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The media can f*ck off and so can the doom mongers

Guest Knightrider

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Nobodys saying that Mick, however if you're going to come out and say "I'll get the quantity but I'm not sure about the quality" then you've got to expect fans to be worried about the players coming in.


Perhaps people have been spoilt by all of the cash spent by the old board?


I'm saying they shouldn't use the media to communicate between themselves, Allardyce and Mort, I think you picked it up wrong.


As for being spoilt by all of the cash spent by the old board, it's no good pissing your money away if you have nothing to show for it.

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The majority of the hysteria comes from Allardyce's comments about the board anyway.


This is it. Our own manager has giving us the cause for concern, its him who thinks there is a lack of communication, its him who thinks they know fuk all about football, its him who's pissed off with missing out on targets, its all come from him, his mouth and he wants us to know about it.


Then on the other side we've got a reclusive owner who won't state at all what his intentions are. The fans are the most important part of this football club, and were being treated as if we don't exist right now. Like i said in another thread, the Yanks at Liverpool did it right, it was cheesy, they used all the lines, but at least they arrived, and told the fans what their mission is. I think its fair enough we know what his intentions are, he doesn't need to talk about spending, just how far he wants to go with the club, confirm the early rumours, or deny them and tell us it will be sensible business, get rid of debts and make the club profitable.


What's happening instead is the media are having a fuking field day with us, not just football, but the financial fukers are on our case as well. You say don't give them anything, we already have by saying nothing and it wont go away until announcements and players come through the door.


We all love the straight talking Allardyce, god knows you've (HTT) mentioned it often enough, why cant we have a straight talking, honest and upfront board as well?


TT, do you honestly expect Ashley who has only been in control 2 weeks to come out and state his plans? This is one of the reasons why he's doing a review, so he can get his plans laid out properly. This is all good business practice and while it may not tally with the football side, tough, this is needed and the club's future depends on it, or rather Ashley's plans do.




Lets be honest here, the main gripe with fans is that we're seeing other clubs spend money and we haven't, we are also all desperate for a new left-back and a new centre-back, and with 2 weeks to go to the big kick-off, we are getting more desperate by the minute. Everything else is all fuzz and a load of old bollocks.


And you know it.




Everyone is getting a little nervous, me included, we've seen this far to many times before, but Mr 'no nowt about football' hasn't ever experienced a NUFC transfer window, and may not get whats coming.


I'll refer back to the Liverpool owners, just landed and in front of the cameras, new players, next level, new stadium. Citehs new owner, new manager and spending like its going out of fashion, same can be said for WHU, even the rather quiet Lerner had a bigger initial impact than ours, but thats totally irrelevant if we've got some real direction and he isn't bottling it and that were going to get the funds we need for a defensive rebuild. Its just now a case of waiting to find out whether its same old or not.


But the windows draws closer, the same old feelings as usual haunt, and they are magnified by other clubs spending, of course they are, and people are panicking, but it could easily be resolved with some nicely timed communication to the fans, direct from the man himself, or at least the manager & new board showing they are dancing to the same tune. ATM that certainly isn't the case and it looks like a power struggle is already emerging, and the media will get in there and blow the whole thing up and the club wide open if they are not careful.


The hounds are at the door, Ashley left the gate open and Sam left the porch light on.



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Guest Invicta_Toon

nothing said about the mongs who keep posting quoteless stories though, the the uber mongs who reply 'It's probably absolute bollocks BUT......and go on to basically assume it's correct"


ISn't that called opinion?? People not allowed to interpret stories then??



STORIES being the clue there

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Has Sven been in the press lately whinging like a cunt about not being able to get players? Or Martin O'Neill the world's biggest moaning wanker ever?


TBF Vic neither club has any real debt.

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Has Sven been in the press lately whinging like a cunt about not being able to get players? Or Martin O'Neill the world's biggest moaning wanker ever?


TBF Vic neither club has any real debt.


so bollocking what? totally irrelevant, Ashley has BILLIONS. So he has to spend £40m instead of £20m in one year? tough fucking luck for not doing your homework


I notice manorpark has gone missing.....

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Nobodys saying that Mick, however if you're going to come out and say "I'll get the quantity but I'm not sure about the quality" then you've got to expect fans to be worried about the players coming in.


Perhaps people have been spoilt by all of the cash spent by the old board?


I'm saying they shouldn't use the media to communicate between themselves, Allardyce and Mort, I think you picked it up wrong.


As for being spoilt by all of the cash spent by the old board, it's no good pissing your money away if you have nothing to show for it.


I think I did get the wrong end of the stick, I thought you meant comments from Allardyce in general.

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nothing said about the mongs who keep posting quoteless stories though, the the uber mongs who reply 'It's probably absolute bollocks BUT......and go on to basically assume it's correct"


ISn't that called opinion?? People not allowed to interpret stories then??



STORIES being the clue there


Does that even make sense?

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Has Sven been in the press lately whinging like a c*** about not being able to get players? Or Martin O'Neill the world's biggest moaning w****** ever?


TBF Vic neither club has any real debt.


Man City had a debt of £60 million plus not that long ago.

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Guest Knightrider

Has Sven been in the press lately whinging like a cunt about not being able to get players? Or Martin O'Neill the world's biggest moaning wanker ever?


TBF Vic neither club has any real debt.


so bollocking what? totally irrelevant, Ashley has BILLIONS. So he has to spend £40m instead of £20m in one year? tough fucking luck for not doing your homework


I notice manorpark has gone missing.....


Had he done his homework, we'd not be able to buy anyone anyway, because those things would have been frozen while he did the due diligence, furthermore, had he been unable to buy the club as quickly as he did, he might not have bought it and we'd be stuck with FS. So, if a not 100% satisfactory transfer window is the result of that, then I say it's a fucking small price to pay. Anyway, when have we ever had a 100% successful transfer window, has any club come to think of it?


Up to now we've done very well, we've brought in four quality players for next to nowt. Add 3 more half decent defenders and we'll be laughing. If not, we are well up on last season, well up. But then I'm more concerned about the seasons after that personally - that's what is important here.

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Spot on mate! If I could start topics it would be along those lines - over the last few days we have seen nothing but negative publicity since the transfers dried up really! I am sick and tired of the negativity, not only from the papers but from some people on here. Come on, lets have some optimism!!  :clap:

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Crikey, i didnt realise its been just 2 weeks that they've been in charge, puts it all in perspective, nice rant bytheway HTT made complete sense a helluva lot to look forward to


it hasn't been 2 weeks

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Guest Invicta_Toon

nothing said about the mongs who keep posting quoteless stories though, the the uber mongs who reply 'It's probably absolute bollocks BUT......and go on to basically assume it's correct"


ISn't that called opinion?? People not allowed to interpret stories then??



STORIES being the clue there


Does that even make sense?


FFS let me tell you a story




let me tell you what I infer from these quotes from Fat Sam



spot the difference?

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Guest Invicta_Toon

Has Sven been in the press lately whinging like a cunt about not being able to get players? Or Martin O'Neill the world's biggest moaning wanker ever?


TBF Vic neither club has any real debt.


so bollocking what? totally irrelevant, Ashley has BILLIONS. So he has to spend £40m instead of £20m in one year? tough fucking luck for not doing your homework


I notice manorpark has gone missing.....


Had he done his homework, we'd not be able to buy anyone anyway, because those things would have been frozen while he did the due diligence, furthermore, had he been unable to buy the club as quickly as he did, he might not have bought it and we'd be stuck with FS. So, if a not 100% satisfactory transfer window is the result of that, then I say it's a fucking small price to pay. Anyway, when have we ever had a 100% successful transfer window, has any club come to think of it?


Up to now we've done very well, we've brought in four quality players for next to nowt. Add 3 more half decent defenders and we'll be laughing. If not, we are well up on last season, well up. But then I'm more concerned about the seasons after that personally - that's what is important here.


still labouring under the illusion that a strategic review stops a billionairre who intended to buy a football club from providing funds? what did he think, that the club ticks over on air and good thoughts?

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CoachHTT, my hero  :smitten:


Well done mate, this has needed saying for a good few days now... we really need to get perspective on how much change the club has been through in the last few weeks and how much better off we are now.


Like you say, if we have to go through a season of transition and a not-so-great transfer window, we'll just have to grit our teeth and remember the bigger picture.

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The media don't really need to try very hard at all to stir things up. The clubs lack of a public face, the manager's clear frustrations with the current situation, recent niggling injuries & the prospect of losing at least one quality player with the "promise" of getting 3 or 4 "quanity not quality" players in is quite sufficient to give fans like me something to worry about.


In the last two friendlies we have played Harper as an outfield player & finished the Juve game with a group of academy players. The season starts in 10 days time; let's all hope it all falls in to place.


My gripe (& it is growing) is with MA. I don't want chapter & verse over his plans but I do not feel like my support for the club matters to him & that sould concern everyone. He could come out & say that he's not going to saying anything - at least we would all know where we stand. As things are, people are left to speculate & that itself can lead to divisions amongst supporters.



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The media don't really need to try very hard at all to stir things up. The clubs lack of a public face, the manager's clear frustrations with the current situation, recent niggling injuries & the prospect of losing at least one quality player with the "promise" of getting 3 or 4 "quanity not quality" players in is quite sufficient to give fans like me something to worry about.


In the last two friendlies we have played Harper as an outfield player & finished the Juve game with a group of academy players. The season starts in 10 days time; let's all hope it all falls in to place.


My gripe (& it is growing) is with MA. I don't want chapter & verse over his plans but I do not feel like my support for the club matters to him & that sould concern everyone. He could come out & say that he's not going to saying anything - at least we would all know where we stand. As things are, people are left to speculate & that itself can lead to divisions amongst supporters.





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My gripe (& it is growing) is with MA. I don't want chapter & verse over his plans but I do not feel like my support for the club matters to him.




Perhaps you've forgotten that they're soon having meetings with people from various fan groups.

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My gripe (& it is growing) is with MA. I don't want chapter & verse over his plans but I do not feel like my support for the club matters to him.




Perhaps you've forgotten that they're soon having meetings with people from various fan groups.


Is that true? Good step if so.


Are we (N-O) invited?

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My gripe (& it is growing) is with MA. I don't want chapter & verse over his plans but I do not feel like my support for the club matters to him.




Perhaps you've forgotten that they're soon having meetings with people from various fan groups.


Is that true? Good step if so.


Are we (N-O) invited?


Yes, it's true, and several people from here have been invited.

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