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The 'daft footballers who can't talk properly' thread


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I could honestly take up hating Motson as a full time hobby job.


Is there a bigger cunt commentating on TV ATM? If so its his monkey Lawro, its a close call.


I really hate his smugness. I simply cannot stand how he tells you something and he says it like its the most important bit of news you've heard all day, and if it wasn't for him you'd never of heard it in the 1st place. I hate how they've obviously studied random stats and figures, yet pretends to pull them out of the air like they just came to him becasue he knows so fuking much about football.


I just hate everything about him and cannot wait until the fuker pisses off for good.

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Guest firetotheworks

Christ, imagine Motson and Oliver as a co commentator. Theres not many commmentators I like. I think pearce is almost as bad as motson. Out of the current crop I think Martin Tyler is excellent, Brackley's canny as well.

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Does it annoy anyone else when people pronounce 'sixth' as 'sikth'? Its fucking Sixth!


Haha yeah, and when people say 'arksed' instead of asked. That does grind my gears a bit. Also when English people pronounce foreign words in an English way. Like MaLLorca instead of Majorca. (as in actually say the L's) :rant:

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Fucks me off how commentators make excuses for the better players when they mess something up.


(Lampard passes out for a goal kick) 'Well you could see what he was trying there, great vision'


(Nolan passes out for a goal kick) *Silence*

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It has always really, really annoyed me when football managers, whilst talking about the game, refer to "the football club" rather than "the club", in some kind of misguided attempt to appear deep and intelligent.


Example usage: "I want players here who want to play for the football club". Like we didn't know what kind of club they meant ....


I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times.


Is he the least intelligent manager in the league?


It's actually subliminal identification. It's a defence mechanism that shows a sign of anxiety. ie Look I'm talking about 'the football club'...I'm not here don't look at me or blame me....etc...

but he was talking about the club,is he supposed to talk about it without mentioning it ?


I thought the idea of what Brummie was saying was repitition. No?

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Does it annoy anyone else when people pronounce 'sixth' as 'sikth'? Its fucking Sixth!


Haha yeah, and when people say 'arksed' instead of asked. That does grind my gears a bit. Also when English people pronounce foreign words in an English way. Like MaLLorca instead of Majorca. (as in actually say the L's) :rant:


To be fair to Motson, I know a reporter in central Europe who met him before a game in Slovakia or somewhere, and Motson was quizzing him about the correction pronounciation of all the players' names and so on. My friend was impressed by his attention to detail.

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I despise the way Jon Motson commentates on England games nowadays; i swear he's going senile. Whenever he or Lawrenson, sort of - figure something out...


... like for instance last night, when Wes Brown came on for Ferdinand, it being a bit of an odd or pointless sub, they realised that Brown was gonna go wide right so that Richards could come into the centre...


... Motson talks with this patronising, "ah yes of course" tone that Sherlock would have used, as if he's just worked out this mammoth equation or mystery.


Difficult to explain but it boils my piss either way.


I know what you mean, he's very descriptive, but maybe 2 minutes after everyone watching has realised for themselves. Motson always pronounces players names different to the way most people do aswell. Deedyay Drogbar for example. Im sure there's more. Jonathan Pearce pronouncing Luis Garcia as Luis Garthia as well.


Certainly a pet hate of life in general, never mind just football, is sports commentators needlessly pronouncing a name differently to everyone else - but, if you disregard David Pleat's catalogue, that really is the worst.

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Does it annoy anyone else when people pronounce 'sixth' as 'sikth'? Its fucking Sixth!


Haha yeah, and when people say 'arksed' instead of asked. That does grind my gears a bit. Also when English people pronounce foreign words in an English way. Like MaLLorca instead of Majorca. (as in actually say the L's) :rant:


To be fair to Motson, I know a reporter in central Europe who met him before a game in Slovakia or somewhere, and Motson was quizzing him about the correction pronounciation of all the players' names and so on. My friend was impressed by his attention to detail.


No one cares though, and if the whole world pronounces it one way, so should he. Or it's just annoying.

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It has always really, really annoyed me when football managers, whilst talking about the game, refer to "the football club" rather than "the club", in some kind of misguided attempt to appear deep and intelligent.


Example usage: "I want players here who want to play for the football club". Like we didn't know what kind of club they meant ....


I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times.


Is he the least intelligent manager in the league?


It's actually subliminal identification. It's a defence mechanism that shows a sign of anxiety. ie Look I'm talking about 'the football club'...I'm not here don't look at me or blame me....etc...

but he was talking about the club,is he supposed to talk about it without mentioning it ?


I thought the idea of what Brummie was saying was repitition. No?

was it ?  thought it was the use of the term football club instead of just club
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Guest firetotheworks

I was having a conversation on the phone with this old bloke from scotland the other week about poor grammar. I made the point to him that very few are perfect and that there's likely to be an upper echelon of people who laugh at us for mocking those with even poorer grammar. We both made the excuse of it being the basics and then carried on. this woman at work always says 'Pacifically' instead of 'Specifically' and no one says anything. Does my head in. My problem like, but still.

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Does it annoy anyone else when people pronounce 'sixth' as 'sikth'? Its fucking Sixth!


Haha yeah, and when people say 'arksed' instead of asked. That does grind my gears a bit. Also when English people pronounce foreign words in an English way. Like MaLLorca instead of Majorca. (as in actually say the L's) :rant:


To be fair to Motson, I know a reporter in central Europe who met him before a game in Slovakia or somewhere, and Motson was quizzing him about the correction pronounciation of all the players' names and so on. My friend was impressed by his attention to detail.


No one cares though, and if the whole world pronounces it one way, so should he. Or it's just annoying.


Should just say them as they read, unless it's obviously wrong. Only one cunting 'r' in 'Drogba'.

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I was having a conversation on the phone with this old bloke from scotland the other week about poor grammar. I made the point to him that very few are perfect and that there's likely to be an upper eshelant of people who laugh at us for mocking those with even poorer grammar. We both made the excuse of it being the basics and then carried on. this woman at work always says 'Pacifically' instead of 'Specifically' and no one says anything. Does my head in. My problem like, but still.


I know someone who has that problem.


She also says: Pasgetti instead of Spaghetti, and Soldier instead of Shoulder.



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Have to admit though that i pronounce Drogba 'Drogbar'. I don't over-pronounce the end R, but there's definitely one there. :blush:


Does everyone else pronounce it 'Drogbuh' then? Like, as an 'unstressed vowel'?

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Does it annoy anyone else when people pronounce 'sixth' as 'sikth'? Its fucking Sixth!


Haha yeah, and when people say 'arksed' instead of asked. That does grind my gears a bit. Also when English people pronounce foreign words in an English way. Like MaLLorca instead of Majorca. (as in actually say the L's) :rant:


To be fair to Motson, I know a reporter in central Europe who met him before a game in Slovakia or somewhere, and Motson was quizzing him about the correction pronounciation of all the players' names and so on. My friend was impressed by his attention to detail.


No one cares though, and if the whole world pronounces it one way, so should he. Or it's just annoying.




It always grates on my ears when I know the correct pronounciation, and they're getting it wrong.


I hate the way Lawrenson and others call Hamann "Ha-mann", for example.

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It has always really, really annoyed me when football managers, whilst talking about the game, refer to "the football club" rather than "the club", in some kind of misguided attempt to appear deep and intelligent.


Example usage: "I want players here who want to play for the football club". Like we didn't know what kind of club they meant ....


I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times.


Is he the least intelligent manager in the league?


It's actually subliminal identification. It's a defence mechanism that shows a sign of anxiety. ie Look I'm talking about 'the football club'...I'm not here don't look at me or blame me....etc...

but he was talking about the club,is he supposed to talk about it without mentioning it ?


I thought the idea of what Brummie was saying was repitition. No?

was it ?  thought it was the use of the term football club instead of just club



"I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times."  Brummie.

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Have to admit though that i pronounce Drogba 'Drogbar'. I don't over-pronounce the end R, but there's definitely one there. :blush:


Does everyone else pronounce it 'Drogbuh' then? Like, as an 'unstressed vowel'?




Short and sweet A like is should be, not turning into a song and fuking dance like Motson.

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Guest LucaAltieri

I don’t know how anyone on here can complain about clichés, unnecessary mannerisms, etc from players and managers.


We’ve got them too… I challenge someone to count the occurrences of “tbf” and “tbh” on these boards.


How many instances of “good shout”?  Any takers?


You get it within any group of people. Ours are just as annoying as theirs. Leave it.


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I don’t know how anyone on here can complain about clichés, unnecessary mannerisms, etc from players and managers.


We’ve got them too… I challenge someone to count the occurrences of “tbf” and “tbh” on these boards.


How many instances of “good shout”?  Any takers?


You get it within any group of people. Ours are just as annoying as theirs. Leave it.



We don't get paid shit loads to annoy millions of people tbf.



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It has always really, really annoyed me when football managers, whilst talking about the game, refer to "the football club" rather than "the club", in some kind of misguided attempt to appear deep and intelligent.


Example usage: "I want players here who want to play for the football club". Like we didn't know what kind of club they meant ....


I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times.


Is he the least intelligent manager in the league?


It's actually subliminal identification. It's a defence mechanism that shows a sign of anxiety. ie Look I'm talking about 'the football club'...I'm not here don't look at me or blame me....etc...

but he was talking about the club,is he supposed to talk about it without mentioning it ?


I thought the idea of what Brummie was saying was repitition. No?

was it ?  thought it was the use of the term football club instead of just club



"I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times."  Brummie.


I think his point is not so much that Little Sammy says it a lot, but that the word "football" is, in this instance, entirely unnecessary.

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I don’t know how anyone on here can complain about clichés, unnecessary mannerisms, etc from players and managers.


We’ve got them too… I challenge someone to count the occurrences of “tbf” and “tbh” on these boards.


How many instances of “good shout”?  Any takers?


You get it within any group of people. Ours are just as annoying as theirs. Leave it.


i always read "tbf" as tits bums fannies.


"tbh" users ought to be flogged then thrown in the wear

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It has always really, really annoyed me when football managers, whilst talking about the game, refer to "the football club" rather than "the club", in some kind of misguided attempt to appear deep and intelligent.


Example usage: "I want players here who want to play for the football club". Like we didn't know what kind of club they meant ....


I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times.


Is he the least intelligent manager in the league?


It's actually subliminal identification. It's a defence mechanism that shows a sign of anxiety. ie Look I'm talking about 'the football club'...I'm not here don't look at me or blame me....etc...

but he was talking about the club,is he supposed to talk about it without mentioning it ?


I thought the idea of what Brummie was saying was repitition. No?

was it ?  thought it was the use of the term football club instead of just club



"I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times."  Brummie.


I think his point is not so much that Little Sammy says it a lot, but that the word "football" is, in this instance, entirely unnecessary.


But why does he?

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Guest firetotheworks

I say it like 'Drogbah' like how it would be said phonetically. Motson trying to get pronunciations right is admirable to an extent, but its irritating his viewers. Speaking of which. Did anyone watch the Bayern vs Bremen match the other day? The co commentator has a stutter. Fuck being PC, if you're endearing yourself to an audience you dont want to annoy them by having them second guess everything you're going to say.

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It has always really, really annoyed me when football managers, whilst talking about the game, refer to "the football club" rather than "the club", in some kind of misguided attempt to appear deep and intelligent.


Example usage: "I want players here who want to play for the football club". Like we didn't know what kind of club they meant ....


I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times.


Is he the least intelligent manager in the league?


It's actually subliminal identification. It's a defence mechanism that shows a sign of anxiety. ie Look I'm talking about 'the football club'...I'm not here don't look at me or blame me....etc...

but he was talking about the club,is he supposed to talk about it without mentioning it ?


I thought the idea of what Brummie was saying was repitition. No?

was it ?  thought it was the use of the term football club instead of just club



"I always considered Stuart Pearce to be the worst (although both MON and SA are occasional offenders), but today I've seen two interviews with Sammy 'Championship' Lee, where he uses the term about 12 times."  Brummie.


I think his point is not so much that Little Sammy says it a lot, but that the word "football" is, in this instance, entirely unnecessary.

like your use of "entirely" ?
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