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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Yes. Just a thought, there will be those who claim they do but don't to save some face lol get over yourselves seriously
  2. Having been at the match it was plain to see from the start of the game he wasn't fit as he couldn't get back after the corners or free kicks. Looks like that risk has well and truely fucked him up.
  3. He could always sell shares in the club rather than the whole lot. Stick it on the stockmarket.
  4. He's talking about if Portsmouth go out of business though, so they no longer exist as a Football club. Then 2 will go down and three up, which equals 20 PL clubs. Then there are 23 clubs in the Championship, so 4 go up from League 1, 3 down. Then 5 up from League 2, 4 down. Then 3 up from the football conference 2 down and then press AABCABBC and it is a fatality for Portsmouth Yup, thats right, basically what happend in the Scottish Leagues when Gretna went bust Thanks
  5. I would imagine that either they will be 3 automatic promotion places or whoever finishes 4th bottom in Prem goes down my knowledge is that 2 would go down instead if pompey go bust I meant automatic with the usual playoff making a fourth place.
  6. So if Portsmouth go out of business does that mean 3 teams up this year from the Championship ?
  7. I'm still sure he'll sign for us
  8. Same paper who said only a day or two ago that he'd be signed by Monday.
  9. Probably why we had the mass redundancies after relegation.
  10. Personally, I think the proposed fan buyout is more of an effort to call Ashley's bluff than it is to actually buy the club without an individual figurehead guranteeing ongoing running costs. What they want him to come out and say the clubs making a loss ? Surely it's common knowledge in this league that we're making a loss which is why he's still having to put £20m a season in to cover those costs.
  11. easy when your making £7m a month profit without covering all advertising streams
  12. I just hope for once when he does it he does it before the end of the season, there is no need to wait. If we know we're in a position to go up put the club on the market and hope it goes before the transfer window opens again.
  13. I asked him to come in and read the posts last time, I'll ask him again
  14. To be honest i don't feel they will or can get much out of the survey especially that very poor example of a survey.
  15. More here: Dear Supporter You will be aware that the Yes We Can campaign launched by the NUST started up again on 6 Jan after the festive break, with the clear message to the current owners that 'supporters mean business'. The response to the first e-mail has been astounding with 3 people a minute (for the first couple of hours) signing up to the campaign for greater fan say in the way our club is run. Over 1000 people have signed up on the back of that e-mail and on 15 Jan we'll be announcing our advisers on our next moves. Yes We Can and the Trust have one aim - to give supporters a say in the running of our club and with Newcastle City Council backing that principle on 13 Jan, we are gathering an unstoppable momentum. We would ask that you take a couple minutes of your time to fill in our Survey (10 questions). This survey will be used to show interested potential partners the strength of feeling in the city and beyond about the current regime - the answers you give will form the basis of potential negotiations but are not binding on you. Its a massive marketing exercise to see if the fans are up for it. Complete Survey here <https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dE9YYXM0dUtnbmFpNFlaWjN3N1RSZ3c6MA> Mike Ashley and his sources have made it clear in Sunday's papers that he has no intention of staying at a club where he is not wanted, but he wants to stay until the summer. We can only assume that he wants to recoup all of his investment and more on top. It looks like a sparse January transfer window, but we live in hope, but to indicate now he would sell in the summer will destabilise the club before a return to the premiership (fingers crossed!), and will push up potential transfer fees. The Trust has never got into a slanging match with Mr Ashley and Mr Llambias and neither does it intend to, we're interested in our club and more importantly its future. One final thought for you to consider before you fill in the survey - sources have told us that Mr Ashley is making up to £7m profit out of our club every month and whilst that's not confirmed - do the maths - wages halved, no expenditure on transfers, crowds up, new advertising revenue before the end of the season and the assets of SJP Holdings. Make no mistake - Mr Ashley is not going to lose on his investment in Newcastle but it's now time to think about the club, city and community not himself. Please complete the survey - January and February can make our club the club we want - it's that close. If you haven't already signed up and would like to back the Yes We Can campaign please do so here <http://www.nust.org.uk/yeswecanregister> Regards Neil Mitchell Interim Chair
  16. Arsenal wouldn't get near that if they got relegated. I have no doubts Man U would but Arsenal wouldn't have a pray.
  17. Update: Dear Supporter Happy New Year from NUST! 2010 starts with phase 2 of the ‘Yes We Can’ (YWC) campaign, setting out our plan that will lead to negotiations with our club on a ‘fan led movement’ that will bring about new ownership with as little pain as possible for both sides. YWC will continue to support the team but also pose the difficult questions for the current owners in a constructive way and most importantly, to continue the momentum to build a formal business plan, leading to a prospectus which will detail options of investment for fans, businesses, individuals and investment companies alike. Our investment team is now in place but we need the continued support of you, the fans, to show the businesses and investment companies that Newcastle United FC is a sound investment that is rooted in the city and its communities. Simply signing up on here <http://www.nust.org.uk/yeswecanregister> to Yes We Can will demonstrate to other potential investors that the fans should lead ‘change’ at SJP. It doesn’t cost you anything but it does show that you believe that we can be part of a more positive future where fans are partners in a ‘new’ Newcastle United. On the field we may be top of the league but our hopes and expectations have been lowered to such a level that simply not selling our players will be trumpteted by Mr Llambias as a victory. While the Trust and its partners recognise the harsh realities of the ever changing world of football we have higher aspirations than that. January 2010 promises to be an exciting month, there is a lot of activity and potentially positive announcements. As supporters of the Trust you will be pleasantly surprised just how far the Trust has come in the short months since its formation. It is the fastest growing Trust in the country with the most ambitious agenda. On that note, you will be receiving an e-mail on 15 Jan announcing our partners and how the YWC campaign will continue over the coming weeks, so if you haven't already then please sign up to find out more here <http://www.nust.org.uk/yeswecanregister> . Regards Neil Mitchell Interim Chair NUST
  18. It was, it had been bothering him all season, he wasn't happy with his performances and said it wasn't fair him keeping others out of the team and went in for an operation, there's some quotes about it somewhere from him and Hughton. I agree with this completely, footballs not as linear as goals scored and assists made, there's a glass ceiling as to how well we can play with Nolan in the team (not that that matters in this league). There's three schools of thought on Barton: 1. s*** player, waste of space 2. Good player, waste of space 3. Good player, has something to offer And with all the discussion on him over the years everyone has become pretty entrenched in their view and probably won't change, so I won't bother trying to convert anyone to my viewpoint but I'm definitely in the third camp. See I just wonder about the first 2 seasons when he was noubt special. People say he has the best technique but at the end of the day it's what the bloke does on the pitch and for 3 seasons and god knows how many chances he hasn't done it for us. I myself think he was a good player but he's lost it now and is a waste of space.
  19. And they'll say they are pleased as it means the police and stewards are doing their jobs and stopping people causing bother.
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