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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Best get yourself pissed off then Pretty damn good wind up mind
  2. Middlesbrough...44 miles Doncaster...116 miles Barnsley...117 miles Sheff Wed...127 miles Sheff Utd...130 miles Preston...131 miles Scunthorpe...133 miles Blackpool...143 miles Nottm Forest...161 miles Derby...167 miles Leicester...188 miles Peterborough...200 miles Coventry...205 miles West Brom...212 miles Watford...266 miles Ipswich...282 miles QPR...282 miles Crystal Palace...292 miles Bristol City...300 miles Reading...305 miles Cardiff City...316 miles Swansea...353 miles Plymouth...408 miles Total...9,756 miles Now that's crazy miles lol
  3. k? Ahh I see now I edited the wrong title so then I just copied it and that's why the RE bit was there. Wish I'd known I'd have given myself more space for the title then lol
  4. As mentioned before most cash points have limits and banks don't like giving you large piles of your own money
  5. Only £90m would go to Ashley though, so he's still £10m under. Ashley will accept £80m but there is obviously more involved which is why I stand by the fact the loan or part of the loan is still in there somewhere..
  6. Another link http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/newcastle/article6484591.ece
  7. Just got a text from someone who heard the story on Metro Radio and they put down that last £30m as being to buy out contracts of big earners we can't sell Ooo that's a plus then, I'd be happy with that. Joe Harvey always said if there is a player at the club who you don't want there get rid at all costs because if you have injuries or whatever you will rely on that player but if he's not there you will find a solution instead. That was our problem last year, we don't want it to be our problem again this year.
  8. I edited one of your points. Please be careful what you say as it can be libellous especially when no charges were found.
  9. I wonder what exactly they mean by restructuring ?
  10. I'm confused, does that mean the guy has declared he can afford to give Ashley £90m and have £30m for transfers etc and if so why should that matter to Ashley, surely that wouldn't be included in the bid ?? I'm confused.
  11. it was awful playing in the championsleague. It was awful watching Souness's and Allardyce's teams do you really think he would appoint them again? Maybe not them but certainly some one else of that caliber, he can't help himself. Big names that's his problem, he loves a name far to much even if it's the wrong time, wrong price, wrong person.
  12. If FFS can keep out of the media spotlight and he just lets Shearer get on with the job of managing the club, he doesn't just sack him cause the fans get a bit irate after a run of 9 losses in a row which will happen at some point, then he will have learned from his mistakes and we can cope with him. He also must learn to not risk the clubs future on the back of one player like we did with Owen when it was plain to see we had to much cash going out for wages of other players. I have no problem following the ideas of Madrid etc when we eventually get back up there by buying players and paying off the deals using the merchandise sales (they reckon the Ronaldo deal will bring in Real an extra £80m a year revenue that's how they could afford him and his wages) but until we're at that level we can't risk the club by pretending we're already at that level. The previous board did well to get us where they did but appeared to be losing the plot near the end and running out of ideas so hopefully they have learned from those mistakes. If they have done all that then I'll happily back them.
  13. So far one person, I thought this site had more older folk than that.
  14. What was FS wage last time he was at the club ? I'm sure he'll get his money back pretty quick.
  15. ToonTastic

    Academy land

    I mentioned we owned the training ground so while he couldn't sell the stadium he could sell the training ground. I didn't say he was going to. This was the thread http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,62556.0.html
  16. ..... we won the Inter Cities Fairs Cup trophy. Manager Joe Harvey celebrated his birthday in the Megyeri uti Stadion as Iam McFaul, David Craig, Frank Clark, Tommy Gibb, Ollie Burton, Bobby Moncur, Jimmy Scott, Pop Robson, Wyn Davies, Benny Arentoft, Jackie Sinclair and substitute Aan Foggon completed a 6-2 aggregate victory over Ujpest Dozsa. Which of you golden oldies can remember the win then, tell us your stories of the win, how you saw it etc. In this time of crap football, crap owners, crap football I'm very very interested and would love to hear from some of our good times.
  17. Oh, dont getme wrong. Anything can happenw ith his mad house. In my opinion I cant see anyone wanting to splash 100 mil on us then have to deal with another 100 mil on top of that before they even start looking at the squad/playing staff etc. I just cant see a way out at the momoment. See I was thinking that at the start then I thought, hang on he wanted £400m when everyone thought he wanted £200m so I can see a drop from the Premiership only getting him to drop the clubs value to around £100m plus taking on the debt. That was then backed up by a few papers and SNN saying it did not include the debt and now i'm even more worried about getting shot of the club to someone else.
  18. But that's the thing yes it looks like it costs £200m but the fact we wouldn't have to pay the other £100m upfront may still make us a team someone would want. I just won't believe anything until it's all been done and dusted and confirmed.
  19. Can we ban this pic yet
  20. Takes as long as it takes to answer all the questions that need answered. So I assume in this case will be mainly the books, contracts, player sales and how those finances will come in and when, season ticket sales already that sort of stuff.
  21. Wasn't there something stupid where the owner won't give the manager the money to spend. Basically the manager is the coach and that's all, he chooses and buys the players. Still they are multi billionaires who bought a championship club.
  22. Championship clubs certainly clubs don't, have any of them ever been taken over by a multi billionaire who actually invested his own money? There's plenty of clubs with massive potential in the league but they're all run by local businessman and so are the 3 teams that were promoted. Look at Leeds, you could buy the club and bankroll them to the premiership for less than it would cost to buy us and you would then have one of the biggest clubs in the country, but if you aren't in the premiership they aren't interested in doing some work to get there. QPR have this but it doesn't seem to be working for them as they just aren't a stable club.
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