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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. cant fault his dedication? he knows he isnt anywhere near being fit so why is he so desperate to play? he would show more dedication if he just accepted he isnt fit and just pisses off for a year.


    If he has seen our threat in front of goal recently he might think its worth it!

  2. I f**king hate it when people get angry because people refer to Man U as "United". So f*ck? Who gives a sh*t? I'd much sooner us being called Newcastle...our actually placename, than being universally known as simply "United". I bet it p*sses genuine Mancunians off that people drop the "Manchester".


    We are still "United" and people seem to often forget that. It is a good thing that you can say when people asking you who you support "i support Newcastle" (well sort of  :lol: ) where as someone from Manchester would have to specify which Manchester it was but I still don't like the fact there is one team in this country most people will think of when someone says "United"

  3. Alexei Eremenko Jr. from Saturn

    Robert Koren from Lilleström


    Both excellent creative attacking midfielders with great technical abilities...


    Surely we wouldn't need yet another midfielders but can't think of any decent "unknown" defensive talent...hmmm maybe Isaac Okoronkwo and Julius Aghahowa from Shakhtar Donetsk and Joseph Yobo but I guess he's not that unknown anymore!


    I wouldn't say any in the last paragraph are unknown, people have know about Agahowa for years, Okoronkwo was heavily linked and played for Wolves while everyone who knows English football will know Yobo.


    Most Toon fans would know Koren also.

  4. Seems like both Rafa and Wenger are manouvering themselves to be in contention to battle it out for the NUFC job, when it becomes available.


    If they want to move out of the comfort zone and really test their skills they would.


    Bet they don't the big pussy's!






    *hopes they are reading this thread and are the type of people who will do something just because you call them a pussy!



  5. Sorry but Mexes would laugh down the phone if his agent called him up about Newcastle


    The lad has been linked with Real madrid for the past year and has said he's not interested because he wants to try and win Serie A with Roma


    No need to apologise, I think most agree!

  6. I really can't believe this thread. I think people have every right to get f*cked off with us getting 3 minutes of highlights especially if you have to get up early for work the next day (like I did) and you stay up till gone 12 to catch less action than a sandals holiday!


    don't have a video then?


    Well tbh I was hoping (stupidly) it might be worth waiting up for rather than having to dig out a blank tape and recording it!


    stupid is as stupid does






    Sorry I "should have gone to the game"


    Where were you sitting again?

  7. I really can't believe this thread. I think people have every right to get f*cked off with us getting 3 minutes of highlights especially if you have to get up early for work the next day (like I did) and you stay up till gone 12 to catch less action than a sandals holiday!


    don't have a video then?


    Well tbh I was hoping (stupidly) it might be worth waiting up for rather than having to dig out a blank tape and recording it!

  8. Nice thread HTL. I go for option A which everyone else said was their option C which in this coming window wont exist. There were options over the summer to fill in the gaps on the cheap but for whatever reasons they didnt happen. The option C which people want (just a few million; not too much) doesnt exist as a solution to our problems. We need firepower and i think we should gamble.


    There will be cheap options this winter with contracts ending in the summer and some clubs looking to cash in.


    Beckham?  bluebiggrin.gif


    We need a big strong athletic striker/defender. This is going to cost a fortune. There are plenty of other clubs prepared to pay decent wages nowadays and they arent involved in a relegation scrap.


    Viduka is a big strong striker and Distin is an athletic defender. Both coming to the end of their contracts. Apparently Pearce doesnt want to sell Distin but would the City board let an asset potentially worth a couple of million walk out on a free in 6 months?


    So if we go for these two thats how much money? With us in the relegation zone too...


    Neither would be free and am not sure Viduka is the sort of character we need. Still, not bad suggestions.


    I would be suprised if both players cost over £4m.


    Not sure about Viduka's character but he is more likely to score than any of the strikers we currently have on the books.


    So £4m plus big wages is nowt. When next years figures are published and the income to wages ratio has gone up are you going to slag off the Board even more than you do now, given that they would have done what you want them to do? Why don't you want the club to sell Parker and Emre to reduce the debt? 


    This would keep Macbeth and his monkey happy for starters, or would they then claim the club has no ambition? ;)


    I would slag off the board for putting us in this position in the first place. If it saves us going down its a worthy investment but there is only one reason we are in this position, the boards inability to sign a manager who can take us forward without having to spend stupid sums of money!

  9. I really can't believe this thread. I think people have every right to get f*cked off with us getting 3 minutes of highlights especially if you have to get up early for work the next day (like I did) and you stay up till gone 12 to catch less action than a sandals holiday!

  10. Why 8m? Man Utd will pay double that.


    Not that I want Parker to go.


    no way will man utd be so dumb to fork out 16 million for scott parker. 10 million tops and even thats pushing it.


    They paid £18m or whatever it was for Carrick and £30m for Veron!

  11. What I love about that is, I bet he thought it was genuinely hilarious.


    not really. Just showing you how dumb and stupid you look when you post that shite rather than join in with the discussion like someone with something worth saying, whether people agree with you or not.




    It worked  :thup:

  12. In my opinion, Shepherd hasn't failed with regards to the finances. It seems that our financial results are determined by how good our past two seasons have been in terms of results. The failure to earn results, and subsequent financial loss has been the result of Shepherd's inepitude at managerial appointments.


    So he has failed? bluebiggrin.gif


    Yes, but his failure is due to bad decisions rather than bad bookkeeping.


    6 = 2x3


    That's like saying Ridsdale was a good keeper of finances because it was only lack of Champions League qualification that sent them down the tubes.


    Good point Blofeld. I'll accept defeat in this argument.


    In conclusion, just shut up NE5 and HTL.



  13. In my opinion, Shepherd hasn't failed with regards to the finances. It seems that our financial results are determined by how good our past two seasons have been in terms of results. The failure to earn results, and subsequent financial loss has been the result of Shepherd's inepitude at managerial appointments.


    So he has failed?  bluebiggrin.gif


    Yes, but his failure is due to bad decisions rather than bad bookkeeping.


    All leads to the same answer  tongue.gif

  14. In my opinion, Shepherd hasn't failed with regards to the finances. It seems that our financial results are determined by how good our past two seasons have been in terms of results. The failure to earn results, and subsequent financial loss has been the result of Shepherd's inepitude at managerial appointments.


    So he has failed?  bluebiggrin.gif

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