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Posts posted by Cajun



    I still think Souness was worse.


    Top 5 club, really good squad (which he actively went to dismantle), given a load of money and never achieved what Pardew did with less "sovereign states".


    Pardew may be a coward and a c*** but Souness took incompetence to new levels.


    Choosing between shouldn't be a choice, Souness and Pardew are both shit.  One is no longer here, the other is so on that basis I hate him more than the other.


    Perfectly understandable tbh, I just think Souness had a greater opportunity for success so was worse. The current cunt is lacking in backing and ambition. At least Souness had money to spend and his bosses wanted to win stuff.

  2. It is a difficult question but not sure which one is worse. They are both despicable individuals and shite in their own way.


    I despised souness but he actually does talk a decent game compared to pardew.


    I still think Souness was worse.


    Top 5 club, really good squad (which he actively went to dismantle), given a load of money and never achieved what Pardew did with less "sovereign states".


    Pardew may be a coward and a cunt but Souness took incompetence to new levels.

  3. Still like the idea of Ketsbaia.


    Me too, he would show a bit of passion and his management career so far seems to be a great success.


    :thup: Can't imagine the Georgian FA would require much compo either.


    Nope me either, plus his family are Newcastle mad. Seems so obvious but I doubt it will ever happen!

  4. Did he really use " not middle class enough " as an excuse ?


    It was something along the lines of Southampton being less working class so their players were more intelligent thus being able to move up from the academy :lol:


    God knows how boro produced quite a few decent prospects from their academy?  Lady luck, science.


    and Mathematics. They have a numerical advantage when using their fingers to count.

  5. Did he really use " not middle class enough " as an excuse ?


    It was something along the lines of Southampton being less working class so their players were more intelligent thus being able to move up from the academy :lol:

  6. Alan Pardew excuses XI:




    Carnival  -  Fans  -  Not Enough Fans  -  Science


    Sovereign States  -  Injuries  -  Energyless  -  Europe


          Not Middle Class Enough  -  Ben Arfa



  7. Hasn't played an outfield player in nets yet


    Anita  Dummett  ?  Ryan Taylor



    Bigi  Santon  ?  Cisse



    Obertan  Vuckic


    I'd put Raylor in centre midfield, has MBiwa played left back?


    Yeah pretty sure he has. Jonas too iirc?

  8. Embarrassing to put Shola on that banner.  Twattish move.


    I think Shola is shit but agree with you on this one, it's not his fault he gets game time.


    He thinks he is good enough, has played through injuries when we have needed him to and never put the club in a bad light. Obviously he is paid very well to play for the club he supports but as said many times, he doesn't write his own contracts. Even those of us who know we are shit wouldn't turn down £20k/£30k a week to be employed by the club we love.


    It takes a special sort of moron to hate the lad imo, he might be deluded but he has never intentionally fucked us over. I don't want him in the side or on the bench but will still respect him.

  9. Why are all games 7 minutes late this weekend? There's probably an easy explanation but I can't think



    The Fergie time that stopped last summer has built up to such an extent they have to start the games 7 minutes later.

  10. Half of the thick cunts probably think the photo is actually of our posters.


    And as for 'that fowerum is reyalley embarrassing leyk'- fuck me son.


    Probably not enough pointless swearing/threats of random violence for his taste?!?


    Mackem kernt!

  11. That 2nd picture is quite harsh JS.

    A fucking bit like :lol:


    The lad on the left was on the TV programme The Undateables, seemed like a really nice bloke tbf.

  12. The lads I'm going with have a banner knocked up. Glad to see they're not the only ones, crank the pressure up on him.




    You might be the same people my mate mentioned like, but if not more the merrier.


    Yeah, hopefully there's a few and the away crowd verbally abuse him for the first time in unison. Although our luck we will fluke a win and get portrayed as tools by the media :lol: . Not the point like, something needs done for them to take notice.


    Yeah or become his excuse if we lose.

    "A small minority of the fans was edgy and this affected the lads so they couldn't play to my highly organised, attacking game plan"


    He wins every time  :'(


    He'll have an excuse either way, the fans may as well make their feelings known.

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