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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Nice thread HTL. I go for option A which everyone else said was their option C which in this coming window wont exist. There were options over the summer to fill in the gaps on the cheap but for whatever reasons they didnt happen. The option C which people want (just a few million; not too much) doesnt exist as a solution to our problems. We need firepower and i think we should gamble.


    There will be cheap options this winter with contracts ending in the summer and some clubs looking to cash in.


    Beckham?  bluebiggrin.gif


    We need a big strong athletic striker/defender. This is going to cost a fortune. There are plenty of other clubs prepared to pay decent wages nowadays and they arent involved in a relegation scrap.


    Viduka is a big strong striker and Distin is an athletic defender. Both coming to the end of their contracts. Apparently Pearce doesnt want to sell Distin but would the City board let an asset potentially worth a couple of million walk out on a free in 6 months?


    So if we go for these two thats how much money? With us in the relegation zone too...


    Neither would be free and am not sure Viduka is the sort of character we need. Still, not bad suggestions.


    I would be suprised if both players cost over £4m.


    Not sure about Viduka's character but he is more likely to score than any of the strikers we currently have on the books.

  2. Nice thread HTL. I go for option A which everyone else said was their option C which in this coming window wont exist. There were options over the summer to fill in the gaps on the cheap but for whatever reasons they didnt happen. The option C which people want (just a few million; not too much) doesnt exist as a solution to our problems. We need firepower and i think we should gamble.


    There will be cheap options this winter with contracts ending in the summer and some clubs looking to cash in.


    Beckham?  bluebiggrin.gif


    We need a big strong athletic striker/defender. This is going to cost a fortune. There are plenty of other clubs prepared to pay decent wages nowadays and they arent involved in a relegation scrap.


    Viduka is a big strong striker and Distin is an athletic defender. Both coming to the end of their contracts. Apparently Pearce doesnt want to sell Distin but would the City board let an asset potentially worth a couple of million walk out on a free in 6 months?

  3. Nice thread HTL. I go for option A which everyone else said was their option C which in this coming window wont exist. There were options over the summer to fill in the gaps on the cheap but for whatever reasons they didnt happen. The option C which people want (just a few million; not too much) doesnt exist as a solution to our problems. We need firepower and i think we should gamble.


    There will be cheap options this winter with contracts ending in the summer and some clubs looking to cash in.

  4. i still think we will move for swp on loan in january.


    jol, do you think there is any chance we could swop martins for defoe? bluebiggrin.gif


    Would rather keep Martins tbh.


    im not so sure i would, im concerned about the time it is taking him to 'adapt'.


    would have rather spent the same £ on defoe who is proven in the prem.


    hope i am proved wrong though


    He hasnt been here half a season yet, thats no time at all! Also in that time he has shown glimpses of his ability and hasn't been the total flop many seem to think he is.



  5. i still think we will move for swp on loan in january.


    jol, do you think there is any chance we could swop martins for defoe? bluebiggrin.gif


    Would rather keep Martins tbh.

  6. At the end of the day its the board/chairman who employ the manager therefore it surely falls on their shoulders if the man they have employed to take charges of transfers etc f*cks up!


    This whole thread is just a great big "well YOU wanted this" for future reference but as Wullie pointed out, its the board who have put us in this position and as much as you would like some ammo to fight your corner when it does all go tits up people will still know where the real problems lie and not "well poster xxxxx said we should do this"


    Good of you to admit you don't have an opinion worthy of the label.


    Just love that hindsight, don't you.


    BTW It's obvious what the thread is about, I'm not hiding the fact so do you think you've posted some kind of revelation there, or something?


    As I said before, it is obvious what this thread is really about hence you taking away the option to blame the people really responsible and trying to have something to use in the future when it has gone tits up.



  7. so that leave the Zog and Milner.

    Of the two, and only if we had to, i'd be prepared to let Milner go to Villa for 4mil. While he's young and an obvious trier he still can't cross a ball properly yet (Palermo excepted - once), he runs into blind alleys with his head down too often.


    This is my first season ticket season so to speak so lambast me if you like. But here is my honest opinion. Having seen every home game this season we only have two players who will die for the shirt. James Milner and Peter Ramage.

    If anybody in the team runs into blind alleys with his head down its The Zog. Every single time he beats the first man he gets caught by the second. Haven't seen him play one touch or beat a man and pass. Always, always runs into trouble.

    Eleven Milners or eleven Ramages and we wouldn't be where we are now.




    Stop being loyal to players who aren't prepared to die for the cause. Bramble and a good few others will cost you your job. I mean it. Too many are operating at well below 100% and you continue to give them chance after chance. Be ruthless now. If not they will still be there when you are gone.




    This post has made something click for me.


    Milner and N'Zogbia were both excellent last season, with Milner even finishing as the 7th highest goal provider in the Premiership.


    Both have been pretty poor this season, as you pointed out Zog trying to do too much and running into a queue of opposition players, while Milner has been running in to blind alleys and not always getting a decent cross into the box.


    Both are around the same age and both are having poor seasons by their own standards as they have shown before over a pretty consistant period (pretty much a whole season) they can perform a lot better.


    Now I do think out of the two Charles is going to be the better player but it does beg me to question why Milner is often slated on here where as N'Zogbia is often given excuses. Both have a lot of reasons to be pissed off (I think its fair to say Milner more than N'Zogbia given the final transfer day fiasco) but at least Milner doesn't look like he is in a strop all the time and works his arse off to try and make things happen.


    I can understand people will be more on Charles side as he has done the business in the black and white shirt but to completely ignore the performances James put in for Villa last season is a little naive IMHO.


  8. ...pathetic.


    Don't pretend you thought anyone was goign to go and kick the doors in and cause a scene.


    As far as i know, its not a ****ing state secret what hotel footballers stay at.


    "Power" mad, tbh.


    It only takes one idiot to do something stupid and as you so consistantly demonstrate, there are pelnty of them about.


    Ooh, an insult. But i guess the no insulting ideas doesn't include big powerful people like you?


    Your postings are occasionally - although only very occasionally - interesting, but the most memorable thing about you is the stupid action with the aforementioned thread. Well done.


    Where does it say no insulting ideas?


    If you're that hurt by it click "report to moderator", I won't interfere, if it's considered worthy of a ban I'll happily take one, I wouldn't want such a delicate-flower as yourself to suffer any traumatising mental anguish due to something I said.





    Don't worry yourself, mate. The day anyone is actually genuinely bothered by someone like you would be a ****ing sad day indeed.

    Keep it up though - your saving of the team hotel in London is a very valuable public service. Good boy.


    Makes this thread pretty ironic....

  9. At the end of the day its the board/chairman who employ the manager therefore it surely falls on their shoulders if the man they have employed to take charges of transfers etc f*cks up!


    This whole thread is just a great big "well YOU wanted this" for future reference but as Wullie pointed out, its the board who have put us in this position and as much as you would like some ammo to fight your corner when it does all go tits up people will still know where the real problems lie and not "well poster xxxxx said we should do this"

  10. Zog was playing left back when he joined us. was a winger in his youth. Shoot me down if I'm wrong. As I recall he was progressing well and putting in some exiting performances. Then moved forward to left wing to make room for Babayaro. Then we bought a collection of left wingers and he moves inside. Wouldn't you have an attitude problem.


    Personally I would be dissapointed to see him leave. But we have the bare bones of a decent squad so of course we need two left wingers. Luque is just as happy inside and forward, Dyer is crap on the left so where is the problem - oh yes we are NUFC who trialed Loui Saha and let him go.


    Zog see's himself as a CM so surely he would be happy about being moved to CM?

  11. Pah, tit or no tit, it's a nothing incident.


    It is but I lost a little bit of respect for him.




    (which im sure he is really bothered about  :lol: )

  12. It was **** all. Media frenzy once again.


    He was still a huge tit head  :lol:


    Get your swear filter off you pansy!


    I didn't think owt to it. Pardew was acting like a prick, as Mourinho was the other night in Barcelona. One gets support, one gets critisised. I wonder why.


    Pardew celebrated because his team had scored a goal against a top side when he was/is under real pressure, Wenger throws a strop. Pardew tries to apologise, Wenger has none of it. Pardew does the grown up thing, Wenger is still sulking and even his staff are acting a bit childish. Pardew comes out to the media, gives his side of events and even apologises when he shouldnt have to, Wenger refuses to speak to anyone.


    Wenger = tit in this incident im afraid!

  13. Really don't see how Roeder can get much of the blame for the state we are in. He has inherited a mess. The squad we have is pathetic for a big club like ours and that is the reult of poor decisions and bad planning way before Roeder came along. The players need to take some of the blame too. Can you ever imagine Lee Clark ever playing with the nonchalent attitude that so many of our current squad show?


    Roeder should be given the time and the money to get us out of this. I think he could  be a brilliant manager for us.


    We have so many problems now, getting rid of Roeder is only going to make things worse.


    He seems to have no tactical awareness and wasted the summer fannying about and not signing the players we need! He can take a lot of the blame tbh!

  14. Weird. A was just thinking about what a good little player Lennon was earlier, my second thought was how long it will take chelsea to swoop. However, the papers probably are also speculating.


    Lennon would probably fit in to Man Utd's style of play more than Chelsea.


    I'm inclined to agree with you tbh.  Having said that, I am assured that, whatever Mourinho says, an approach has been  made.  I also understand that Defoe has today verbally requested a move in January and will be putting it in writing this week.


    Off to a feeder club I hope.

  15. Something different from the doom and gloom of Newcastle United.


    Simple question. Ben Foster or Scott Carson? Paul Robinson has been proven to be a decent keeper but nothing more than that. Christ Kirkland is not really consistent and is too injury prone for a keeper. Both Carson and Foster are having smashing season thus far. Who, amongst these two, should replace Paul Robinson? Or do you have any other recommendation, such as Nicky Weaver or Steve Harper?


    For me Ben Foster is a better keeper. Both Carson and Foster are fantastic shot stopper, but Foster dominates the penalty box more. And he releases his balls quickly (due to good football education from Boothroyd), either a long throw to an advancing player or a long kick straight to just outside penalty box for King to wreak havoc.


    Foster, to me, would soon be the best keeper in premiership.




    I have seen Carson have a couple of dodgy moments this season and Foster has looked very solid. Certainly both very promising prospects. From what I have seen it would have to be Foster but I have seen very little of either.

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