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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. What you think the clubs crap in the sack ?
  2. How many times we won't go into Administration as that would mean he would stop himself getting his own money back. He is our only creditor.
  3. You said it yourself you'd be amazed if he sold it quickly. So why is he sitting round doing noubt with the club. He has to hire a manager, he has to start selling and buying players. The club has to continue as normal. Quickly as in within a week. I can't see a massive problem so long as it's sorted by the end of this month. The players who will be going will have to go because of the financial implications of relegation, it's likely a manager will have limited say in that in reality. I'd much rather the new owners appointed their own man as well. If it's not sorted by the end of the month then they need to change their approach definately. What i'm saying is though what if the club is not including the debt in the sale of the club. We have nowhere which says it will be.
  4. Don't asset management compainies look after and improve your assets rather than strip the heart out of the club like a good old fashioned British business man would (fat Freddy, Ashley to name but two)
  5. You said it yourself you'd be amazed if he sold it quickly. So why is he sitting round doing noubt with the club. He has to hire a manager, he has to start selling and buying players. The club has to continue as normal.
  6. Has any other club sold recently put a page up on their official website confirming the asking price? Genuine question, because I don't know that they have. It just seems laughably desperate to me. The email address is just the icing on the cake. In any case, aren't they supposedly paying Keith Harris to find a buyer? It was probably his idea. I'm in the wrong business. Freeads next. Contact them, see if they'll pay you for an ad on here. I just think let them get on with selling it however they want tbh. I'm guessing Keith Harris was involved in the statement on the website & I'm guessing he's been involved in corporate disposals before. I wonder if they have spent time fielding pointless phonecalls already similar to that story that was in the press about Portsmouth yesterday & have set the email up to combat that? Sounds like a plan. Just looks incredibly desperate and pathetic to me. All these other clubs seem to be able to find interested parties without resorting to putting up pages on their websites. The price tag was widely reported previously and I find it impossible to believe anyone seriously interested would find it difficult to contact them without an anonymous email address being set up. If it works it works, and the quicker the better. The bigger point however is that this suggests to me nobody at all wants to buy. But if that is the case what should they do? Lower the price or knuckle down themselves and get us back in the Premier League ASAP. Can you imagine if he took it back off the market man? They don't have to, they can still run the club, chances are they could get more money.
  7. Little harsh on Shearer. He's got no input. Ashley has blatantly cut him loose! If Bassong moves for £5m to Sunderland or a deal equally as s**** when Shearer is on holiday, Shearer himself whether he becomes boss will kick himself as being potentially the only person to stick up for the club and he's gone away. But there is Sweet Fa he can do. He can't demand anything, he can't suggest anything. He's not the manager and might not be the next manager of Newcastle.
  8. Has any other club sold recently put a page up on their official website confirming the asking price? Genuine question, because I don't know that they have. It just seems laughably desperate to me. The email address is just the icing on the cake. In any case, aren't they supposedly paying Keith Harris to find a buyer? It was probably his idea. I'm in the wrong business. Freeads next. Contact them, see if they'll pay you for an ad on here. I just think let them get on with selling it however they want tbh. I'm guessing Keith Harris was involved in the statement on the website & I'm guessing he's been involved in corporate disposals before. I wonder if they have spent time fielding pointless phonecalls already similar to that story that was in the press about Portsmouth yesterday & have set the email up to combat that? Sounds like a plan. Just looks incredibly desperate and pathetic to me. All these other clubs seem to be able to find interested parties without resorting to putting up pages on their websites. The price tag was widely reported previously and I find it impossible to believe anyone seriously interested would find it difficult to contact them without an anonymous email address being set up. If it works it works, and the quicker the better. The bigger point however is that this suggests to me nobody at all wants to buy. But if that is the case what should they do? He should have done what other teams have done. Kept putting his hand in his pocket and put a manager in place and kept on going until a buyer could be found. It's what West Ham did, it's Portsmouth did. You don't just stop all business and wait and see that's the stupidest thing in the world to do.
  9. The longer it takes the more i start to think the £100m doesn't include Ashley writing off the debt which means nobody will touch us with a barge pole as the club will then be costing closer to £200m than £100m
  10. Has any other club sold recently put a page up on their official website confirming the asking price? Genuine question, because I don't know that they have. It just seems laughably desperate to me. The email address is just the icing on the cake, they're practically begging. In any case, aren't they supposedly paying Keith Harris to find a buyer? Considering this same info is in just about every national news paper and on the biggest Sports news channel in the country I really doubt they thought "I know loads and loads of random billionaires visit NUFC.co.uk, we're missing a trick here". Its just an official confirmation, probably meant primarily for fans. I admit that whoever has put it on the site has worded the last line poorly, it deserves a bit of mickey taking. But to actually draw conclusions about the status of the sale from it is quite silly IMO. And for those exact reasons it didn't need putting on the website with out sort of stupid email.
  11. Name another club who has made one of these 'very ordinary' statements. Do you usually look around on the official web sites of every Football club on the planet like because I certainly don't. Teasy please tell me you don't think this statement is a good idea and doesn't make the club look like even more of a laughing stock amongst fans It's not an ordinary statement it's a joke statement.
  12. I know it's not but that's how they have made it come across, that's the whole point of the club being a joke.
  13. Think it's more the offers to that email address.
  14. You don't it's for more info, you'll probably just get some sort of PDF brochure sent back.
  15. Don't believe that for one minute.
  16. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Lets be honest about this, the club would be better off if we got rid of Barton, Butt and Nolan and replaced them with brand new players, that is what I'd like to see happen.
  17. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    More reliable. To be honest though as has been said how many good games has Barton had ? He went missing in the last game until he lashed out.
  18. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Don't know where people get he's our best mid from, he struggles to pass a ball in a straight line when he's not suspended or locked up. better than any other midfielder we have. Even though he doesn't manage a full season of games? As we've seen he's managed 6-7 games this season and that is down to him, nobody else. Fact is if he was foreign people would want shot. Injuries are down to him?? Not sure about that one. End of the day though, IF you could keep him fit and keep his head straight, he is a good footballer. Without a doubt. He would dominate the Championship. Id rather take that chance than give him away and go into the new season with Nolan and Butt. But obviously, if he wouldnt take a pay cut or if our new manager doesnt want him, then fair enough. He was in jail for the whole start of the season LOL That loses him his pre season fitness so he's not going to be as fit to play so will pick him niggles. If you don't stick to your summer plan your never going to be ready for the season, he didn't. Follow that with suspensions when he did return meaning he couldn't get enough games under his belt to get match fit means more injuries will be picked up. More trips to court, misses more training and then finally topping it off with a nice suspension to finish off the season. Frankly he's the biggest waste of space this club has.
  19. ToonTastic

    Joey Barton

    Don't know where people get he's our best mid from, he struggles to pass a ball in a straight line when he's not suspended or locked up. better than any other midfielder we have. Even though he doesn't manage a full season of games? As we've seen he's managed 6-7 games this season and that is down to him, nobody else. Fact is if he was foreign people would want shot.
  20. You stuck with Mike Ga$hley tho You've obviously never worked for him, I have and that was forced labour believe me lol
  21. Mon 1st June NUSC Roadshow @ The Joiners Arms, Coomassie Road, Blyth, 7.30pm. Special guest: John Gibson. Free entry. Just cause the papers arent all over them (they were before because it made for a great story) doesn't mean they aren't still there.
  22. Chances are the loan agreement will be covered in the contract signed by the buyer meaning there will be no loan.
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