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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Catching up with people and having a few pints is the only enjoyable part for me. Same here, this boycott rubbish is people just enjoying the idea that they think they can change things by typing it on a forum. Whereas doing nothing helps everything ? Typical nothing answer tbh. Surely doing nothing is boycotting? Supporting the team through this dark period is doing something Supporting the team is totally different to trying to do something to force the man at the top out. Previous owners have been forced out with the help of the local press and a willing businessman those days seem to have gone though. I support the lads on the pitch as much as the next man and will be one of the "mugs" who continues to buy my season ticket season after season cause I love watching my club play football, but if a protest for one match could help in any way to help the club move forward I'd be more than happy to join in. Explain how a ONE match boycott would do anything? Wouldnt the smug grin on Ashleys face the next home game say it all? Watching tens of thousands of fans flooding back to him thinking they have made a difference while he pisses himself over it. To be fair that's why he put the club up for sale the first time because of one protest outside the stadium. Nobody even approached to buy the club that time, this time at least he has people who want it. One large scale protest might be just enough to get him to wash his hands of it all and pass the club on to another owner agreeing to their terms of paying for the club over a number of years.
  2. This I fear is the best we can hope for, for a long time yet.
  3. Catching up with people and having a few pints is the only enjoyable part for me. Same here, this boycott rubbish is people just enjoying the idea that they think they can change things by typing it on a forum. Whereas doing nothing helps everything ? Typical nothing answer tbh. Surely doing nothing is boycotting? Supporting the team through this dark period is doing something Supporting the team is totally different to trying to do something to force the man at the top out. Previous owners have been forced out with the help of the local press and a willing businessman those days seem to have gone though. I support the lads on the pitch as much as the next man and will be one of the "mugs" who continues to buy my season ticket season after season cause I love watching my club play football, but if a protest for one match could help in any way to help the club move forward I'd be more than happy to join in.
  4. Catching up with people and having a few pints is the only enjoyable part for me. Same here, this boycott rubbish is people just enjoying the idea that they think they can change things by typing it on a forum. Whereas doing nothing helps everything ?
  5. I don't think it needs to be a permanent boycott. I think to be a show of action it would need to be a one off thing with all the fans outside the stadium instead of inside. Just has to get the message across.
  6. Fixed. Yeeeey, more money wasted.. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Which has the judgement proved is the fault of the board of Newcastle United and not Kevin Keegan. Correct. Point? Ashley's shit
  7. Fixed. Yeeeey, more money wasted.. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Which has the judgement proved is the fault of the board of Newcastle United and not Kevin Keegan.
  8. Further player sales you mean? Lol, don't make me laugh, you honestly think that Geremi won't be gone in the summer when his contract expiress and that Ashley won't snap anybody's hand off who offers to take Butt, Nolan, Smith, Colo, Enrique of our hands? Ashley is a very bitter sad man, he won't take kindly to the mocking and will drive this club into the ground with fools like Hughton who won't say a word against him. All he is doing is slowly drawing his money out of the club and I am sure he will be delighted when he has left us in Division 2. I have tried reading that a few times and for the life of me cant work out how its not what i actually said to you in the first place. If he starts losing money due to lower crwds he will sell in January. I should be amazed you cant understand that but having read the second part of your post its fairly obvious you are barking mad. Ashley is taking what exactly out of the club? There's a post somewhere in the financial section which shows costs last year and the debts which were shown by the club and how much money has come in this year and the club this year is running at a profit this year. This without his £20m input that he puts in. Therefore if the crowds aren't there it makes no difference to him really. Frankly selling many more players isn't going to help him or the club any more. If he sells players the club has less chance of going up and is worth less through loss of players and revenue from going up.
  9. This is where I think it's different now though, all of the press seem to be happy to have a go at Ashley and appear to be behind the fans for ones. I don't care to much about negative press though if it removes the real fault at the club. We know who that is if they don't thats their issue. I believe if it was planned well you wouldn't end up with in fighting I don't doubt it may be a horrible atmosphere though.
  10. On what ? The inept performances the crap players are already putting in? The cash flow to the club which is limited by the incompetent chairman ?
  11. What would people be boycotting exactly? The match? The catering? The merchandise? The beer (will never happen)? My thoughts would be the match. Stopping outside for one game. Saturday is far to early though.
  12. Just sit back obviously. Just f*** off and stop putting words in my mouth. I'll quite happily eat humble pie if these 'protests' work, but I'm confident they won't. Not putting words in anybodys mouth. And why are you still thinking it's a protest? This envolves no banners and no chants, just don't turn up. Oh sorry, I must have missed the bit where I said we should sit back and do nothing. Of course it's a protest. You're not there in opposition of Ashley - you're protesting against him. A protest isn't just a march/leaflet campaign. Every action or boycott against him is a form of protest. How is Ashley going to know it's a protest if people just don't turn up? lol Ashley knows only money, and as soon as he thinks he's going to have to dip into his pockets again to cover the running costs he'll take the first offer on the table. But as we're covering the cost of the wages with turning up, he couldn't give a toss. what offer, time for a reality check there ain't anyone who is able to interested in buying the club and even if someone was an empty stadium ain't going to encourage a bid is it? People who buy the club aren't stupid (christ theres nobody going to buy the club anyway but never mind) they wouldn't not buy the club because it was an empty stadium in protest of the chairman. I proper run protest where fans turned up to the game but stopped outside or something like that would have a huge impact and the ticket sales do encourage the fat bastard to stop at the club. It can't be some hitty missy thing where it's mentioned by one or two people, like has been said it would have to be a proper organised event where people just don't go to their seats. I've got a 3 year season ticket so I've already paid but I'd be more than happy to stay outside for the sake of the club.
  13. Just rambling really, there are some good posters who don't seem to be around much any more but that's just the way things go with these places I guess. Not everyone has the time or inclination to weigh in on a regular basis, but there are some decent contributors on the admin team when they do post. That's why we're not saying everyone has to donate. If people choose not to that's more than fine. Like Dave said toontastic will be getting paid for one way or another like back in the day when Chris and I used to pay for the hosting. The site got bigger and bigger though and things change and it gets to the point where a couple of people can't support the site for a whole year. It's now on a dedicated server which isn't cheap and so it needs the help of the kind folk on here to keep it going.
  14. Ah yeah last year would be 2008, I'm a year ahead of myself
  15. Why do they get the benefit of the doubt when they were the ones that got us relegated? Cause they took it upon themselves to get a group of senior players together kinda like a union, a link between management and players. Something which was missing since Bobby Robson. This wasn't suggested by management and without it I think we'd be having the same problems this year as last.
  16. Was it not the senior players who pulled themselves together rather than Chris doing much ?
  17. Added the bit in bold. That's the key. If it was that easy everyone would do it. Not so much, more capable. Martin O'Neil is currently doing the exact job at Aston Villa and was doing the same job at Leicester for a long time. If someone knows about football they can with time become a good manager. You don't think £94m net spend in 5 years (most in the last 3) for two 6th place finishes is "throwing money at it for a few years"? £19m a year ?? No don't think thats to much really and without looking sounds as much as we were spending anyway without any sort of billionaire owner.
  18. You make it sound like you're running a bath. We'll turn the tap on, then we'll add some bubble bath, then we'll let it become hot, then we'll light the candles and finally we'll ease into the bath. I don't know where that metaphor come from by the way I'm not sure how it helps a club either lol Problem is football is easy people just make it hard.
  19. Or the Sultan of Brunei purchases us. Then buys his way to the top like Notts County or Portsmouth Or Chelsea or Man. City. exactly so for the good ones theres plenty of bad. Which is why small targets is still the way forward. If you aim for the top every time and keep changing things to try and get there you end up like QPR.
  20. Or the Sultan of Brunei purchases us. Then buys his way to the top like Notts County or Portsmouth Fuck how did I miss him out, or Ashley !!
  21. Or the Sultan of Brunei purchases us. Then buys his way to the top like Notts County or Portsmouth
  22. Added the bit in bold. That's the key. If it was that easy everyone would do it. Not so much, more capable. Martin O'Neil is currently doing the exact job at Aston Villa and was doing the same job at Leicester for a long time. If someone knows about football they can with time become a good manager.
  23. Who says both deals are still on the table ?
  24. I don't think is so much a period of stability and not spending that we need. it's more a period of realistic targets. Our problem was each year under FS we had a chairman saying we're trying for the top and then throwing money at it for a few years till we had to reign back. In this time we no doubt had 4 different managers. We need to take the Bobby Robson approach. Get a manger in who is backed for a good period of years. This year we look to go up. Next year we look to stop up. Year after mid table then Europe for a few year. Then finally we push for top 4. It's the only way to do it. Simple targets and don't try and buy superstar players before we have a club ready for superstars.
  25. Wasn't there accounts released by the club last year ?
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