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Everything posted by Sparks

  1. Good to see a full house at Chelsea.
  2. I'm in and now an Arsenal fan by the looks of it.
  3. Ermmmm, yeah, agree with that (almost). Given just came back from an injury, and played in 2 internationals while Harper didn't. Harper was the obvious choice yesterday. One of them will play in the league against West Ham, and the other in the cup against Arsenal. I just think that Given will be first choice after that, not Harper. Will you all relax, already? Last night was the third successive league game when Given was on the bench. It's been over three weeks since he came back from injury and he had two extra days rest over all the other goalkeepers who played in Internationals in the week.
  4. Right, anybody who has read my posts over the past couple of weeks will know that I am far from happy with what's going with our goalkeepers. Nobody knows what is going on at the moment. None of the fans, media or even the goalkeepers themselves know who is first choice and that uncertainty creates a problem. Given doesn't know where he stands and Harper doesn't know if he is about to be dropped. The back five are not going to be able to form an understanding if we changing personnel there every few games. Continuity and consistency of selection if one of the most important things when it comes to creating a solid defensive unit. For all Benitez's tinkering, there is one position he doesn't f*** about with and that's his goalkeeper, Reina plays no matter what if he is fit. The same happens with Cech, and Van Der Sar. Allardyce needs to make a decision and stick to it, you can't continue to change or be unsure as to who you are going to put in goal. The reality of the situation is that he may simply not rate Given. I don't buy all this bullshit people have been saying about Harper deserving to be first choice simply because he hasn't done badly so far this season. When Jaaskelainen was out injured or suspended, Allardyce never thought twice about not bringing him back in. I'm utterly amazed and shocked about people even questioning Given's position as number one. To say people have short memories in instance would be the understatement of the century, as they would have to be in some drug induced haze to forgotten what Given has done for the past 7 or 8 seasons. The time has come for Allardyce to pick his first choice keeper, and no more f****** about. Whether it is Harper or Given we can't carry on as it is at the moment where we go into every game guessing who the goalkeeper is going to be.
  5. Sparks

    Geremi Or Butt?

    So you'd rather play Butt, whom you already know all about (and, tbf, ain't really gonna give us an awful lot now), than offer time to a quality player like Geremi? And plus, he's probably been told to sit deep. I'm not in charge though, Geremi is indeed sitting deep probably because he has been told to do so. It's because of that he is unlikely to be moving further up the field any time soon, therefore right now his position in the team is somewhat pointless especially at home. Even when he has been on the ball Geremi has flattered to deceive most of the time, he takes everything, yet has barely created a chance in the first five games.
  6. Sparks

    Geremi Or Butt?

    Butt and Barton right now. I didn't expect Geremi to sit so deep, I also expected to see a lot more quality from him when he is on the ball. He's been a real disappointment so far.
  7. Its got nothing to do with the goal, Given is our best goalkeeper and should therefore be the first name on the teamsheet. Like I have said before, you don't f*** about with your goalkeeper you pick your first choice and that's it he stays in the team. You don't change it unless he starts making mistakes. Right now Harper is first choice, and that pisses me off.
  8. Incidentally words cannot express how angry I was that Given was not in goal tonight.
  9. Butt and Faye on the same pitch when you're one nil down is just stupid.
  10. Of more concern was bringing Faye on for Geremi when we were one nil down, WTF was that about?
  11. This is what we expected from Allardyce, it's not ever going to be pretty but it will be relatively successful, when it comes off nobody complains i.e. at Bolton and Wigan, but when it doesn't come off people go crazy. People need to get used to the direct, physical approach, this is what are going to be playing like from now on.
  12. Smith now rivals Jenas as the worst captain in the clubs history.
  13. Geremi is taking everything, there most be some more variety out there.
  14. Yep it's not like Mourinho, Benitez or Ferguson would put Cech, Reina or Van Der Sar back in, they would prefer to keep their reserves in goal. You don't f*** about without your goalkeeper, it's not like an outfield player when you can chop and change and rotate. Once you decided who your best keeper is you stick with them. Harper is now first choice.
  15. Well i've truly ballsed up my fantasy team, took David James and Ferdinand out thinking they would both concede and replaced them with Bramble and Kirkland today and Wigan are already 1 down.
  16. Of all the people to have a run in with who would have thought it would be Given? Probably the worst player Allardyce could fall out with.
  17. What does everybody think Given's chances of returning are? Seeing the latest quotes from Allardyce, it wouldn't be a surprise to see Harper still in goal.
  18. Owen and Heskey, until two games later when Heskey becomes "shite" again.
  19. I'd certainly like to see us go out and be positive and not pick a negative defensive team. We won't get an easier away game this season in terms of the standard of opposition, and we need to take advantage of both Derby's frailties and the negativity surrounding them. An early goal and it could be a rout.
  20. Mansfield is further east than Sheffield, it's in Nottinghamshire!
  21. The guy pleaded guilty and gave him some abuse. Man Admits Attacking Man Utd Boss Updated: 14:16, Wednesday September 12, 2007 Sir Alex punched in the groin A man who was "fighting drunk" has admitted punching Sir Alex Ferguson in the groin leaving him doubled up in agony. Kevin Reynolds pleaded guilty to assaulting the Manchester United manager outside Euston station in London before attacking the officer and racially abusing him. Reynolds, who is 43, appeared before City of London Magistrates where he was warned that he could face a jail term. The attack took place shortly after 4pm on Monday when Sir Alex was waiting for his driver outside the central London station. Reynolds, originally from Fife but now of no fixed abode, approached Sir Alex and struck him in the groin area, leaving him doubled over. The court was told that Reynolds then said: "I'm sorry Fergie. I did not know it was you" before chanting "Fergie, Fergie, shut your mouth" - a football shout common in Scotland. A police community support officer, Peace Toluwa, tried to restrain Reynolds, but was head butted in the face, cutting his upper lip, and subjected to a number of racial slurs. Reynolds pleaded guilty to two counts of racially-aggravated public order, one of common assault and one count of actual bodily harm. His defence counsel, Adeola Olowu, told the court her client had said he was joking around and that he struck Sir Alex whilst shadow boxing. Sitting magistrate Daphne Wickham said: "I do not think Sir Alex Ferguson saw this as a joke." She said her powers of sentence, which allow for six months' imprisonment, were insufficient. She committed the case to Southwark Crown Court at a future date and remanded Reynolds in custody.
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