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Everything posted by Sparks

  1. More likely down to the fact we have so many people in our league.
  2. :toothy: I just knew somebody would do that as soon as I posted.
  3. Finding a date would be a nightmare right now.
  4. 28 people called up for one game.
  5. Streamers? Is it some kids birthday party?
  6. Sparks


    He is as much as much a prick in town as he is on the football pitch, has anyone else seen him about?
  7. Elano, because he is exactly what we need.
  8. Sparks

    Is Shay Okay?

    He was outed just before the season started so he is keeping a low profile.
  9. Respecting and liking are two totally different things. How you cannot respect Wenger or Mourinho is beyond me given their achievements.
  10. If this had was happening under Roeder, people would be jumping up and down. We don't need versatile squad players we need a specialist right back.
  11. It's obviously the happy season, as I see this Faye making about as much impact as the last Faye.
  12. I don't know many people who rate Nolan highly, in fact I don't know anybody.
  13. Sparks

    Happy Birthday

    Random fact: He is younger than Gwen Stefani, always struck me when ever I saw one of her stupid videos.
  14. Sparks

    Smudge for England ?

    In his last game against Brazil Smith was pretty miserable, McClaren will probably look elsewhere. Calling him Smudge makes him sound like he has been a Geordie for years.
  15. Open up excel first then load up the spreadsheet.
  16. You can still enter If you have a team.
  17. Way to early to made the assumption that what you saw yesterday both from us and other teams is what your going to get for the rest of the season. The only thing that is certain are the empty seats at The Riverside.
  18. Sparks

    Today's Games

    You've sold out as well then and subscribed to Setanta.
  19. Sparks

    Today's Games

    It was Scholes who retired.
  20. No game in midweek and the fact that Bolton is only 30 minutes away is more likely the reason.
  21. Barton would come in for Butt, Geremi is to important to be sent to right back. Can only hope we bring in a quality right back to replace Carr in the next couple of weeks.
  22. Sparks

    Today's Games

    Is it me or are the scoreboards on tv getting smaller? Watching Setenta now and can barely see the clock.
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