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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Probably the most realistic, and a sense of absolute desperation. If he comes back I'll really have to question whether I could actively support NUFC any more. I'd want them to do well, but that's about it. Explain in words, not stupid f***ing smilies You'd stop supporting the team just because of who the owner is? I didn't think I'd need to spell it out, seems mental to me. What if a consortium of Gary Glitter, Osama Bin Laden & Kevin Phillips bought us? Who's the chairman
  2. We'll have to wait and see, nothing would suprise me.
  3. Get them all to work together and we can rule the world
  4. yeah but all of these took there articles from the original article. I unfortunately can't remember who it was. I really wouldn't just assume the debt is paid off. I'm not saying he'll force them to pay it off I'm saying he might make them pay the loan off monthly to him, probably including interest.
  5. Who's been relegated from the PL without debt then? Are you being thick? Don't we owe MA £100m? He's written it off. But, I'd rather still owe the 70m debt the club had 2 years ago and remain in the PL. Comprende? Who says he's written it off? Exactly, I've been harping on about this from day 1 - the debt is still there. I believe he is writing it off for any new owner. Firstly because the papers got his asking price right the last time (people thought it was going to be £250-£300, they said it was £400m which has now been shown to be correct) and this time they're telling us he's selling for £100m with the debt written off. And secondly because nobody on earth would even be interest right now if he was trying to sell the club for £200m. Only one paper has said he will write the debt off, just today SSN i believe it was said the debt would still be there so you are looking at £200m
  6. ToonTastic

    SAS to SOS?

    Did a grand job at Spurs
  7. ToonTastic

    SAS to SOS?

    He had people to answer to last time, the problem was they were as bad as him !
  8. I bought the three year season ticket using this so I'm just hoping were back up in 2 years time to use it again lol
  9. Also, it'll be so easy to get tickets for each individual match there might be a great number of people doing it on that basis. Might improve the atmosphere, loads of people going together and getting seats together like it used to be.
  10. Well anyone who took any of that horse s**** seriously wants knocking out for life. Bless ya
  11. ToonTastic

    Season tickets

    Posted just after Dave.
  12. Doesn't sound to me like they have plans to close half the stadium then.
  13. I think that £40m was an overdraft which we were waiting to see whether it would be agreed for us. I assume the club had plans to maybe use this overdraft to cover the excess costs for this season. If we didn't get promoted in one year this would change into a loan to Barclays instead. Doesn't mean the debt even exists yet. Im not going to believe one article which knows noubt over another article which knows noubt so I'll just wait till the club is purchased before finding out whether there is any debt to service or not.
  14. ToonTastic

    SAS to SOS?

    My worry is also some of the decisions he made not just his control of funds. This is the man who employed Souness, sacked Bobby, hired Roeder full time after his stint as caretaker and hired Fat Sam. He listens to the fans to much and sacks to quickly.
  15. What a load of horse s***. I just said what she told me, whether it's true remains to be seen,I don't post stuff like this unless it seems convincing, I have no reason not to believe her. I hope its not true but would it surprise you? Probably not, we'd all expect this, or something along these lines. What part of the club does she work in ?
  16. RIP NUFC. Don't believe everything people put on here as gospel truth. Indeed so, but with the previous eventsof the fat man I wouldn't put this beyond him. Ah I don't deny it, parts if it make no sense though like "Most people have cleared their desks at the club and no-one knows if they will return" the people who are getting let go will know and I will be the people who work all year round not just match days so why will they have cleared there desks ? Youre probably looking more at catering etcetc who will be losing their jobs. I'd also love to know who at the club this person is meant to have spoken to.
  17. RIP NUFC. Don't believe everything people put on here as gospel truth.
  18. Business success involves a hell of a lot of luck. Being in the right place at the right time with the right people around you can make even a complete moron a lot of money. With us, Ashley seemed to be content to rely on his luck rather than good management and his luck just ran out. The situation reminds me a bit of what happened with Alan Sugar a few years ago, when he bought Spurs. He ended up having to sack Terry Venables, who was the fans' favourite, and found himself out of control of his own business. Like Ashley, he was glad to get out in the end. The only criterion for success in a business is making money. With a football club, success is trophies and there's a degree of customer involvement and interest in decisions which would normally be entirely up to an owner. True. Tbh I can understand people thinking that Ashley is deliberately running the club down because his decision making is so catastrophic that it seems inconceivable that he thinks he is doing the right things. But he is a trader and a chancer who got lucky in a market he understands. He thinks that means he has ability to run something else which he doesn't understand and like others before him (Sugar being one as you say) he is very wrong. People like Ashley are used to making decisions in their own time and in their own way, those that work for him know that and set things up around him accordingly. But in a business like a football club decisions are absolutely time critical and success depends upon the assets of the club being moulded into a cohesive unit (and not being viewed as a potential profitable resale). Ashley, though rich, isn't really very clever at all and I have thought since the word go that he was completely out of his depth owning a Premiership club. I'd kind of agree with your conclusion that there's a different skill-set needed to run a football club, when compared with running a business, and that Ashley has fallen short. I don't think it's the time pressure factor that's significant though, and I wouldn't say that Ashley has necessarily been lucky in his business life, any more than Sugar was lucky. In business, they each saw opportunities neglected by other people and went for it hell for leather. The problem with a football club is that it is only partly a business. The other part is a kind of community institution in which the fans have a big influence, and in that respect it's like running a public service. The strain in running a public service is that you have the press, the government and the public on your back, demanding that you run things in a certain way, and you're not your own master. So a lot of what you would like to do has to be weighed up and compromises reached. So you get the worst of both worlds - you have to pick up the tab at the end of the day, but you don't get the free hand that you would get in business. Like you said, maybe Ashley just doesn't have the kind of brain that can anticipate that kind of difficulty and deal with it. He's also used to shunning the limelight, and may not have the kind of thick skin you need in that very public position. I didn't like Shepherd, but he did have the hide of a rhino when the criticism started flying. Strictly in the world of business, appointing Wise and Keegan together might have made a lot of sense. Keegan would produce an entertaining product for the customers and Wise would look after the long-term strategy and the finances. But in practice, that was a disaster. Keegan is more than an employee - he's a public figure with a lot of support and he wasn't averse to using that status to try to get what he wanted, despite what may have been written into his contract. Ashley has not been in control since that point, because he was never going to win a PR battle with Keegan. It's just not a situation that occurs in the business world. Great response bobyule. Just a couple of points of clarification: I don't know so much about Sugar but I think Ashley was lucky. The flotation valuation of Sports Direct was way in excess of reality as subsequent results have shown (pre recession too) and he coined nearly a £billion in cash on the back of that. Also my point about decisions in football being time critical was more to do with planning the timing of decisions so that they are made at the best time for the club, given that there is a clear cut season, transfer window, pre season training etc. The timing and significance of these is known well in advance. And if you do have an unexpected event (e.g KK departure and JFK illness) mid season it becomes a matter of urgency to sort something out quickly. The run of results under Hughton's stewardship post KK where we lost to Hull and Paul Ince's Blackburn at home was a case in point. Your second para on the difference between a football club and other businesses is about as good an analysis as I've ever read tbh. Each of Ashleys shops make around £15-18k a day on a weekend your looking at over £20k a day and a replica shirt release day the shop in that area can make around £10k from the shirt sales alone. That's not luck. He has been able to make loads of money before the shops were floated from hard work hunting for grey market merchandise to flog in this country for dirt cheap then buying out companies to allow him to produce stock for next to noubt and sell it for huge profits. This is not luck.
  19. I wouldn't get your hopes up to much thinking it will be done by the weekend we don't even know it's happening at all yet.
  20. Old McDonald had a farm ? I don't see the link.
  21. To be honest the sale of the players will only probably pay for the wages they are being paid anyway in the time we're stuck with them.
  22. Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict A Riot
  23. If a Sale is close he should come out and say something, anything at all just so the fans would understand why he hasn't hired a manager.
  24. ToonTastic

    Real Estate

    Yes he will, training ground is a different story of course.
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