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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Loaning money in what way ? Because it's pensionable you mean ? I don't think the smaller £1500 investors will be lending money. The model seems to be that they would be the owners, and either pay themselves some kind of dividend or not, depending on the democratic vote. The lenders would be the larger financial institutions. I've classified them in a different way because I can't see that they would want to own an institution and therefore be liable for its debts if they could be easily outvoted by smaller investors. That's the whole reason why PLCs work the way they do - the more you invest, the more say you have. The NUST blurb is very vague in this area. Obviously, the larger the amount that they can obtain from fans chipping in £1500, the less dependent they are on outside investment. But they really would have to raise a lot from fans to attract any serious outside investment, as far as I can see. Thanks
  2. As I've said before I think it's fortunately rather than unfortunately that we can't vote on everyday issues I meant unfortunately in regards to some who might think there's more than just an annual vote involved with being an investor. Theres always the sorry scenario that those wealthy enough to invest aren't too clued up on football and where the best interests of a club lie. Sound familiar?
  3. Loaning money in what way ? Because it's pensionable you mean ?
  4. As I've said before I think it's fortunately rather than unfortunately that we can't vote on everyday issues
  5. In the questions and answers section is says you can donate to to NUST from as little as £10. Your money will be then added to other people likes yourselves and between you, you will get 1 vote. So everyone can have their say. right, but if you did it through here, you would have a forum to discuss with the people you share the investment with. That's true if a forum thing did happen
  6. In the questions and answers section is says you can donate to to NUST from as little as £10. Your money will be then added to other people likes yourselves and between you, you will get 1 vote. So everyone can have their say.
  7. No, not under the way it's structured (as I understand it) You and I could put in £1500 each and have more say in theory. Is the right answer. Each person gets a vote and an equal voice. Only to an extent though. It depends which decisions will be made by shareholders and which will be made by the elected board. Once the board is in place it's probable that the majority of the decisions will be made by them, so if Moat takes a place on the board obviously his say increases over yours and mine. Which I think is the correct approach. Fans should just vote on who to appoint as chairman really.
  8. Think its a minimum of 1.5k £1500 is achievable at £10 a piece on the forum. we should be looking to buy a few shares. I like that idea actually. Maybe we could start a thread similar to the donations thread? ooops forgot to donate to this board, dave!!! where do I go to donate. Here you go http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,64978.new.html
  9. No it's 1 vote per person no matter how much they invest
  10. I assume if a formal offer was made he'd listen.
  11. What's your thoughts ? Time for a Newcastle Online group so this board has it's 1 vote
  12. It tells No need you can get it from http://www.thomascooksport.com or at least you will be able to
  13. Keefaz you have a lot to answer to, this is on to 3 pages and had over 100 votes !!
  14. I do think NUST needs to put some sort of details on their site of the questions asked at the meetings and make them available (if they are there I've not seen them) just because many people can't get to the meetings or don't want to so other means must be made possible of they are wanting all Newcastle fans to put their money in.
  15. Have you filled in anything on their website? Nope and I doubt they had 40k email addresses entered on their site Somehow have mine too I think they'll have them from right at the very start where they asked if people were interested or wanted to hear more info. Theres a link to be removed isn't there ? Only been on their site once and left without registering. No idea then. Don't think it's just the NUST think it's the other site as well. Forgotten it's name now.
  16. If your using your pension I'd wait for one of the Independent Financial Advisors that they mention and speak to one of them
  17. Have you filled in anything on their website? Nope and I doubt they had 40k email addresses entered on their site Somehow have mine too I think they'll have them from right at the very start where they asked if people were interested or wanted to hear more info. Theres a link to be removed isn't there ?
  18. Incidentally why isn't Moat part of it? Has he been approached? Has Shepherd? I would have thought fans with that sort of financial muscle would be ideal investors. It's been mentioned before that Moat has been approached. Has it been mentioned whether he's backing the NUST bid? Incidentally why isn't Moat part of it? Has he been approached? Has Shepherd? I would have thought fans with that sort of financial muscle would be ideal investors. I think I read somewhere he has been approached but didn't respond/wasn't interested. Well, I wish the NUST good luck but if fans with the clout of Moat or Sehpherd can't be persuaded to back the cause the whole premise of wanting a club owned by fans looks like wishful thinking which is unlikely to stand up in the face of cold hard financial reality. Having read the details on the website, there's a very good reason why Moat/Shepherd won't be involved - its one member one vote - so if you put in £20m you have the same influence over the club as someone who puts in £1,500. This might end up being stumbling block to those with serious money to put in, or on the other hand it might end up being an example of perfect democracy, who knows. Yeah I agree but by the sounds of things they already have a fair few big players involved. I like how anyone can be involved and their money gets put into a pool so that NUST can buy that group of people a vote. Also like how you can buy a vote as a group of people you already know. It looks canny. If it runs the same way as Barca where you vote in a new president of the group every 4 years and he has the final say I think this could really work. The club can already bring in cash of it's own and then with the extra backing from the group I think the club would have more than sufficient funds. I'm sure i saw something last week where a group of friends/work colleagues can group together and buy a share, say 10 people put in £250 each or 5 put in £500 etc. That was something that interested me, i can't afford the full amount but think with a few mates and brother, dad we can get a couple of grand between us. Yeah that's what I'm saying you can do that which is great I think.
  19. To be honest since the relaunch and the announcement of this they seem more professional and I think less people are twisting now ??
  20. Incidentally why isn't Moat part of it? Has he been approached? Has Shepherd? I would have thought fans with that sort of financial muscle would be ideal investors. It's been mentioned before that Moat has been approached. Has it been mentioned whether he's backing the NUST bid? Incidentally why isn't Moat part of it? Has he been approached? Has Shepherd? I would have thought fans with that sort of financial muscle would be ideal investors. I think I read somewhere he has been approached but didn't respond/wasn't interested. Well, I wish the NUST good luck but if fans with the clout of Moat or Sehpherd can't be persuaded to back the cause the whole premise of wanting a club owned by fans looks like wishful thinking which is unlikely to stand up in the face of cold hard financial reality. Having read the details on the website, there's a very good reason why Moat/Shepherd won't be involved - its one member one vote - so if you put in £20m you have the same influence over the club as someone who puts in £1,500. This might end up being stumbling block to those with serious money to put in, or on the other hand it might end up being an example of perfect democracy, who knows. Yeah I agree but by the sounds of things they already have a fair few big players involved. I like how anyone can be involved and their money gets put into a pool so that NUST can buy that group of people a vote. Also like how you can buy a vote as a group of people you already know. It looks canny. If it runs the same way as Barca where you vote in a new president of the group every 4 years and he has the final say I think this could really work. The club can already bring in cash of it's own and then with the extra backing from the group I think the club would have more than sufficient funds.
  21. Heres the link on toontastic http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?showtopic=26197
  22. You take care of the little things, the big things take care of themselves. I think if we put Hughton in a suit, instantly he'd be more commanding and authoritative. What a bunch of American business training clap trap Anyway isn't he head coach now not manager since he doesn't have full control of transfers or the day to day running of the club
  23. You take care of the little things, the big things take care of themselves. I think if we put Hughton in a suit, instantly he'd be more commanding and authoritative. What a bunch of American business training clap trap
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