can anyone give me the low-down on him?1894 (is it), you're probably the expert...

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Sven has been buying cleverly the last couple of weeks. No doubt his Euro contacts and international days have helped.


Man City are going to be much more likely to finish above us than WHam or Pompey.

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My starting midfield would be a middle three of Barton, Emre and Butt with the left and right sided forwards dropping back to wingers when we were out of possession.


They could be Martins/Milner/Duff/Owen or any of the attacking players chosen to start there really.


Aye, i was well up for that. Just don't think we've got the players though. Don't think Milner would be comfortable there, on the side of that front three - he was hardly involved for England in the Under-21 Championships, and i don't reckon Martins or Owen could handle it either. The only proven player we've got who can do that, is Duff. And Luque apparantely, but never in England.


We're a 4-4-2 team at the moment.


See your point Lt I reckon Milner could handle it (he's got the workrate and intelligence) as could Owen though I don't think he'd like it. Martins I'm not sure about but he is a grafter, does challenge and he's got the pace for it.


The reason I'm not sure Sam will play 4-4-2 is because he likes his sides to be fluid going forward and rigid, tough to break down out of possession. Well he has in the past anyway.


You might be right, maybe he feels he hasn't the personnel to pull it off, but in my opinion it's the best group of players he'll ever have had at his disposal quality-wise (far better than any BW squad he had) and due to their quality he should be able to get the front 6 (whether in a 3-3 or a 4-2) to work as well as he has elsewhere.


The question probably is whether he's had the time with them? Oh, and whether he's comfortable that the front 6 are his choice and he's not looking to replace half of them.


I reckon he'll defo play 4-3-3 at some stage, just a question of when really. Maybe he'll wait until he's got more of his signings around him and a years worth of training/getting to know the squad, next summer?

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I'd go for Lassana Diarra. Apparently he rejected a new contract offer from Chelsea, and at his age he needs regular football. He's a versatile centre-mid who has filled in at right back for Chelsea and France. Played at Le Havre with N'Zogbia and he's already in the France squad at the age of 21, definite prospect.


We're well stocked with wingers, but we need a centre-mid. Barton could be out for months and Butt and Emre will probably pick up injuries. Diarra would be a long-term replacement for Butt but he's also good enough to challenge for a position in DM and RB now. Would be an excellent signing IMO, and a realistic target too.

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My starting midfield would be a middle three of Barton, Emre and Butt with the left and right sided forwards dropping back to wingers when we were out of possession.


They could be Martins/Milner/Duff/Owen or any of the attacking players chosen to start there really.


Hence the reason I wouldn't replace Dyer when he goes.


Even if Sam plays 4-4-2 (very doubtful imo) I still couldn't find room for SWP given that I don't think Milner has let anyone down and SWP, for the money they're talking about, wouldn't be £12m pounds worth of improvement.


SWP's a winger, nobody could play him through the middle as he can't defend properly out of possession, therefore his competition at our place would be:-


RW - Milner/Nobby/perhaps Geremi

LW - Duff/N'Zogbia


Is he really worth spending £12m on when we've got ample options there at the minute? AND given the dire back four situation?


Not for me.


Forget Emre ... if we play three in midfield, it should be Butt, Barton and Geremi. Geremi has said he would play anywhere today, but also confirmed that his favourite position is CM and that is where Allardyce told him he wanted him to play when he signed. Best news I've heard all day, thought he was brilliant there last night.



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I'd go for Lassana Diarra. Apparently he rejected a new contract offer from Chelsea, and at his age he needs regular football. He's a versatile centre-mid who has filled in at right back for Chelsea and France. Played at Le Havre with N'Zogbia and he's already in the France squad at the age of 21, definite prospect.


We're well stocked with wingers, but we need a centre-mid. Barton could be out for months and Butt and Emre will probably pick up injuries. Diarra would be a long-term replacement for Butt but he's also good enough to challenge for a position in DM and RB now. Would be an excellent signing IMO, and a realistic target too.


As you'll see from my various posts I'm not convinced we should replace him, certainly not just because 'we'll miss his pace' but Diarra is a very good call imo for the following reasons:-


1) Could a natural replacement for Butt;

2) Can cover right side as you said;

3) Is young and will/should go up in value;

4) Would probably accept not starting every game if he was still getting a good run out occasionally.


The other one that jumps out, rather obviously, is Nolan and the reason I think Sam would like him is the fact they know each other inside out. Sam knows Nolan's game/Character/Workrate and Nolan knows the Sam approach/system/tactics well.


So, the pivotal position of CM is covered without Allardyce having to put the work in (on someone like Emre) from scratch.

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Some stage Riches, aye. We'll see a 4-5-1. But, i'll be very surprised if we line-up with that on August 11th. I've said this last night and yes i know, they're only friendlies, but we've played 4-4-2 twice this season and played our opponents off the park. We played 4-5-1 once and were nearly beaten by a League 1 side.


Plus, you have to think about the psychological and realistic issues. Not only do our players have the capabilities and positional sense that fit into a 4-4-2, but that's what every single one of them are used to playing with, that's what they know. It'd be an entirely new berth and a mammoth task to get them all playing a completely new system, having had only one pre-season.


Agree, 4-5-1 at some point and i'd like to see it, cos Sam has proven that it works. But it's 4-4-2 at the moment, imo.

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Guest DazzaNufc1892

            barton butt milner


swp                                      duff



if all fit id start that, get the chelsea connection goin

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Some stage Riches, aye. We'll see a 4-5-1. But, i'll be very surprised if we line-up with that on August 11th. I've said this last night and yes i know, they're only friendlies, but we've played 4-4-2 twice this season and played our opponents off the park. We played 4-5-1 once and were nearly beaten by a League 1 side.


Plus, you have to think about the psychological and realistic issues. Not only do our players have the capabilities and positional sense that fit into a 4-4-2, but that's what every single one of them are used to playing with, that's what they know. It'd be an entirely new berth and a mammoth task to get them all playing a completely new system, having had only one pre-season.


Agree, 4-5-1 at some point and i'd like to see it, cos Sam has proven that it works. But it's 4-4-2 at the moment, imo.


Don't disagree it could well be a 4-4-2 start but as we agreed it'll very likely end up a 4-5-1 or 4-3-3 whatever you want to call it.


As you've probably seen in the post above, thats why I think Nolan would be a decent acquisition. Not because he's a world beater just because he'll be able to help everyone around integrate Sam's systems on the pitch where Allardyce can't communicate effectively with them.

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